Fairly certain this hasn't been posted up yet – my senses are finely tuned to detect even the slightest mention of Biozet liquid so it's pretty hard to slip a mention of it past me!
But yes, I was just parousing the aisles of my local Woolies when I noticed that Biozet Liquid 1L bottles were half price! Naturally, I did the only reasonable thing and had myself a little freak out and then lunged to stock up, but upon raising my eyes to the shelf above, I discovered to my horror that someone had beaten me to it and cleared off the shelf. So I demanded a rain check. The lady initally refused, stating that Woolies does not give out rain checks on the first day of any sale. This smelled suspiciously like the proverbial bullpoop, so I argued and claimed I couldn't attend the store on any other day before the sale was completed. So she gave me a rain check, but limited my quantity to two.
So, happy ending readlly.
Slightly sad that I only recently bought a 2L bottle of Cold Power because it was on sale. I am filled with remorse for having lowered myself from the lofty heights of Biozet for such common fare when this bargain was just around the corner. But how was I to know… how was I to know..
Anyway, hope there are other Biozet enthusiasts out there who can benefit from this.
Excellent find, thanks much appreciated