Windows tablet or iPad for business use

my aunt is deciding to either get a windows tablet or ipad for her business for on the go, i opted for her to get a windows tablet as she is getting use to using a win 8 laptop. she generally uses only email and checking and updating her online stock excel etc.

only reason she is looking at an ipad is being brain washed by my cousins, i believe and windows bases tablet is more logical for printing, sending emails and editing sites etc as and ipad would be limited in these functions and as windows is less restrictive on some features

could anyone advise me which tablet or if their reasons for ipad for business use


  • +3

    With Windows tablets commonly including MS Office at no extra cost, it's a no-brainer decision for somebody already using Excel for their business.

  • +4

    Microsoft Office is a major plus. And so is a USB port, and a lot of Windows 8 devices come with full USB 2.0 or even USB 3.0. That means attaching USB peripherals and even USB printers are a cinch— the printers will also even be detected natively in Windows RT (has to be a recent model though).

    Going with Android \ Apple would be counter-intuitive, as those aren't capable of running actual Microsoft Office software. If you want the full power or features of Excel, you'd have to go with Windows.

    Also, educate her on the limitations of Windows RT — while it may look and feel like Windows it doesn't run any x86 apps, and if she relies on anything other than Office to get work done she may need to invest a bit more into a Surface Pro or Pro 2 tablet.

  • +1

    Definitely Windows tablet. Windows tablets are designed for functionality and productivity. Ipad's are designed for…well i don't know actually, looks?

    Disclaimer: I don't own either, I use an asus tf701t android tablet :)

  • iPad great for consumption
    Windows tablet great for creation

    • Maybe not great, but certainly better

      • That depends which one you get

  • +1

    Definitely Windows tablet, no question.

    Previous owner of iPad (4th gen) and current owner of Asus Transformer TF810 Windows 8 Hybrid tablet

  • If you look at what your aunt is doing.

    she generally uses only email and checking and updating her online stock excel etc.

    This is only very light use of the office suite. She aint no corporate junkie here.

    Based only on this information, she could quite clearly use an iPad with many of the Office packages that can run MS software.

    With an iPad and "excel" if there are needs for Visual basic then this would be a limitation, otherwise excepting very detailed or complex formula's the iPad would be acceptable.

    With the cousin's pushing for the iPad and having a more direct relationship with your Aunt, is your ideology and belief's that important, because if you are wrong, you would be obligated to support your Aunt.

    So while it might go against your grain, based on personal experience, if you have strong opposition to someone's inclinations, is it worth the drama, to make a horse drink the water.

    I always try to suss out where someone is at first before advising. And sometimes you have to lose a battle to wina war. That being she buys the iPad, you lose, but it doesnt suit so next time she comes to you for advice. And if it does work out, she still repects that all you did was give an opinion, rather than wrong advice.

    If you want one way of checking if your Aunt's excel based use is compatible with an iPad, then sign up to Apple's iCloud where you will get access to iWork, which has the Numbers spreadsheet package, you can then import the Excel spreadsheet into that and see if it works without issue. Now that will help her by letting her know the facts about any issue she may or may not face with her decision.

    BTW as for printing, with many printers now having wireless connectivity, would this really be an issue. Also as you said she has a computer already, and there are a number of windows programs that can use a computer to provide wireless connectivity to a pad, phone if the printer she already has isnt wireless capable itself. This is advice suitable and probably better for her with a iPad or Windows tablet, walking around with any tablet and a cord is a little counter intuitive

  • as she had gone through iphone 4s and 5s, there is already many limitations she has with files and certain sites that she is forced to jump on the laptop. she also wants to get in the habit of making presentations and making use of the usb and sd slots as she sends post lots of data of her products for other parties to use. she so far likes the idea of the laptop in a form of a tablet for portability. so she be testing out the surface pro and other full windows OS tablets on offer.

    is the surface currently the best model out? i seen acer and asus have there own but based on specs the pro has a much better cpu etc on it.

    • +1

      there is already many limitations she has with files and certain sites that she is forced to jump on the laptop. she also wants to get in the habit of making presentations and making use of the usb and sd slots as she sends post lots of data of her products for other parties to use.

      Ah ha now we know a little more, as usual if you want advice, its best to give out all the info that helps in getting that.

      garbage out, garbage in.

      Might save a lot of time for everyone, if you want the best advice, give the best brief

  • Definitely Windows 8 (don't get Windows RT)
    The Transformer Book T100 can be a Laptop and a Tablet.. best of both worlds!

  • I currently have a Surface Pro 3 with Office 365 and use it for my business and I also have an old iPad 2, the iPad is only used to check instagram, some web surfing here and there. Were as the Surface Pro 3 is used for both business and personal, I love using it in Tablet form and the stylus is easy to use and with the update to Windows 10 its even better.

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