Odo glass ruined! Armor caused it? What's Next?

Hi Guys,

I never cleaned my odo dial since buying the car from a dealer a while ago. I believe the dealer has used Armor extensively on the dash to make it shine.

Yesterday, I took a damp cloth to wipe my dash and the odo dial.
My odo dial now has a residue ….I removed the glass from the dash … tried so many options to clean it up …. it wouldn't go :(

I see the following on the web, my odo dial looks exactly like this

What are my options? Looks like I might have to get a replacement dial.



  • You'd have to polish the glass to get rid of it. Chances are the dealer might've used something that caused the glass to cloud, but you can probably use cerium oxide (purchasable on eBay or here) to buff the surface.


    • Thanks, the glass was fine until yesterday when I wiped the dash and the odo dial using the same damp cloth :(

  • +3

    Is it a glass or plastic finish? I know this happened to one of the guys on a car forum and it was easier for him to buy a used speedometer and change the plastic cover.

    • +2

      Bound to be plastic nowadays - I haven't seen glass used for this purpose since about the 1950's!

    • plastic mate (98 Camry)

  • +1

    lol I did that once. some toothpaste and scrubbing with a soft cloth should fix it.

    • thanks! it seems to work!

      • +1

        it'll take some time but keep at it and it will go away

  • +1

    Mate try brasso. If it has not etched deeply into the plastic it will come up like new.
    May need some elbow grease though.

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