This was posted 10 years 11 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[ORIGIN/FREE] Battlefield 4 Handgun Shortcut Kit


Official instructions on how to install this and upcoming kits here

It's worth noting that this kit is free and does not require the base game of Battlefield 4 to purchase, only to utilise.

The Handgun Shortcut Kit contains the following unlocks:

  • M9
  • QSZ-92
  • MP443
  • SHORTY 12G
  • G18
  • FN57
  • M1911
  • 93R
  • CZ-75
  • .44 MAGNUM
  • Compact 45

This is the first opt-in shortcut bundle offered by DICE, here's a short preamble for what's in stock for the rest of February, which has been designated by the devs as the player appreciation month:

Shortcut Bundles
We are preparing two shortcut bundles for Battlefield 4 that we will make available for download at no cost during the Player Appreciation Month. These voluntary shortcut bundles will unlock all grenades and handguns for Battlefield 4 (the base game) so you can make up for lost time. Or if you’re new to the game, they will help you catch up with players who have been on the Battlefield since launch. We will get back to you with more details once we have set release dates for these items.

For all of our Battlefield 4 Premium users, we’re adding two additional weapon shortcuts, unlocking DMR’s and shotguns. That way, if you like, you can quickly get your hands on a large portion of the weapons available in Battlefield 4.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    FWIW you can still redeem this and then buy Battlefield 4 later if you want.

    • I don't know man. I just don't know.

    • +1

      I logged onto Origin (I don't have BF4) and when I went to add it to cart ($0.00) it said "This promo code does not apply to the items in your cart." Anyone else get the same?

      • +1

        Nope. Followed the link and did it in my web browser rather than Origin and it worked straight away.

  • Thanks, I enjoy Battlefield 4 but don't have time to unlock all of these items!

  • is the ps4 shortcut kit out yet?

  • Thanks :)

  • Thanks bossmode! :)

  • Thanks

  • Thank you

  • thanks. I was wondering how they were planning on making this available. Any idea when the DMR kit comes out?

  • Haven't even started playing BF4 yet despite getting it last year.

    This should help.

    • +1

      I have only played a few rounds since getting last year as well. Soooooooooo many things are locked.

      BTW even if you are not playing at the moment you should log into each day as you get a battlepack each day. DOesnt unlock weapons but does unlock some addons for weapons each day.

      • I'm logged in but I didn't see any prompt or alert about the Battlepack. Is it automatically added?

        • +1

          Yeah it just comes up in your battlepacks waiting to be opened.

  • How do you unlock the DMRs and Shotguns for Premium players?

    • Hasn't come out yet. The pistol bundle was the first of all the shortcuts to come.

  • Thankssssssss !!!!

  • +7

    Anything that saves me from playing the game but makes me feel like I'm making progress has to be a good thing.

  • Interesting move to give this away free.

    Similar shortcuts for BF3 were pretty pricey by the looks of the Origin store…

    I wish they made the AA and tank upgrades harder to obtain…

  • Don't own bf yet but got it anyway. Received my dick smith ps4 from the offer last week and loving it.

  • Did the latest patch fix the sound loop crash bug?

  • +1

    Cheers, will have to wait until bloody Second Assualt finishes downloading so I can try it out!!

  • ….so I grabbed the shortcut……stop looking at me so judgmentally! :(

  • I've head BF4 is still unplayably broken. Is this an exaggeration?

    • +5


    • ….Well I can barely stay in two rounds before I get a server disconnection……

    • I play fine on the 360. Haven't had any issues of late and to be honest the game is so good that any bugs were and are just a small hindrance.

    • +3

      Yes. In my opinion, that is absolutely an exaggeration. I play on the PC, and very, very rarely get disconnected. If it helps, I have also found Windows 8.1 64bit to be significantly more stable than Win 7 64bit.

      I think the dev team are making a good effort of fixing the bugs - and there are (were?) quite a number of them.

      They still have a patch to the net code coming, apparently - and I think that is where we'll see a game play improvement as a whole.

      • +3

        Just played a round of BF4 without getting disconnected once but on the second round encountered the sound loop crash/freeze. Am running Windows 8.1 64bit

        • +2

          Not sure why you got downvoted. I'm hoping the 18/02/14-19/02/14 patch (well, second assault release download) also fixed the sound loop freeze. That sound loop freeze was NOT there until the 13/02/14 patch.
          The servers have been very empty since that patch.

          Even dice has admitted to it finally. "WE ARE WORKING ON A FIX FOR AN ISSUE ON PC THAT CAUSES THE GAME

          Other than that, I haven't seen any major issues affecting myself personally but yeah there's a few bugs here and there.

        • And I thought it was just my crappy computer. Good to know it's not just me.

        • Nope. Not just you.

          The sound loop thing is annoying. I am running W7 at the moment (currently looking for a cheap way to do W8.1)

        • Same here. Only played a few times.
          A few days ago, crash with sound loop on map rotation.

          Two days ago started to lag really bad till i couldn't move, had to end task the .exe

          Last night it did the stupid crash with sound loops between maps again. It takes so long to load from desktop without a SSD that each time it has crashed i cant be stuffed restarting it.

    • it's fine imo. just keep adobe up to date..stop bloatware from taking over your computer and read forums and its fine.

    • -1

      I have been playing BF4 and BF3 on PS3 and have unlocked all snipers for recon class and have 33 service stars (whoa! need a life!)
      Logged into the PS4 yesterday and I had to start from the first sniper rifle - the Csr…wtf!
      Lost connection, logged back and am back with L96A…
      joined a new game and the L96A1 is gone…
      Maps are playable and smoother compared to PS3 but L2 and R2 aim and firing sucks and stop borrowing my rifles :-S

      No exaggeration intended.

      • did I offend a BF4 fanboy?
        no reply but got a neg!

    • I haven't played it in a few months, but I think it's mostly exaggeration. I did get connection issues more frequently than I'd like, but it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.

    • Its been playable for a very long time.

      Having said that there are plenty of issues they need to fix, its just that they are not needed to play the game.

    • A lot of the supposed lag/DC issues are actually misdiagnosed hardware issues; like they were in BF3. The engine is still fairly unoptimized and just has problems with certain hardware. Given that it was tailored to AMD hardware and a majority of gamers use NVidia, I'm certain that doesn't help things.

      BF3 never ran better after I disabled Hyper-Threading on my CPU. Took me forever to work that out as being the sole cause of all my lag issues.

    • Ya it's heaps better now. It's not as bad as u read on forums or on battlelog. Most people just making excuses and blaming every death on the game. I am enjoying it very much on the PS4. I am sure there are others who enjoy the game on other platforms as well. Its still not 100% perfect. But its easily playable and fun, far from what some people make it seem like it is.

      • Hey boyfromeden, do you experience the issue I stated above? My guns disappear and reappear!

        • +2

          It's a server issue that happens from time to time.
          Either try another server or log into Battlelog, change your loadout and it should work again next game.

          Had the same issue on ps4 last night

        • thanks mate, can't wait to get home.

        • Happened to me once yesterday. One one single server where I didnt have any unlocks. Rejoined the same and still the same issue. But tried a different server and it was all good. This has never happened to be me before, just yesterday. Maybe has something to do with the new SA DLC packs being rolled out.

        • Apparently its an ongoing issue, although I've never encountered it myself until yesterday.

          With that said, apparently the new maps have already caused a shit ton of new issues…

  • Awesome! Thanks OP!

  • id rather play the game and unlock it really

  • +1

    People would pay $5 for this?

  • I just unlocked them all two days ago……..

  • +1

    I've unlocked all the grenades without your help thank you very much.
    But thanks for the handguns!!

  • +1

    Thanks OP for the heads up.

    Better duck back down before I get sniped :)

  • got it already but you will only need to use the 12g

  • Cool I'm a bf4 scrub and only play it when wow's down, awesome!

  • +2

    nice find.
    BF4 Clip - Language Warning but funny as hell :)

  • I am looking forward to the DMR pack, because I loathe playing recon.

    • You can use DMR weapons with any role

      • Agreed; but don't you have to unlock the first one by playing recon?

        • Yes, unfortunately

    • In BC2 i hated recon so much i only had 1 kill total for recon for months after release. Then i started using the 870 (with slugs), VSS or g3 as recon and it was great. More of an assault recon i guess.

      I will have to do something similar with recon in BF4 by the looks of it. I hate snipers…..

  • I opened my origin account, and searched for this content, and it did not show up?

    • In Store, I searched for "handgun" (excluding quotes) and it took me straight to this item.

      That said, I "purchased" it via the website first, but I doubt that would make a difference.

  • anyone have any coupons for origin?

  • -4

    I really want to like this game but it just isn't fun to play with all the disconnect issues.

    Also, after playing Planetside 2, these tiny map FPS games just seem so limited in what you can do.

  • Good find OP.
    After the check out went to my load out in battlelog and all of the hand guns are now unlocked.

  • +2

    Available for all consoles as well. Instructions to download on PC and console -…

  • Just grabbed this from the PSN Store. Cheers for the post!


    Expired on PC I could not claim due to Origin Bug which i just fixed

    EA is terrible as they expired deal early and the link causes issues

  • +1

    I don't understand - why is this not still available? I wasn't able to claim it earlier because I was away and it was implied that it was available for the whole month.

  • Damn missed out.

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