Any mechanic wannabe's looking for a decent trolley jack, this seems to be the cheapest for its rating…
Make sure you also use the stands with the correct rating if you are planning on going under the car.
REPCO Pro-Lift Speedy Lift 2000kg Garage Jack $139

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Thats really cheap especially if its rated for 2ton - I hope its not the one on this site ~$20 ones are usually only the little ones, not these "proper" size ones. cant really compare them.
going by what they call them this one seems to be a "twin pump" type jack. i had an alloy racing jack that was only 2 pumps from lowered to full height without any weight on it but once you had weight on it it went back to bein more like a normal jack (7 odd pumps to full height). for me its definitely worth the extra to get if it is what the description seems to imply.
i hope that made sense…
Maybe if you are jacking up cars every day or in some competitive environment where time is of the essence, but this is ozbargain, price in king. Also most people here probably jack up their car twice a year to change oil and brake pads maybe so they aren't paying a mechanic, doesn't sound to me like they could value the extra 20s per year it would save them. Usually when I am jacking up my car I'm just glad I am not using a scissor jack, but evn the one in my latest car isn't that bad
yea fair call. i play around a lot with race cars and the like. actually getting a full stroke on the handle is impossible most of the time. its painful using a standard jack. but sure if you just have a standard falcodoor its probably not as important. i was just trying to give my experience with them :)
Not the same Jack…….todays is the Speedy Lift model.
It's the same jack with slightly wider front wheels for an extra $40.
It's the same jack with slightly wider front wheels for an extra $40.
see my description above
I have both the $20 super cheap jack and a jack like this pro-lift one and you really cant compare :)
This is a main jack the little ones are for propping up things/secondary jack.
Been using my little jack (1400kg I think) for 15 years, ony thing I have ever though is that the jack could start off a bit lower to make it easier to get under the right spot of the car, not a problem with my current car though I used to have a sports car.
Really you shouldn't be doing any work under a car without supporting it with stands, not even with 2 jacks under it.
I have a couple of the standard G2000 models so I know they need multiple pumps to raise the saddle.
The Speedy Lift G2000S description:
•Speedy Lift Technology, a single stroke raises the jack saddle from resting position to vehicle chassis
•This unique innovation saves valuable time and energy and is only available with Pro-Lift hydraulic jacks bearing the Speedy Lift Logo.Never owned a Speedy Lift one so I cant' confirm this action but they are different models with different retail pricing.
i should have read all the replys before i started replying. seems these are the same type of pump as the alloy racing jacks and definitely an awesome advantage if you use a jack a bit specially if putting cars on stands etc.
Got my jack from supercheap recently when they were for $19.99 on sale.