This was posted 11 years 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Melbourne International Comedy Festival $20 Tickets


A friend just made me aware that there are some cheap early tickets for the Comedy Festival.

They have $20 for tickets. The promo lasts 20 hours.

I am not sure how much the full price tickets normally, but I am sure $20 is good value.

edit: Since this is Ticketmasters, I am sure they will charge their usual transaction and processing fees. $5 transaction fees.

edit2: I haven't been for a few years now, but some of the prices from 2011 were often around $25-$30+ for the more well known comedians. I suspect the price have gone up since then.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    How much are they usually?

      • Has your account been hijacked?

        • No, I was just paraphrasing what the OP said…

          I am not sure how much the full price tickets normally, but I am sure $20 is good value.

    • +4

      Some of the shows are $10 if you purchase directly(

    • They all vary.
      I just bought tickets to Headliners which are usually $36 each.

  • I haven't been for a few years now, but some of the prices from 2011 were often around $25-$30+ for the more well known comedians. I suspect the price have gone up since then.

  • +2

    Most of those won't be much more than $20 with the exception of Wil Anderson and Eddie Ifft.

    Most of those acts will be available at half tix I would think.

    Wil Anderson is usually a lot more and never seen any of his shows at half tix. Saw Eddie Ifft last year, even at half price he was about $25 and I would have happily paid full price he was that funny.

    Just my two cents, hope it helps

    • I will go on your recommendation mate, I just bought two tix ti Eddie Ifft so hope its good :)

      • Let Brent know Ifft isn't funny

        • +2

          Neither is Anderson.

    • +4

      Axis of Awesome are brilliant.
      Colin Lane and Frank Woodley solo aren't that fun.
      Heath Franklin is amusing if you are smashed.
      Even a free Wil Anderson show is too expensive.
      Dave Hughes should be shot into the sun.

      • Axis of Awesome are good if you haven't seen them before but they tend to recycle a lot of their songs (to be expected for a musical comedy I guess). I remember seeing them one year at the travelling roadshow though and they sang this song about killing a prostitute and it went down like a lead balloon and probably turned most the audience off, havent heard it again since though so I reckon they canned that song.

    • Now that's a marketing slogan that I can't refuse, "worth paying full price for" I had better check if tix available

  • My brothers show will be in the Comedy Fest this year. Pity it doesn't fall under the $20 category :(

  • +1

    I have 2x tickets for Henson's Puppet Up (Yes, THE Henson company) - One concession and one $20 ticket for Thursday 17th. ALL $20 tickets sold out except one for all shows but my comedy friend messaged me soon after saying she bought some. Whoops!
    Anyone interested? Usually $70 a ticket and I paid $70 + $9 booking fee for two. I'd be happy to take $70 flat free delivery if anyone wants them? Or may go lower for OzBargainers ;)

    • Yep, I'd be keen. Are they still available?

      • Sure are, if you're interested just go to your profile, allow private messages and message me so we can talk details :)

  • i went Wil Anderson (2nd, rrp $40), Headliners (9th, rrp $32), Frank Woodley (16th, rrp $35.50)

  • doc brown sample

    He's one of the funnier comics on the list

  • -4

    Edit title: For Melbourne only.

    • Isn't it obvious that it's the Melbourne International Comedy Festival?

      • Now that's funny.

      • +1

        To be fair, the Melbourne International Comedy festival does also have a travelling Roadshow that plays all over Australia.

        If you have never been then do yourself a favour, its usually a great night featuring 4-5 top acts.

    • +1

      I have seen a Melbourne International Comedy Festival show outside Melbourne. I'm not sure why I was so down-voted.

  • I got a double-header on the 20th with Wil Anderson and Dave Hughes at the Comedy Theatre - both are great comedians so it should be a good night!

  • +6

    I find it comical that people would actually pay to see Wil Anderson.

    (Awaits the negs…)

    • +1

      Does a great job on Gruen but I'm not fussed with his standup routines.

      • I mainly remember Wil from going to all the Good News Week studio recordings each week. Wil was often on the panel and involved in the GNW debates. He just wasn't funny. The only time I thought he was okay was during his Triple J days with Adam Spencer.. but I dare say Wil was only mildly humorous on there because he had Adam to bounce off.

        Dave Hughes is alright(ish). I like his whiney annoying voice and blank facial expression but it breaks the illusion when you can see him start to crack up at his own joke (the way he suppresses his laughter).

        Dunno if I'm a big fan of any Aussie comedians in particular… I do enjoy Carl Barron's stand ups though :)

    • Yeah, just see his TV shows live for free.

  • Here's a link to my post to get these tickets for free if you buy Weetbix -

  • Is this a joke post OP?!

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