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Grey Goose Vodka $49.99 (Retail $64.99)


Found this deal while searching the net. Claims to be a 750ml bottle.

Description: Distilled using French wheat from the La Beauce region and made with water from the Gensac that is filtered through champagne limestone, Grey Goose claim to make the "World's best tasting vodka". They just might be right.

Delivery is roughly $5 but Dan Murphy's should give a price match/beat. (Making it a bigger bargain)


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closed Comments

  • +3

    heh this reminds me of when I was at Star City a few years ago.

    2 double shots of grey goose vodka on the rocks… $50

    • It's alright, you can get 12 double shots now for the same price… Haha. Only trick is, you have to pour it yourself ;)

  • Dan Murphy have the 1 litre one for $68.90, which works out cheaper if this is really a 700ml bottle…

    also, $29.99 USD here… + shipping.

    • +2

      It's a 750ml
      1L bottle is costing $6.89 per 100ml
      750ml is costing $6.67 per 100ml
      Plus Dan Murphy's has beaten previous deals Instore by $1. So you will probably be paying 48.99$ for the bottle Instore.
      Also KLwines does not ship to Australia.

      • +2

        It's a 750ml

        have you confirmed with the store ?

        On Boozle, it shows up as 700ml…

  • +1

    I would personally pay the extra $5 and get 50ml less for Belvedere; I find it much smoother.


    • -1

      Just about every vodka at Dan Murphy's seems to have 5 stars…

      What does that tell you about Vodka drinkers ?

      • +2

        DM's reviews are fairly rubbish across the board. I swear the whisky ones are just there to annoy people.

    • Last I checked at top ryde dan Murphy's, belvedere was $49.95
      My personal preference is Ciroc (made from grapes)

  • I have recently conducted a number of blind taste tests, and grey goose has performed surprisingly poorly. Belvedere was almost always ranked higher, and surprisingly, the highest rated one was consistently Stoli. Anyways, for what its worth, I don't even buy grey goose in the us any more where it is half this price.

    • +1

      At the end of the day you're paying more for the name than the vodka.

      • +1

        Different brands have different flavours.
        ie. Absolut and Smirnoff taste nothing like the more expensive brands.

        • +1

          Because they are made from cheaper ingredients ie; potatos

        • While I do agree that cheaper vodka is made more cheaply (to some extent) I think it is more due to the refinement (filtering etc) than the ingredients. The few potato vodkas I have tried have actually been very very nice.

        • Everyone should know the rules by now re: cheap vodkas, especially on OzB!

          Either filter it yourself (eg. Brita or activated charcoal filters) or freeze it.. Mmmmm syrupy vodka…..

          Side note: average male Russian vodka consumption = 3-4 bottles a week.

        • Absolut is distilled from Winter wheat, Smirnoff from corn.

          Interestingly Chopin - a luxury vodka brand from Poland does produce a pototato vodka.

          Ultimately they're all sources of starch converted to sugar then into alcohol by yeast. The rest is about how they get rid of the fusel oils.. careful fractioning, multiple distillation, filtration etc.. all of this makes the process more time-consuming and expensive.

        • Plenty of excellent vodkas are potato vodkas, eg Chopin.

          Having said that, unless you're drinking it neat there is no point bothering with expensive vodkas.

        • beer is not considered an alcohol…

    • It depends on who's tasting and with what criteria in mind. Traditionally you want as little taste in the vodka as possible.. so producers of unflavourised vodkas tend to spend money trying to reduce the congeners (the elements in the distillate other than ethanol - which can add richness and aroma to whisky or rum) to as low a level as possible. The ideal is a 100% ethanol distillate diluted with the purest water you can get your hands on. SO most of the money in the process is spent on controlling the distillation.. taking as much of the heads and tails out of the run.. distilling it multiple times, filtering through activated carbon or some other exotic method of filtration etc..

      So traditionally a well made vodka should just taste like ethanol and water. If you're tasting other aromas in there that you find pleasant, you're technically tasting a defect.

      I say "traditionally" because obviously taste is a matter of taste, and if you like a little flavour in your vodka, don't let anyone tell you you're wrong.

  • $20 shipping kills this for me, I'm guessing you guys can buy it in store?

    • Do you have a dan Murphy's or first choice nearby your home? They should price match or beat the price.

  • I was in a liquorland (QLD) last week buying some of the $38 Absolut and noticed that the grey goose was also heavily discounted - $23 off RRP if I remember the sticker correctly on the shelf. The price was around $48 but a very similar price to this special but without shipping if you buy in store. Sorry I can't be more specific than this and I don't know if it's still on special.

  • +2

    Awhile back, one of the big American TV news magazine programs (20/20 or similar) did blind taste tests in bars with trendy New York bar patrons, many of whom nominated 'Grey Goose' as their vodka of choice and the 'only one they would buy'.

    All were given their mixed drink of choice using a number of different vodkas. From memory, none of them picked out the GG, and the majority picked the Smirnoff-based drink as their favourite - and the one they thought was Grey Goose…

    If you are one of the rare people who drink vodka straight or the rocks - and you prefer Grey Goose - good luck and fine flying to you.

    If, like most other people, you take your vodka mixed, at least consider the possibility that you're wasting your money by buying anything other than a cheapie.

    • I'd never even imagine getting a top-shelf mixed, any variety… Kind of seems a bit pointless.

    • I myself like drinking vodka, soda water with 2 wedges squeezed of lemon or lime. Ciroc does myself the smoothest taste, but that just my opinion.

    • I personally drink Vodka straight and Grey Goose is by far the best Vodka available on the shelf at Dan Murphy's. There is a big difference between Smirnoff and Grey Goose and you don't have to be a connoisseur to taste the difference.

      But if your into mixing your drink then your right about wasting it on a mixer. Your far off better with a cheapie because there will be little to no difference with the taste.

      Same goes for most premium spirits.

      • Smirnoff has a sweetness which I find offputting but it is otherwise a perfectly drinkable vodka.

        I find Absolut very harsh, even industrial tasting. No better than the cheap stuff.

        I might be able to pick Chopin over mid shelf vodkas, however I doubt that I could pick Grey Goose from Belvedere or Ketel or 42 Below. Most people cant either:-


  • -2

    Add COUPON : DMWEL0114 for free shipping

    • +1

      That is a coupon for Dan Muprhys and not from this store offering this price.

  • Apparently they ship to Antarctica for only $25!


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