Does anyone have any experience of storing cord blood with Cellcare, Australia?
Does anyone have any experience of storing cord blood with Cellcare, Australia?
We've also used cryosite, quite impressed by the cord blood collection person, A+++ would spend many k's again.
I'm considering using Cellcare or StemLife as we're expecting, they're about the same in terms of cost for a 25 year storage, just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on either?
We went for Cellcare. If you haven't enrolled yet, I can send you my referral code. Just one word of advise, call the collector early don't wait till the end.
Did you use cellcare? . I'm planning to register for my baby too. Could you please share your refer a friend code and details to my email ID
Please pm me your details. I will have to fill this page: https://www.cellcare.com.au/banking-with-cell-care/refer-a-f…
Did you use cellcare? . I'm planning to register for my baby. Could you please share your refer a friend code and details to my email ID
sent you an email.
Hello, I am planning to use Cell Care and looking for a referral to get discount. If anyone like to help me, please send the referral code to my email ID [email protected]
sent you an email.
i am registering at the moment
i think referral code cannot use in conjunction with the voucher
both you and your friend will receive a storage voucher of $150 if they choose to store cord blood or a storage voucher of $300 if they choose to store cord blood and tissue.
with voucher, it's $200 off for cord blood storage or $400 for cord blood and tissue storage.
No, we used cryosite, which was the only one at the time. It was a new procedure. May have been the first one my ob-gyn had collected.