Websites - What would you like to see?

Hello, I'm looking for something to do in my spare time. I would like to make some kind of website to get started in my web-career. I would like to make a website about motorcycles, but I figure that there are 100 motorcycle forums out there already. So what would you like to see that is different from the norm? I have been trying lately to learn Ruby on Rails, but man! The set-up is killer! I'm gonna stick it out with RoR, because once you break through the learning curve barrier it pays off.

I'm looking for any ideas about websites or niches that aren't already catered for, kind of a "Whats missing from the internet?". Hopefully, I find something fun and with a lot of learning potential.


  • +1

    Why not offer to revamp a not for profit association, club or sporting team's website instead?

    • good thought:)

  • I can't think of anything motorcyclish.

    Not-for-profit is a great idea but these days most of the smaller organisations would want a low-maintenance, self-managed and developer-transferable CMS like Wordpress rather than a customised solution (using Ruby-on-Rails or otherwise). If there was a specialised yet non-urgent application they needed that would be perfect for you but you'd want to follow through with it. Once you build up enough experience in you might do a Zuckerberg to them ala the Social Network and abandon them for personal projects :)

    There are quite a few motorbike charities out there :)

  • I'm looking for any ideas about websites or niches that aren't already catered for, kind of a "Whats missing from the internet?"

    Well. People knowing about those uncatered niches are all too busy coding away on their computers than coming here to share the ideas.

    On the other hand, what's wrong with taking an existing concept and making it better? On the web pretty much everyone is building on top of everyone else's experience. Why not take your favourite motorcycle website and add in the features that you want?

  • +1

    Not sure how it is in other states (I assume the same) but it would be great to have a website that shows voting history by MP or by bill. In Victoria, they release these long PDF documents that list votes for each bill but its not really that sufficient of a system. Sort of like how MSY used to just have giant PDFs of its price lists. You'd be amazed (or maybe not) how much politicians contradict themselves. Very short memories so at least this would make government a bit more transparent.

  • +1

    Oh another idea. A site that compares charities which can include administration %. We made a little table a couple of years ago but it would great to put in criteria such as State, admin %, category and stuff like that. The data for that is a bit more difficult to track down as you need to contact the charities or go through their statements they publish on their website (if they have one). The US has sites like these but haven't seen any for Australia.

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