• expired

Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Fried Noodles 5x 85g 2 FOR $3 @ Supa IGA VIC


This deal is dedicated to Mr Scotty.

I just fulfilled his wish

If the deal is not available in NSW then I would suggest Mr Neil to buy some and post it for him hahaha.

Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Fried Noodles 5 X 85g 2 FOR $3 @ Supa IGA VIC

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Indomie + fried egg + boiled choy sum + chinese fried meatballs + rice, that's called indomie special by indos…

    • +2

      Sounds a bit like stone soup to me.

  • +13

    Indomie + fried egg, shallots and bean sprouts = poor mans Char Kweh teow.

    Indome + lemon juice, fish sauce, tofu, eggs and chicken = Pad Thai

    Indomie + hot dog bun = Yakisoba bread.

    the possibilities are endless..

    • -1

      You sir win the intarnetz

    • +1

      Man, place near my work does amazing CKT for $8. What you're suggesting is a really, really poor man's CKT.

  • +17

    what do you mean your just not that indomie ?

  • -1

    Uni students unite…

  • +4

    Upvote for looking out for scotty's dietary needs :) Feed the poor soul!

  • Alternatively, Aldi have their own brand which personally I like just as much as Indomie, and it's cheaper (Made in Singapore). Worth a look if IGA in NSW dont have it.

    • +2

      Tried it. It's okay, but it's not Indomie :( Good price for what it is though!

  • +4

    If I wasn't on a diet i'd be all over them, I love em but they are horrible for you.

    • "You're not supposed to say anything, fat ass"

  • -2

    Once you try real mi-goreng with all the trimmings, squid,prawns authentic spice and sauce you can't go back to this. Even at such a cheap price it leaves you bloated and such a let down vs the real thing. I need 3 packs to feel full. 8 buck occasional mi-goreng at the local malaysian place anyway > eating more often cause its cheap. Kinda like your hand vs the real thing haha

    • -5

      I've had real mi goreng several times. The instant noodles are better.

      • +4


        • Hahaha, okay. Someone recommend me a place near Sydney CBD?

  • +3

    Good deal, I love this stuff but have very very rarely eaten it since. There's just something about it that's really unhealthy. My body just can't take it even though it tastes great.

    • Good, stay away from it.
      Use google translation for below article


      • Not sure I can trust an article which lumps MSG in with those two other compounds.

      • You may as well stay away from every brand instant mi, that includes Maggi, Mahmee, and all else since they all have preservatives and plenty sodium. Really, how can anyone die eating 1 packet after school, you are more likely to get ill from smoking cigarettes or drinking too much caffeine. And if you have as much salt in you steak and fries on a daily basis, you are in the same danger.

  • I usually just dump tuna in, cherry tomatoes are good too. Not authentic obviously but a good cheap instant meal with protein.

  • $1 cheaper then buying a box from the Asian supermarket

    • Nope, when Asian super on special, cheapest I've seen is like $7 - 8.

  • +2

    I'm Goreng to the store first thing tomorrow.

    • +6

      I read that in my mind as "ayam goreng to the store". Ayam goreng = fried chicken in Indonesian.

      I'm hungry now :(

    • Mi too!

  • -1

    Homebrand (woolworths) is cheaper then this (and much cheaper when not on special) for pretty much the same product, if not better since it is made with Australian/Singapore stuff and isn't Halal.

    • +1

      sick of the idiotic halal, I now ask if its halal, if it is I walk away shaking my head

      • With mi goreng made from rice flour, how does one make it halal or not halal?

        • +1

          Pork extract, or any other ingredients utilizing pork, for example.

          Of course noodles like this are made using the cheapest ingredients possible so it's unlikely to contain pork, much less noodles which are mi goreng intended for consumption by Indonesians…

      • +5

        Or… you could not ask, not care, and have it affect your life not at all.

  • Cheers OP.

    So… Does anyone here actually eat just one packet of these at a time?

    C'mon, confession time, how many do you eat in one sitting? (hmm, it's kinda like the evil, unhealthy version of WeetBix).

    • I used to eat 3-4 in one go. I stopped after realising how much sodium I was consuming from that, not limited to all the other stuff like saturated fat.

      Haven't touched it in 2 years and improved my diet; you feel so much better, not lousy more alive. I don't see any harm in having one or two every few months though. If it's mainly your source of food, you're going to get void of any nutrients pretty fast.

  • just go springvale 40 pack for $8-$9

    • Correction -just shopped there. They are sold in boxes of 30 packs now - long time not 40? You know something I don't? I just paid $9 for 30 in a box, exactly like this IGA offer, and cheaper than when Coles has them non sale. So this IGA offer is the a match to what the cheaper Asian groceries charge. Ayam goreng there this afternoon, IGA is 15 houses down the road. Woohoo!!

      • they have both the 30 and 40 pack now, I always buy the 40 pack for around $12, so work out to be the same like this deal, some stores even sell them for 50c less. the 30 pack is a bit dearer.

  • -1

    mostly palm oil…and only borderline-edible palm oil at that.

  • +2

    Best packet instant noodle I've tasted is the "Penang White Curry Noodles", have fun looking for this, it's mostly sold out at most retailers, at least in VIC!


    • OK that looks fantastic…

    • Could you tell me the retailer name in VIC? I like to try that.

    • Agreed, it's fantastic for a packet noodle. I'm in KL now and it's taken the place by storm, as soon as it hits the supermarket shelves, it disappears. Managed to get 2.5 cartons of it and will be bringing one carton back (48 packets).

      Might have to dig out more and start selling them in Aus if they are popular there but you can get them on eBay -
      But that's not cheap, I'm paying rm$1.70 per packet!

    • looks like laksa

  • be prepared for your body intestine to be chopped off, as indomie contains two dangerous ingredients which actually not allowed.
    use google translation for this article


  • +4

    I love Mi Goreng… started eating it about 25 years ago, back when the chili sachet was powder not paste, anyone else remember that? Unfortunately for reasons I'm not sure about, I can't eat it any more, goes straight through me. I can eat noodles from a café, and it's not anything to do with the level of spice… cool story bro

  • +1

    Delicious, thanks. Been looking to start my msg only diet

  • its always cost 30 cents at Indonesian groceries

    • But is that the 'export quality product' version?

      • +1

        dont fall for those marketing shits, they are all the same, export quality prob means just add english on the label, lol

        • I've heard different people say different things along the lines of quality control and ingredients used. Others say it's just to differentiate between grey importers. Does anyone have anything definitive?

      • Last time I was in Jakarta I went to Hypermart and bought about 30 packs of instant noodles. So many awesome flavors available that we can't get here. Brought them all back with me and it took me about 7-8 months to finish them, but the quality was exactly the same. Labeling them 'Export Quality' means nothing really.

  • Don't the imported ones contain more vitamins? Gotta play the 100 percenters

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