I can't find a reference to it on the EB Games front page, but they seem to be dumping a bunch of stuff.
Not a lot of gold in there, but if you want to pickup a few older games there seems to be some good choices.
- Duke Nukem Forever for $4 if you're feeling masochistic / sadistic :-)
- Diablo II: Gold Edition $4
- Batman: Arkham Asylum - $4
- MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship - $4
- Two Worlds II: Velvet Game of the Year Edition $4
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 $12
Edit: Seems EB Games is still updating the site. Some games are available online, some in-store only. If someone finds a list of what's on sale directly on the site, please let me know.
Mod: For more deals, see OP's price comparison site: http://ozgamegoat.com/drops/latest/all/7days/ebgames
Wow, this would have to be the most detail starved bargain I've seen.
"Someone has stuff if you want it."
EDIT: Whoa, slow down…you've now added the price of an item!