Found this recently when looking at signing up to internode. Signup for a 24 month Naked ADSL, Standard ADSL, or NBN Broadband plan through and receive $100 credit. New customers only.
Internode - $100 Credit for New Customers Joining on 24-Month Naked, DSL Broadband or NBN Plans
Last edited 06/02/2014 - 14:00 by 1 other user
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Internode thanks you for your support and appreciates your business.
There you go.
I wish.
If only I WASN'T an existing internode customer then I could take advantage of deals like this.
Its really making me wish I wasn't an internode customer…
Too much hype, not enough gigiabits
Please, some consideration please. It hurts to hear people talk about gigabits. Most of us in WA will never get to see fibre for another 50 years, and still measure speed in precious megabits (if even that).
I think Ozbargain needs an option to hide NBN deals, to ease the pain for most members.
Wasn't even talking NBN. Internodes data allowances are horrible… value is getting worse all the time with their 'extra value services' and 'upper class' diminishing daily thanks to iiNet
Good old Internode. Haven't changed a bit.
Don't complain to us, complain to your state government. Why can't WA pay for it's own fibre optic network? Isn't that why WA led the charge to throw the old mob out? So they can hoard away the billions from mining and keep it to themselves? One would have thought with the mountain of cash made dynamiting the @#$% out of the outback, driving oversized Tonka trucks and hauling dirt to China, WA have more than enough dough to lay some fibre cable.
Won't get any argument from me. Guess they need the money to kill endangered sharks. But in all fairness, when it comes to major infrastructure investments, it's WA money ending up being invested elsewhere. We're the forgotten state. Ask Bing Lee - they won't even ship to us for free :)
That's a whopping $4.16 per month!
Thats a 3/4 off a coffee in Perth bro.
or 1.1 coffees in Melbourne…
Eh? I mostly got coffees < $4 in perth. You must drink large
We're all adults here, aren't we?
I paid $5 for a large tea recently (Perth of course). Tea. For $5.
Wow expensive plans
TPG gives unlimited internet + home phone for $60/month (ADSL 2+)
Internode gives 1.2GB (uploads counted) and phone for $120/month (ADSL 2+)So in less than 2 months into your 24 month contract you would be better off with TPG
Some people cannot get TPG unlimited.. I applied about 2 months ago and was declined and had to jump through hoops for them to tell me why..
that's a strange request… surely they would just ask you to confirm name and DOB before telling you why
I am guessing TPG uses Optus equipment, so yes some exchanges (especially regional ones) you might not be able to get.
I suggest maybe club telco then. $60/month no phone but you can get a lite plan with Telstra for about $23 a monthSaving you $37/month with unlimited data vs 1.2TB (Sorry I meant TB above)
TPG uses their own equipment, so it depends if they have DSLAMs in your exchange, whether it is full or has spare ports and also what their backhaul situation is like. TPG has a lot of their own fibre too, but in places where they don't, they would have to lease fibre from another telco from the exchange back into their core network.
tl;dr If TPG doesn't have any gear in your exchange you can't get unlimited. You'll be placed on a Telstra port and only have off-net plans available to you.
Like me, stuck on a dearer offnet plan :/
They keep telling me ADSL2 is coming, but I was beginning to turn blue when holding my breath in anticipation.
and had to jump through hoops for them to tell me why.
they asked me to balance a beach ball on my nose… it wasn't easy…
Who put their balls on your nose?! Did they make you swallow too?
Wow expensive plans
Some of us want quality over quantity and Internode are renown at offering one of the best quality networks and help desks. It is worth recommending Internode to family and friends just because the help desk is so helpful they will ring Internode first.
I agree.. but also disagree :)
ADSL2 runs on copper which means many people are going to have a bad time and will normally result in lower sync speeds to compensate.
Yes Internode have better international routing however they are expensive and have low quota, TPG is the better choice in most situations, if you are going to be on copper you might as well have unlimited or if its not in your area… good value.
IMO if you aren't on NBN you should be on a 100mbit Cable plan from Optus or Telstra.
I think if you can't get Cable or NBN and your ping to overseas servers is more important then a decent download limit.. then go with Internode.
ADSL2 runs on copper really? What about ADSL1? Please tell us more about what we already know.
I used to complain about TPG having slow speed etc. Now I realise it's not their fault, but the copper line (as I find someone else in my area with different ISP that only gets 5Mb upload speed as well) Sucks, but grateful in a way as others have worse connections
It's not a matter of the quality of the copper, it's actually speaking to someone at TPG when your copper is degraded, that's the painful part. Been there once, never again.
Also, not everyone has access to cable. Like, pretty much all of Queensland, WA, SA and Tasmania.
Its the same for all ISP's.. they have to contact Telstra to repair the copper.
I think if you can't get Cable or NBN and your ping to overseas servers is more important then a decent download limit.. then go with Internode.
If you can get the NBN, then go with Internode because the RSP network becomes more important.
If you value quality (e.g. use your connection for more than p2p) and need it to just work, then go with Internode.If quantity (download quota) is your only criteria then go with TPG.
Yes but if you are on NBN then download quota is more important as well…
Internode NBN pricing is as expensive as Telstra's Cable pricing, both 100mbit (although NBN has better upload)
+1 for this. Better network. Better quality of service. Internode has never pushed its product based on price.People ought to realise that. Lot of word of mouth signups.
Sorry TPG is cheap and nasty (especially if you need support - good luck) and so is anyone else offering unlimited
So does that make Jiva cheap and nasty too? They are owned by iiNet, and you'll likely be on the same network as Internode customers.
Jiva and the iiNetwork
Jiva offers ADSL2+ internet powered by the iiNetwork, the second largest broadband network in Australia. With iiNet as our internet wholesale provider we can confidently say we offer fast and reliable broadband on an Australian-owned network in every state and territory.
Jiva is only available to customers on an exchange that has dark fibre links, not just iiNet DSLAMS. It's pretty much the same restriction as TPG; except that iiNet's customer service is infinitely better than TPG's.
So does that make Jiva cheap and nasty too? They are owned by iiNet, and you'll likely be on the same network as Internode customers.
same network, different staff :)
$40 true unlimited with ClubTelco. No contract, no bundling. ROCK-solid 1400KB/s, 6mths and counting. I thought TPG was mad!
Thanks OP. I guess it kind of offsets the setup fee.
Beware of Naked, especially in a contract. I had rocking 16Mbit phone line ADSL and got talked into switching to naked under one of these deals, now i've got 5-8Mbit tops and i'm stuck with it for 2 years.
That sucks.. Have you asked them why?
Speed should be about the same. There must be an issue at the exchangeI have, and I agree it has to be the port at the exchange because nothing else changed, but they won't investigate that until they send a tech to my house first potentially at my expense.
weird.. I have a Naked Plan, and I am still able to get 16Mbit. But you need to use the AnnexM Profile to get it.
Not sure if u have given that a try.
I've tried their high speed profiles and they made no difference, haven't tried AnnexM tho because that sacrifices download to increase upload doesn't it?
I'm another reasonably happy ex customer of internode but I would also advise against Naked ADSL because if you have a fault you cannot check the line quality because you have no dial tone, this causes no end of headaches. Oh I nearly forgot when Telstra for example are connecting another customer at the exchange the engineer looks for an unused connection and seeing as your Naked connection looks dead he cuts you off unknowingly and connects the new customer…say hello to 2 months of calls and stress to get that baby fixed.
Last time I lost my phone and internet I looked outside and I saw a Telstra technician working in the pit. I went up to him and told him what happened. He kinda looked puzzled and said hang on.. a minute later he said go back and try it now, which it was working again.
I just think I was so lucky I was home or otherwise I also woulda been a few weeks and many phone calls getting it fixed.
Or you could save yourself a bit of money by checking NBN 25/5Mbps, unlimited for $65/month.
Really? I cant seem to find this plan. I see a 1000GB plan for $100/month
Sorry, wrong one. It should have been this
You will have to use a code which will enable you to get unlimited for $65.
So the code would be ?
No such code.. No where to enter it either..
Don't be so dismissive if you don't know, have you filled an application? I filled the application and on the second page the service details page you get the option to enter Promotion Code. The code which I used was under their special offer which is no longer there but the code is (ozl0114). Give them a call…
Mind you this connection was for a relative and I am jealous because I am still stuck with my 3 to 4Mbps ADSL connection. I signed him up for $65, 12 months 400GB/M, $50 install fee but he was called and offered $68, 24 months, unlimited and $0 install fee and a free modem.
I have no idea how their service is and I chose them based on WP feedback and the price as that is what the relative wanted. has 79 buck per month unlimited internet + Unlimited local & national calls. Need to be on iiDSLAM and have dark fiber enabled on your exchange. Internode parent company is Iinet along with Jiva.
Just inquired with them. Apparently you cant change your ADSL2+ profiles with Jiva, so it will be a slower service than what you can get with internode and AnnexM.
From my experience with Internode has been awesome. (except for setup which was a horrible with the Telstra engineers)
Here is the plan I am on with no commitment, in case u want to try and call them up for the same.
Current Plan Easy Naked 150 Special
Price $59.95 per month
Monthly Quota 150 GB
* this will be for no commitment, so no $100 credit.I am currently getting 16Mbps download and 2Mbps upload with AnnexM. only 10Mbps when i had it on the standard profile.
Hope this helps!
Ah I live in Sydney city and I want NBN, so sick of this ADSL copper crap, I only get 17mbps and it's just not enough, the only good thing is I only need to pay $25 for the internet
Please, only? You have 3 to 4x my bandwidth :(
8-10x mine! :'(
That's why NBN needs to come asap :(
Yeah 17mbs, your doing better than 85% of everyone else on ADSL 2+
Internode customer service is really good, I would rate it after Telstra. But 24 months contract is bit too much. Currently I am on NBN 300gb plan for $85. Not that bad.
ADSL2 runs on copper which means many people are going to have a bad time and will normally result in lower sync speeds to compensate.
Interested to know from people who have decent connection speed/NBN whether you can stream music (Spotify) or US cable (Roku) and still game online (FPS, MMORPGs). I am on Optus cable and can't have anything else using the network if I want to play any online games with reasonable ping.
This results in many arguments when the SO wants to listen to music/stream cable while I want to game.
I'm on Telstra Cable Ultimate (100 Mbit), I play games online a lot whilst people in my house are streaming on Netflix on the PS4 with HD enabled and I got to say it has no noticeable impact on my ping. The only time I notice anything is of someone is downloading at 13 megabytes a second.
The missus will stream Netflix and hulu+ in full 1080 whilst I play BF4 and it does not affect my ping, I'm with Telstra NBN and use getflix as my way to watch Netflix ect.
That's really good of Internode to do that.
Now, what about a small bonus for those existing customers who've been loyal for many years?