McDonalds Happy Meal (Circa) $4.45

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So in the footsteps of the great Mcdonalds $1.40 McFlurry,, I thought I’d tell you all about my kids Happy meal.
So we all know that a burger, chips, soft drink and a toy at around $4.45 is gold. It keeps the kids happy and makes for a cheap dinner that we as parents don’t need to prepare.
But we also all know that it’s probably not the best nutritional choice for our little ones, but as we only do it occasionally, it’s all good…..
CAVEAT: if the following is received positively, it was all my idea. If it is received negatively, then it was my wife’s idea OK?
Instead of the burger we get our kids a grilled chicken wrap
Instead of the soft drink we get water.
And instead of the fries we get apple slices.
But now you can go one better and substitute the fries for a garden salad
I tried at my local Mcdonalds to swap the fries for a garden salad and they were adamant that it could not be done. After an online complaint to McDonalds, the franchise in question rang me within a day and confirmed that I could in fact swap fries for a garden salad and that they (the franchise) were wrong for not allowing me to do so.
So, hope this works for someone as well as it works for us. Our kids are getting McDonalds but at the same time getting a (relatively) healthy meal, including the eye candy toy!

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  • +8

    ..Do your kids still want to eat there?

    • +6

      I don't think they care anywhere near as much about what's in the Happy Meal box as I thought! They just want to know they ate from Mcdonalds!

      • +1

        thats so true, they just want to sit under the golden arches, as a kid, we would beg to be taken to mcdonalds when approaching the big golden arches, then when the meal was in your lap, you would fall asleep and it would all go to waste.

  • Jeez

  • +1

    How is this a good deal?

  • -3

    Are you serious ???

    grilled chicken, water, apple slices and salad…

    I'd basically be paying $4.45 just for the toy!

    • Save yourself $2.25 and just buy the toy by itself then ;)

      You can do that…we usually just buy the toy and a 30c cone. 4yo is happy with that.

  • +2

    And what do you substitute the toy for?
    Quality time with the kids!!!

    • Just kidding… It was a joke!
      I'll + you on the fact that you're at least trying to make something like Maccas more nutritional!

    • substitute the toy for?

      a carrot doll

  • So you order a happy meal and ask to swap the burger for a grilled chicken wrap? Or are you ordering a grilled chicken wrap meal?

    • I assume they're ordering a Happy Meal because of the pricing and the inclusion of the toy!

      • I'm pretty sure that a Happy Meal with a grilled chicken wrap will cost more than $4.45.

        The $4.45 only applies for a junior burger, small fries and small drink.

        • jv, I dare you to go to McDonalds & prove yourself wrong for once!!
          Btw, Happy Meals come with a cheeseburger, not a junior burger wth that is…..

        • Btw, Happy Meals come with a cheeseburger, not a junior burger wth that is…..

          They have cheeseburger and junior burger options.

        • -2

          They have cheeseburgers & they have hamburgers.
          I've never heard anyone call any burger at Maccas a "junior" burger.

        • +4

          Hamburgers were called junior burgers a while ago.

        • "Hamburger (known as the Junior Burger in some countries)"

        • A junior burger is a cheeseburger without the cheese. Basically the bread, meat and sauce. Not sure if they are still on the menu or not now, but definitely did exist. The current Happy Meal comes with a cheeseburger.

        • I saw the "hamburger" on the test price list at two McDonalds. I asked them both what their "hamburger" was. Neither store knew!? I'm like… "Uh… O…. k……"

        • When I was in the UK I asked for a junior burger. The guy just blanked and asked what it was. Without thinking I said "the shitty little burger"…to which he nodded and pressed in my order…sure enough, out came my junior burger.

          I still call them junior burgers as I feel like an idiot asking for a hamburger…to which they often ask "which one?"…

        • Grew up as a kid with them called junior burgers.
          young kids here in a us working behind the have no idea what it is but i have seen a manager lean over and say that's a hamburger. … i laughed…. then i cried as it showed my age.

  • Letch, I doff my hat to your good wife and yourself.

    As the meal selection is so lean and healthy, you should indulge the kids a bit more. You'll be tripping over toys soon enough. Which may lead to…

    A true OzBargainer should sell the dupes to dopes!
    Your kids might appreciate the activity, plus they'll be (l)earning.

    I can't see a drawback. This is major win.

  • +3

    I sort of feel sorry for these kids having to eat garden salad, apple slices and water at McDonalds.

    Give them a slurpee and let them be kids.

    • +1

      Spare your pity. And don't try to guilt-trip the guy.
      He did say, after all

      They just want to know they ate from Mcdonalds!

      It was almost the same for me.
      When I was about 18 months old, my parents eventually figured out why I was jabbering and screaming whenever we'd drive past Maccas. One day they drove in, and mum says I immediately calmed down. We went in and I was happy as a clam. Dad returned with the food. I took one bite of the Junior burger and spat it out!
      For twelve years thereafter I didn't touch it.

      They tell me that in my case, it was all about the clown.

  • Instead of the soft drink we get water.

    Water can be acquired for free from taps, bubblers or at various restaurants including McDonalds by asking for "A cup of water".

    • But the drink comes with the meal. Do you want them to get the happy meal and then a cup of water on the side?

      • Get the soft drink, give it to a thin person and get a free water.

  • +4

    You complained online about what you could/couldn't switch to the meal?

    Its okay for a couple of dudes to figure out that they can lifehack their way to a cheap ice cream, but your online complaint would have passed through many people before it ended up with that stores boss.

    Imagine being that guy, working as a manager at mcdonalds, dealing with screaming babies, parents and staff members, having to call someone up and explain to them that yes, they can trade chips for a salad, and being sorry for saying otherwise.

    Its just a bit rich I guess, but to each their own.

    • +7

      I don't think the OP was out to make friends. Let's face it, you don't make friends with salad.

      • That conga rhythm also accomodates I am evil Homer.
        I like mixing the two.

    • +2

      Ummm, what the manager has to deal with is not the OP's problem. MacDonald's published on the internet that you can do that swap. So it is up to MacDonald's to filter down throughout their organisation. OP is trying to get a healthier option for the same price, kudos.

  • +1

    Can you change the drink for apple juice?

  • You don't make friends with salad.

    good stuff op. Will have to give this a go and see what the outcome is like….

  • My friend always gets her kids a $2 burger and small fries = $3 they have student edge cards and that gets them a free soft drink. All her student kids (3) have student edge cards (free cards - sign up online) and never pay for drinks at MacDonalds. Mind you no toy as the kids are early teens, but not a bad saving.

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