Hi Guys,
Just wanted to let everybody know of the awesome deal that I managed to snag via the Alaskan Airlines bonus mileage sale.
Im not going to claim any credit for this. For all the details go to this page here.
I got all the details via the Points Hack blog.
All in all I managed to snag return Qantas Business Class flights from Perth to New York return departing in November for $2521USD. The conversion hasn’t come through on my 28 Degrees Card yet but using the mastercard conversion tool the cost is about $2800 AUD.
An absolute bargain when you consider that Perth to New York economy return is usually $1800 to $2000 return. Also I think the Business class deal is great when you consider Perth to New York is about another 10 hours flight on top of something like Sydney to LAX.
Plus I wont complain about the in flight and pre flight perks of Business class.
I’ll try to outline what I did.
Signed up for an Mileage Plan account.
Bought miles and received a 40% bonus. Apparently new accounts take a few days for you to buy miles.
Book a flight using the Miles through the Alaskan Airlines booking system. Refer to the points table to find out how many points you need for whatever class, airline and destination of flight.
In my case per person the cost was 110,000 points per person plus $174 USD in taxes/charges.
Be wary of flights that use mixed class itenaries. You may need to be flexible a few days to get the flight that you want.
All up the cost was $174 USD in taxes.
$12.50 USD in charges to Alaskan.
$2335 USD to purchase the 110,000 miles.
=2521.50 USD
I have no idea what Business Class fares usually go on cheap sale prices for, but I do know it is nowhere near $2800. For us it was an affordable way for my partner and I to travel Business class to the to US.
Is this cost effective for economy flights too?