This was posted 11 years 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nikon D600 Lens Kit Clearance, $1949 at The Good Guys [O'Connor, WA]


First time Poster so be cool kids.. haha

Found a great price for a Nikon D600 24-80 VR Lens kit from the Good Guys in Perth O'Connor. If any aspiring photographers want to jump onto the FX wagon.
I'm not sure if other states or stores will have them in stock,will probably need to give your local store a call. I couldn't find it on there online store website, so it seems to be Hush Hush.
Was just lucky to walk in there and see it priced as it was for $1949 . They are selling the D610 kit for I think $2599 so…
Most stores are still selling just the body at it's RRP and there are some grey importers that have comparable prices with the same kit such as…. and….
However, not local Australian warranty so I believe this is a good price for what you're getting!

Anyway, just thought I'd let the Community Know.


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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • -1
  • +2

    With D600, you might want to buy local warranty due to the known issue with flying particles sticking onto the low pass filter after a few thousand clicks.…

    • Agreed. I'm planning to move to full frame, and the D600 is a good camera (and I had been saving up to get it), but now I'm seriously considering shifting from Nikon and getting the Sony A7 (even though there will be some pain involved with selling some lenses etc - and yes I know I can get adapters and maybe I might do that with say my 50mm f1.4) partly because of the way this issue was handled by Nikon.

      • +2

        you must be kidding. for any tiny issue you switch brands, you'll be switching brands twice a year.

        • +1

          "Tiny issue" - spoken like someone who isn't a photographer.

        • +1

          Sigh. I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but….

          I did say "partly because of the way this was handled by Nikon". This is not a decision I am making lightly. Reasons for considering include but are not limited to:
          * Even though many people were able to show the issue with spots appearing even with a brand new body without changing the lens, and Nikon eventually brought out the D610 with a modified shutter to address the issue (plus provide a few other tweaks), they never really admitted to there being an issue. Rather they eventually simply said to send the body back to be cleaned - with no guarantee that the cause would be fixed. In other words, you may be doomed to do that for the life of the camera. People are buying them because they want to take higher quality images and having spots on the images means that it is not doing what it is supposed to be doing. I can guarantee that the resale price for second hand D600 cameras is going to be impacted. Think Edsels.
          * This is not the first time Nikon appears to have had an 'ignore it and maybe it will go away' attitude in particular for the non-pro gear - for example back/front focus issues ( with some bodies has also never been acknowledged as an issue by Nikon. Again, just send it back and be without the camera for a while, possibly having to pay for shipping etc.
          * I have a fair bit of Nikon kit, but not a huge investment and will get some money for it through eBay so it's not a total waste
          * D6x0 full frame camera is significantly larger/heavier than the A7
          * The A7 has adapters to enable mounting a huge number of legacy lenses without requiring some form of lens in the adapter itself that can impact quality - so I can still keep some of my Nikon glass if I want, as well as my flash (although that too would become manual) as well as maybe hunt for older lenses on eBay etc that could be cool to play with
          * The A7 also allows focus peaking to make using lenses in manual mode pretty easy
          * If you have the $$, you can already get some nice Zeiss glass to fit the A7, with more planned, and you will get full focus/aperture control [you can get Zeiss to fit the Nikon but generally manual only]
          * The A7 is mirrorless, so lighter, smaller, less moving parts to go wrong, and other advantages such as no flapping mirror in there pushing air & dust around

          Yes, the new world is not perfect. The A7 is not suited to sport (but I don't do that sort of photography now), not a big fan of the user interface or the viewfinder, the Sony glass is good but not fantastic and selection of lenses that fully suit the mount is small, flash gun selection that support TTL is small…. so it's maybe a little early to jump (perhaps the next release would be better), but we'll see.

      • save up a bit more for the D610 then

      • -1

        If you are not neck deep in Nikon, do try switching to Sony.
        But how Sony au stock and price the premium lens range, you might want to do some reading first.

  • what's the difference in feature from 600 to 610? is it just fps?

    • New shutter design and a bit higher fps :)

  • Thanks, but that Dust on Sensor problem is a deal breaker, since Nikons answer is yes, they will help "reduce" the occurrence of dust on sensor. nope! keep it! total fix or 610, ciao.

    • Well i've taken a few shots on it so far, and not one dust particle or any other issues that others seem to have experienced with this model. So far so good!
      I read that majority of the time "Dust Particles" are there from the get go.. luckily not so far in my case.. so hopefully I got one of the later manufactured models.
      Plus seen reports from overseas users, that Nikon has been replacing the D600 with the D610 if any serious issues arise during the warranty period of the D600… but you never know here.. haha

      • Try after 5k clicks.
        Late Nov 2013 batch still have the issue when I test it.

        • HAHA okays i'll have to take the baby out for a heavy spin over the weekend and see if it comes up with any dust issues. will report back after weekend. Cheers bnh ;)

  • As much as I probably won't jump for it, I do have to say this is a great price for a non-grey D600+kit lens. Register it, and you will have 2 years local genuine Nikon warranty. Most of the dust/spot issues seem to have been fixed by Nikon so, worse case, you may have to part with the camera for a week or two as it's cleaned.

  • Out of all honesty, more focus should be put on the Lens, over the years I have gather a few "mediocre" standard lens,
    My favourite is the 18-70mm that came with my D70 10 years ago!, but like the rest they all have a minimum aperture of F3.5

    not good enough, save up for a 24-70 F2.8 and a whole new world will open up!

    • +1

      This is true to some extent.. but being that it is a bundle price and not just $1949 just for the Body of the camera. Makes your statement invalid I'm afraid… not to be an Ass.. but it does. Agreed the 24-70 is, excuse my French here, A (profanity) Amazing lens.
      It is in it's self a $2000 plus lens.. I was merely bring on board the price as a kit system to get people that were interested in getting into the FX range at a good price point.

    • +1

      The zoom is handy and perfectly fine for general travel and happy snaps etc. Consider the lens that comes with the camera as a freebie - worth getting if it doesn't cost too much. You can always flog the lens on eBay and get some money to put towards something else - effectively bringing the cost of the camera down. If you can afford it, yep get the more expensive glass. Me - I'd always suggest getting some primes. A fast 50mm (eg the f1.4), then depending on your requirements a 24mm or a 85mm and you use your legs to zoom. ;-)

      [as an aside, I love the Tarmon SP 90mm, although you can get the Nikon F1.8 85mm for less and it's probably a better bet]

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