Cheapest its ever been on Amazon
Only for 24 hours @ Amazon Deal of the Day
Cheapest its ever been on Amazon
Only for 24 hours @ Amazon Deal of the Day
Bought myself an Edwin Jagger 89
nice !!
I bought one of these from Amazon and can say it works great. To be able to clean the shaver under the tap after every use is fantastic. It has a sonic feature which helps with the cleaning under the tap. A lot better than before with my old Philips and Braun which would just build up with hair inside and get very messy. I use the cleaning system when I have to recharge and it works well. So I can say I am very happy with it.
bought a Sony laptop for $2000 2 years ago, died in a month. Got it replaced under warranty and its still holding strong.
Thats why there is something called warranty in this world.
Yes, I had warranty, but I chose to get my money back instead. Is that a problem? Gee your spelling is terrible.
Take it outside ladies…
Your statistical sample size is overwhelming…
I asked someone if I was awesome, they said yes, so 100% of people I asked think I'm awesome.
I have a panasonic es8103s, this looks slightly better.
How much is shipping? :)
crap that cheap . get it guys - don't hesitate!
It's got some bad reviews, enough to scare me off
Cleaning system requires ongoing purchase of liquid cleaner/gel ?
Does Amazon now ship to Aus? or will have to use forwarders?
A lot of amazon goods ship direct to australia
A lot of amazon goods don't ship to australia
It seems really random and I have to play the game of add to cart and checkout to find out
In this case it's direct
Tick the eglobal box when searching and that should bring up items that can be shipped directly
Thanks noob :)
Well.. here you go.. Just bought a Samsung 32" smart TV for $300.. from AMAZON … free shipping ! WOW!
link please?
120 V and a useless tuner….
Sorry.. Wrong.. no free shipping.. $69
Will there be an issue with voltage here in AUS?
There shouldn't be any issues with voltage for the razor, they are made to work worldwide. You just need an adapter to plug the US plug into Australian powerpoint.
You would have thought buying two would have come out a bit cheaper but anyway, came out to $92 each. Might be handy while riding the bike to work. Cheers OP
That's a nice deal. Automatic cleaning system, wonder how good that works.
I've just gone back to manual shaving with a razor so I'll pass on this. Bought myself an Edwin Jagger 89 about a month ago off Amazon too.