Cord Blood Store with


Does anyone have any experience of storing cord blood with Cellcare, Australia?


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Cell Care
Cell Care


  • No, we used cryosite, which was the only one at the time. It was a new procedure. May have been the first one my ob-gyn had collected.

    • We've also used cryosite, quite impressed by the cord blood collection person, A+++ would spend many k's again.

  • I'm considering using Cellcare or StemLife as we're expecting, they're about the same in terms of cost for a 25 year storage, just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on either?

    • We went for Cellcare. If you haven't enrolled yet, I can send you my referral code. Just one word of advise, call the collector early don't wait till the end.

      • Hi,
        Did you use cellcare? . I'm planning to register for my baby too. Could you please share your refer a friend code and details to my email ID

        [email protected]

  • Hi

    Can you please mail me the referral code
    my email id is [email protected]

  • Hello, I am planning to use Cell Care and looking for a referral to get discount. If anyone like to help me, please send the referral code to my email ID [email protected]

    • sent you an email.

      • Hi prince,

        Could you please send me the refer a friend code for cell care to [email protected]

  • Me too - if anyone has a referral code please email me too [email protected]

  • i am registering at the moment
    i think referral code cannot use in conjunction with the voucher

    both you and your friend will receive a storage voucher of $150 if they choose to store cord blood or a storage voucher of $300 if they choose to store cord blood and tissue.

    with voucher, it's $200 off for cord blood storage or $400 for cord blood and tissue storage.

  • Hi

    Can you please send me the refer a friend voucher to [email protected]

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