This is the updated model for 2014, thin bezel. First time I've seen it go on sale, and at a decent 30%. Comes with a "Dell’s Premium Panel Guarantee and Advanced Exchange Service" since it's an Ultrasharp model.
Dell UltraSharp U2414H $286 (30% off Incl. Delivery)

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I've still got my old 2405 - going strong as a second monitor for the missus!
My old 2405 is still my main monitor. The middle part is going a little orange now, mostly visible when viewing something all white. Might be time to upgrade.
I got a 2405 during the famous group buy, only to sell it to someone who missed out because I was overwhelmed by the size of the thing (sitting in front of it felt like staring into the sun). Funny in hindsight, as I now have a 2412, but salivate for a 2713.
Got one via that group buy too. I used to think it was massive, now it feels normal. If I had a bit more cash to spend, I'd definitely go for the 27".
If you game, make sure you got enough to also upgrade your card if you get a 27. You'll definitely need it.
My 2405FPW is still going strong till this date (bought in early 2006 on that famous whirlpool group for $1100 ) ! And because its been so good i don't feel like tossing it out either.
Can't get a second monitor for dual screen as then they would would be vastly different in looks and display which would erk me everytime i look at them ;)
Still deciding what to do with it ! It's survived 6 house moves as well this god damn beautiful thing ;)
Still unsure if i should get 3x 24" or 2x 27" once my 2405 dies or is forced to die :)
Funny I just had to ditto that…exactly same predicament…
Yeah I couldn't do it as a second monitor either due to the colour diff, ended up getting 3x Samsung 2443BW+ monitors for triple screen. Love the 1920x1200, can hardly see myself "upgrading" to 1080p monitors anytime soon! Maybe to 144Hz or this new NVIDIA G-SYNC one day when I'm feeling rich in the far future.
The 4K monitors is the next step I think. I also own 2 x 2407's.
I know they're 30hz atm but that shouldn't effect what I do. Plus, a 32-40" would mean 1 instead of dual/triple. I know that sounds huge but it will seem normal eventually :)…
Getting to 60Hz………once they hit 100Hz (and not $3k) im in
Yeah you really do get used to the extra screen real estate that 16:10 gives you.
Does anybody know whether this monitor has DVI input port or not? As I checked Dell website, it only mentions as "1 DisplayPort (version 1.2a)".
I don't know what does this means.
No DVI, but it's got HDMI which converts easily with an adaptor/cable.
I bought a dvi-displayport cable for work. no signal conversion required, just the plug ends being different. Although the displayport is on the computer and the dvi is on the monitor, should be the same principle.
Nice. Been waiting for this to go below $300.
Just keep in mind folks that this is a 16:9 monitor. If you do a bit of photography or graphic work you will get more joy from a U2412M 24", which is a 16:10 (1920 X 1200). Bit more screen real estate.
I picked the U2412M up a few weeks back and it's great, as I'm sure this is.
Interestingly, the U2412M still has a higher standard price than its newer thin-bezeled cousin.
Either way, I'm sure you'll love this as it's still in the Ultrasharp family of Dell monitors.
Anyone know of other Dell 16:10 monitors at a similar price point to the U2412M. I've had a couple of them for the past 2 years and have been very happy with the purchase, looking to get 2 more but just wondering if anything else has been released since then?
Exactly my thoughts, I thought all U24XXX models were 16:10… guess I was wrong
Thanks for pointing this out - I jumped out of bed this morning coming back to Ozb to buy a couple of these (im a 16:10 fan) and i'm glad I read your post - thanks !
I'm a big fan of 16:10 screens. My 9 years old 2405FPW still working great, as is my 3 years old U3011, both 16:10 screens. I have been resisting 16:9 screens.
God damn it. After waiting for this for months, I bought two S2440L's two days ago. Ugh.
this would be great for consoles with it's 2 hdmi inputs!
no usb ports on the sides or front is a step back though… actually a deal breaker for me, i really wanted to get rid of my hub.
My experience with Dell Monitor USB ports has been fairly poor. I've returned 2 of the 2713H monitors because of crap USB. I wouldn't make that a deciding point.
Ozbargainers, what's your opinion on 120hz vs 60hz for gaming?
Once you go 120hz, you can't go back. Not just for fps gaming, it makes any game feel super smooth.
120hz only if your computer can actually run the game at 120fps, there is little point otherwise.
Any recommendations on a 24" 120hz monitor?
Pretty much.
Most people will break the bank trying to come up with a tri-SLI/CF rig that can actually achieve a consistent 120FPS at high settings for modern games, especially at resolutions over 1920x1080; you can forget about having a 3-way monitor setup with three, 120Hz panels, as you'd need a supercomputer to make that work.
The only way around this is if you don't mind your games looking like complete ass on the lowest settings, in order to get the FPS above 120.
Don't forget, you computer has to be able to output 120 FPS in order to see a difference (obviously)
60Hz vs. 120Hz as a direct comparison is silly really. It's like comparing a mouldy apple to a fresh apple, one is objectively better. The real discussion to be had is 120Hz vs. IPS panels - generally speaking all 120Hz panels being sold are the older TN type LCD. These have worse colour, worse blacks and poorer viewing angles, but they run at the higher refresh rates giving smoother gameplay. IPS panels on the other hand have better image reproduction and viewing angles, but generally lack the response time and aren't generally sold at anything higher than 60Hz. Basically it boils down to a fight between image quality and animation smoothness, best to make your decision based on what you normally use the screens for.
There are exceptions and borderline cases of course. Many of the Korean IPS screens on eBay from Korea can be overclocked to 96/110/120Hz and are 1440p to boot, though these can be hit and miss. You're also taking a gamble on image quality, with dead/stuck pixels and backlight bleeding being somewhat common issues. Another exception is my 120Hz screens - to me they seem to have better image quality than most TN panels I see; they're still not IPS level good though.
EDIT: Gosh, that was a condescending comment. I'm sorry. I think I misread your question, then… yeah :/
For gaming I find 120Hz fantastic, it feels great when stuff runs that fast or even at 90fps+, I definitely notice the difference. That said for many games (stuff that isn't fast paced) I don't think it's critical, I can play a game at 60fps and it feels ok. I'd say switching from a single screen to a surround/eyefinity setup makes more of an impact than 120Hz but is more of a pain to get working with (most) games.
Hay guys Dell has a $700 4k monitor selling in the US, if we wait long enough maybe it'll get here…tons of value for money! Unless they gank us with the Australia tax
Isn't it cheap because it only manages 30hz at 4K?
gank? interesting choice of words. Im guessing you must be a MOBA player?
It happens in MMOs too when people get attacked zoning into a hostile zone and getting killed while they're at loading screen.
30Hz sucks though
The 4k monitor is not IPS so the picture quality won't be great even though the resolution is.
I know this must seem like a very stupid question but the way the website displays this monster all the examples are of it with a second monitor by it's side, this is the price for 1 24" or is this some kinda pack where you get 2 of them for duel screening?
Also is this led and 100hz?
You get one of them and no it is not 100hz (60hz). Lighting is by LED however.
In any case, very very cheap for a Dell UltraSharp
one stupid question. isnt it a 1080P monitor, i thought the ultrasharps were slightly higher resolution.
thanksNope, that's just what Dell would like you to believe, just goes to show good naming works wonders.
It is a 1080P, but the screen itself is 16:9 aspect ratio and not 16:10; Also the screen size is 23.8" and not 24".
Yes this monitor is 1080p. And agreed, the 27" ultrasharps are 2560X1440 so I personally wouldn't settle for 1080p even though this is only 24". Good price for what it is though.
We just started rolling these out at work.. Brilliant displays!
Keep in mind that this only had HDMI and Display Port inputs.
Anyone able to recommend a 22" under $200 i missed the other dell.
god damn 16:9 shit
Is it eIPS or sIPS? Does it use 6 bit plus dithering to simulate 8 bit, or true 8 bit? Price is a bit too good for 8 bit sIPS imo.
does it comes with the display port cable?
I'll take a fairly educated punt and say, "no" but given the others would previously come with a DVI and VGA cable, you just never know!
According to the tech specs sheet, it comes with a "DP cable ( Mini-DP to DP)".
It comes with only a mini-DP to DP cable, USB3 cable, and power cable.
I've got three of these, purchased a couple of weeks ago through my work for $291ea delivered.
They are awesome monitors for the price. Excellent buy with the current price reduction.How does this compare with the "Dell UltraSharp U2410"?
Does it just lose the card readers and the 1200p vs 1080p panels?
I only just bought a U2410!!! Manufactuer refurb from pcmeal on eBay, was $280 delivered but I see they have upped another $100 or so.
A nice monitor athough the bezel is even thicker than my previous 2407WFP… Makes this thin bezel + 3 year warranty very attractive!
Note - for the help of others, I did go up to a 27" but even after a year it was just too big! Much happier with the 24. Horses for course, although I did also read that productivity benefits peak at 24", 27"+ and users spend more time looking for the mouse pointer on their screen, etc. Not to mention you basically need a ~$1000 video card setup (SLI or CF) if you want to play new release FPS's on high quality.
The U2410 is more colour accurate, but uses conventional lighting, so it uses up much more power. Great for desktop publishing, or CAD work.
Check to see what revision your monitor is. If it is A00, or A01, then you should update the firmware on it, to address panel colour tint issues. There is a small pull-out tab, on the left side of your monitor.
Send me a message if your monitor is older, and I'll send you a link for the newer firmware.
You can also check the service menu, to see how many hours your refurbished unit has been used. "access the service menu by turning the monitor off, then holding down the second and fourth button (from the top) whilst also holding the power button. The LEDs should start lighting up - once they are all on press the top button".
Anyone have any idea how long the sale will last? I'd love to grab one of these but can't afford it until next week.
Sweet, I should be able to grab one then. Thanks! (and well spotted)
My HP DESKTOP PC is currently connected to a monitor via DVI, just wondering if I can just buy a DisplayPort cable to connect to this monitor or my graphic card has to support DisplayPort connectivity specifically to use this monitor ? ( this monitor does not support DVI connection). Many thanks for any info.
Apparently not. You can convert DVI to DP but not the other way around. I bought two of these and have 2x DVI ports on my PC so I've gone and bought two HDMI cables & two HDMI to DVI adapters. Should do the trick given this monitor has 2x HDMI ports.
thanks for the info Jayau
Thanks for posting - have just ordered. Time for a change from my all Samsung household.
If this was 16:10 I'd jump on it.
I'm guessing that's how you broke your old monitor.
Anyone used the AC511 sound bar and have feedback?…Thinking of using this as the bedroom monitor to watch Netflix and use PS3.
Would anyone recommend using these on an iMac for extra displays? Not sure how the monitors would look next to it. I'm assuming as it's Mini Display Ports, that daisy chaining won't work too?
Not sure how the monitors would look next to it.
I don't think the silver and black of the monitor would clash a great deal with the silver and black of the iMac. I kid, of course. The matte finish might jar a little bit with the glossyness of the iMac though.
It's an e-IPS 6 bit panel with FRC.
Do they have a more premium panel in 24" with this resolution? I'm talking s-IPS with true 8 bit. Yes, I am willing to pay double the price of this.
No, you'd have to buy the 16:10 U2413, which uses AH-IPS(8-bit).
Do they sell this in Australia?
Yes, just wait for it to get the 30% off deal:…
Thanks man.
Never dealt with Dell before and now can say monitor arrived yesterday within the time frame they promised and is beautiful.
The cardboard packaging alone is the work of a genius.
Thanks again to OP.
When did you order? Ordered one for my Grandma on Tuesday night and it still hasn't turned up - I woulda thought 2 business days to deliver to Sydney would be achievable. Dell's order tracking system is crap. They certainly seem to have gone down hill from how good they were back in the day…
I ordered mine on a Monday and it got delivered by Wednesday. I'm in Melbourne btw.
Lucky. I ordered on Friday the 21st and I'm still waiting. It's also Labour day over here tomorrow :\ Hopefully it arrives Tuesday/Wednesday.
Ah, the joys of living in Perth.
This panel is one of the most beautiful panel's I've ever seen.
I paid $300 delivered off an Ebay Reseller (missed out on this deal).
The panel is fantastic in direct sunlight, and super slim bezel makes one fine centerpiece on any desk.
I'm in love.
Awesome! Time to sell the 2407 and 2408 me thinks - will miss the component and composite connections though (even though I havent used them in forever lol)