• expired

D-Link DIR-632 Wireless N Router with 8-Port Switch for $5 (Was $35) @ MSY (Selected Stores Only)


D-Link DIR-632 Wireless N300 Router with 8-port 10/100 switch for $5 (Was $35).

Limit 1 per customer.

Available instore Tue 04/02 at below branches only :

VIC Cheltenham, Malvern
NSW: Kingsford
QLD: Morningside, Bundamba
SA: Port Adelaide, Elizabeth
WA: Balcatta, Cannington

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MSY Technology

closed Comments

  • +11

    Damn, I got it when it was $11. Used to use this as my primary router, now using it as a client bridge to get internet for my desktop. Better speed and ping than my laptop's built-in wifi.

    DD-WRT installation guide: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/D-Link_DIR-632
    Asia-Pacific Hex-edit for installation: http://www.mediafire.com/?6sdahk8rd65suvo
    Update after installation: http://www.dd-wrt.com/routerdb/de/download/D-Link/DIR-632/A1…
    Client bridge guide: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Client_Bridge

    • Thanks for the instructions. Much appreciated! :)

    • So, how hard would it be - for dd-wrt developers to create a version with that AP Hex-Edit mod done, so we don't all have to do it…? :-/

      What editor do we use (Win 7 Starter on netbook)?

      • DD-WRT is mostly ran by the community so we can't really expect the developers to do everything for us. As for Hex-Edit, just download the second link for the installation. I edited it to Asia Pacific for myself so I thought I should share it here.

    • So i did this and i compare the speed of when i plug my desktop straight to the modem and when i plug the desktop to this router. And the former speed is much superior. What should i do? does the quality of the router matter when i use wired connection?

      P.S: i live with other people so i still need the wireless functionality. Much thanks.

  • +1

    8MB FLASH, 32MB RAM and 400Mhz. Very nice for DD-WRT. Will run 'mega' builds.

    An excellent bargain!

  • -5

    Nice deal for a good combo modem-router
    Still the worst IT store website though

    • +4

      Not a modem-router, router only. Otherwise DD-WRT wouldn't run.

      • good to point this out thanks, still a good deal! apart from their website they sometime have good prices

      • I think 'pal' meant to say modem to router combo.

    • guessing you never saw their old site LOL

  • +2

    This is exactly what I have been waiting for… but can't justify calling in a sicky to save $30 or so.

  • Stupid question I know, I am going to be building a gaming rig and my computer will not be close enough for an Ethernet cable. Can I use this as a sort of wireless extender and use Ethernet to connect it to the computer? Thanks.

    • +1

      Yeah, that's what I'm using it for right now. Very good and stable performance, better than my laptop. Scroll up to my earlier comment for the instructions.

    • +1

      yes, you can use it as wireless extender but need to install the DD-WRT firmware to do it. AND if you don't might the lag in real time game (very little), and slow speed copying file between computers.

      I got the WD-N600 from MSY on their $5 deal last time and got Open-WRT installed acts as wireless client/bridge mode, couldn't be happier about the performance.

      • +1

        +1 for the WD-N600 for $5. I picked up 4 of them and now have several wireless access points through my room and the other halfs. Very easy setup too.

  • From http://dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/D-Link_DIR-632
    Pros of this hardware

    Runs standard version of DD-WRT
    Eight (8) wired ports
    802.11n WiFi
    Easy to install DD-WRT
    USB Port
    Great range, signal strength and stability
    Cons of this hardware

    The biggest knock about this router is it's frequent WIFI drops and lockups when using the stock firmware. Installing DD-WRT corrects this issue.

    I say anyone calling himself IT conversant needs one :)

    • 'seems to let user adjust Transmit power ("safe to 100 mW")

      What are the normal / initial Tx power level for this & similar devices? How much should upping the Tx power of this device (eg, to 100 mW) impact range? (Wouldn't -both- communicating devices need power increases to effect an increase in range?)


  • Rock solid after flashing with DDWRT. Was a bargain at $11, even more so now.

  • Office works dont sell this one?

    Not that I care about saying 25c.. its just more convenient to walk around the corner and grab one.

    • +1

      hey don't knock saving 25c - that's a free chuppa chup while you're walking around the corner!

      • Must be a discounted chuppa chup because they usually go for 50c

        • It was pricematched…cmon!

  • Dumb question, but what modem would you recommend to go with this router? I planned to go with the economical TP Link TD 8817 since it's the cheapest. I'm on the TPG unlimited plan. Thank you.

    • how far are you from the exchange is more the question.

      the TP Link TD 8817 is a Trendchip which is better for connections close to the exchange.

      • Ooh, that's enlightening, thank you. I seem to be a street away from the Yeronga,QLD exchange. I guess that's good enough hey. Otherwise what would you recommend?

        • I would recommend you head over to whirlpool.net.au.

          In regards to distance to the exchange you might be streets away but the cable could go all around the area first.

          You can tell by the noise margin and sync speed.

      • Our Telstra tech once told us 5 Km (over the POTS pair) to Exchange?

        What speeds can we expect from, eg, TPG, if we use them?

  • Question: I have a modem > router > [20-30m ethernet cable] > 4 port switch/hub thing > pc + laptop down in the guest house. What do I need to buy to connect to the switch in order to get wifi down there?

    • you can use this as the switch hub "thing" as well as wireless.

      • Really? I have something like this http://www.officeworks.com.au/retail/products/Technology/Net…

        I was thinking there was some kind of device that I could plug into one of the ethernet ports to get wifi.

        • +1

          You should read up on home networking (or watch some youtube vids). Get more of a handle on the terminology, types of devices, speeds, wireless security methods (WEP, WPA, WPA2) etc.

          Depending on what switch/hub thing you have, you might want to keep it in the configuration somewhere.
          The one you linked to is gigabit switch (max speed approx 100 megabytes/sec) whereas this deal is for a wired/wireless router (wired max speed approx 10 megabytes/sec, wireless max speed approx 15 megabytes/sec - but this is a lie, actual wireless speed is more likely to by 5 megabytes/sec).

          You could do one of these things:
          1. Replace the switch/hub thing with this router.
          2. Connect this router to the switch/hub thing.
          3. Connect the switch/hub thing to this router.

          If you have a gigabit switch like the one you linked to, take option 2. If have a 100 megabit switch then you should replace it with this router.

          Does your existing router have WiFi?
          If so, you can set this one up to be a separate WiFi access point (as well as use the ports as a switch/hub thing). This would allow you to use the wireless network in either location without having to add a new network to your phone, laptop.

          If your existing router doesn't have WiFi, I can't find the right guide for you.
          Hopefully someone else can point you in the right direction.

          I'm unaware of what you could plug straight into the switch to turn it into a wireless switch, but chances are you would have to spend more than $5.

        • +1

          Thanks a heap. Now that I know what options are available, I can start looking into it. Thought there might be some device I can just plug straight into the switch but I guess that would be a router.

          Yeah, the main house where the modem and router is situated has wifi. The guest house is too far (or the signal is too weak) to get wifi down there.

          Thanks again.

        • No probs :)

          It's hard starting out in the networking world, there's a lot of things to learn.

    • +1

      Power over ethernet with wifi may work. Look up TP-Link WPA4220.

      • Interesting, though I believe the power from the main house and the guest house aren't shared. For example a blackout of the main house doesn't affect power in the guest house and vice versa. So connecting that parent device directly into the router and having the extender in the guest house may not work since they have different electrical circuitry? (I don't know anything about this)

        I guess I could connect the parent device to one of the ports of the switch (which would be plugged in at the guest house) and have an extender down there too? I'm not sure if that will work.

        Anyway thanks for the awareness.

  • awesome router, i bricked it by turning it off while flashing the firmware when it didn't respond.

    • I think that calls for something named Draytek recovery tool, an easy way to put firmware back on the device.

  • Does it support IPv6 / 6in4?

  • I bought this in the last sale MSY had, good little device - with DD-WRT for its price it actually delivers a lot! :-), no issues to report from my nearly 12months usage…

  • Hi rep, so it is strictly for those stores? No other stores what so ever?

    • Only for those stores :)

      • It's good business to place lower cost "deal" items in less busy shops, & there's a bus to such MSY shops for those not driving.

  • Got one of these last time for the parents, flashed with DD-WRT it becomes a great unit.

    They haven't had to reset it yet in over a year.

    Would love to grab another just to play around with and use as a wireless bridge or extender.

    But not available at Fyshwick :(

  • Does the version of DD-WRT for this support DNSMasq?

    • Yes.

  • +1

    10:30am, still waiting for the Cheltenham store to open. Not much of an in-store deal unless we can get in the store!

    • +1

      REP. Wtf is going on? 8 people waiting at Cheltenham for the store to open. I am used to your poor customer service, but this is pathetic.

      • Hi guys,

        The Cheltenham manager was sick this Morning and we have organized another one to come to Cheltenham store today. The store should be open by now. We are terribly sorry about this problem.

  • anyone manage to get one?

    • Snagged one from kingsford. Didn't ask how much were left sorry.

  • Got one from Kingsford, thanks OP :)

  • Just picked up one from Malvern East store.
    About 5 units left as at 11am.

    • about 2 or 3 left when I grab one

    • 5 units left @ 11am? that's a joke!

  • Picked one up from Malvern. Got there at 10am. There were probably 5-8 people in line already.

    Flashed it to DD-WRT. Not a bad buy at all!!

  • Damn. Woulda loved one of these but also can't leave work. I'll buy one from someone in Sydney CBD for 7-10$ :P

  • All sold out at Malvern now

  • Just got one at kingford, looks good

  • Wife got me one at Balcatta (WA). No idea how many left sorry.

  • Quite a few left at morningside QLD (about 10)

  • Just picked one up from Morningside. Plenty left. Felt cheeky handing over 2 x $2 coins and 2 x 50c pieces to buy it. Not sure what I'll use it for though, but will think of something.

    • You want to go back in and grab another. Will purchase it off you if can meet up somewhere?

      • *limit 1 per customer

  • +1

    Cheltenham is on backorder if people are interested. Still only $5 but a wait on stock. Been told will be in tomorrow… I wonder if that's true.

    Either way, my very old Belkin is still going strong… will wait for another opportunity in the future to upgrade.

    • We will try to fulfill back-order tomorrow :)

      • Does the $5 price apply on Wednesday, where stock remains?

    • Rang up to check stock there in the morning. Was told there were more coming in at 2.
      Rang back a bit before 2. Was told they are out of stock.


  • -5

    When is a sale not worth going to Malvern?

    When there are less than 10 units and all gone by 11.30 am, 1 hour after opening.

    Waste of bloody petrol.

    • I didn't even bother going seeing reservation is not an option, so I went to PC Diy today and bought some stuff with similar pricing

      they can't guarantee the stock so I agreed it's wasting time for people taking efforts to get there

    • Should have got there at 10am like the other 10 or so people. They definitely had more than 10 units. But at that price of course demand is going to be high.

  • picked one up from Morningside

    • Picked up one from Morningside at 6pm, there were 2 left.

  • So i'm trying to set this up tonight… want to extend my wifi into another room where I have severe interference from other devices.

    I think I've done it wrong, set it up as a client Bridge (routed) mode, this is only if I want to plugin xbox/ps3/laptop into the dlink rather than re-broadcast the wifi correct?

    So I'm on:
    Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (06/08/12) std after running through the guide, is this the correct and latest firmware version?

    I can't seem to see the Repeater option, I only have:
    Client Bridge (Routed)
    WDS Station
    WDS AP

    Trying to run through this:

    Any help from gurus why it shows WDS instead of Repeater options?

    • +1

      The router runs an Atheros chip, not Broadcom so you need to follow the guide for Atheros. Client Bridge (routed) is the right option. Follow it here: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Repeater_Bridge#Atheros

      Also, your firmware is pretty old, I'm running DD-WRT v24-sp2 (03/25/13) std so you should update it first: http://www.dd-wrt.com/routerdb/de/download/D-Link/DIR-632/A1…

      • Thx mate.

        Still struggling to get it as far as I did before as just a wired client bridge, I think the wireless security setup to input manual gateway is killing it, when it reboots I can no longer reconnect to the dlink at

        1. Open the Wireless -> Basic Settings tab
          Physical Interface Section
          Wireless Mode : Client Bridge (routed)
          Default Gateway Mode : Manual
          Gateway : Point to Gateway for network, usually IP of primary router
  • +1

    Rang up Cheltenham today said none in stock but put one on backorder for me. Got a call back at about 7pm tonight saying it was ready for pick up tomorrow.

    • Double WTF?! (See my previous post)

  • Fly to Brisbane (on Tiger) and pick one up from Morningside.

  • Got the last one from Cheltenham at 3pm, I did order early so it might be reserved for me :p

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