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Free Online First Aid Course (with Downloadable Certificate)


Firstaidforfree.com offers a free online first aid course that anyone can take. Our free online first aid training could equip you with the skills and knowledge to help save someone’s life.

There’s no hidden fees or certificate charges. Many ‘free’ first aid websites will charge you to print off a certificate/voucher. We offer totally free online first aid training. All you have to do is create an account with us.

Our online first aid modules include:

  • Introduction to first aid
  • The recovery position and CPR
  • Bleeding & shock

Mod warning: This course does not appear to be offered by a Australian Regsiered Training Organisation. See also the Medical Disclaimer.

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closed Comments

  • Good work Op.

  • +1

    What accredited units do we get?

    • -2

      So, if you save a Life, do you think the survivor will care what paperwork you got with the First Aid Training ckurse that helped you learn how to domit?

      I, for one,wouldn't care. ;-)

      • +2

        First aid is a recognised qualification and is a requirement or comes with extra pay with some jobs. So a certificate matters.

      • -1

        Also registered trainers can be held responsible if you follow their instructions and the patient is harmed. If you harm a patient by using instructions from a non-accredited or overseas organisation you could not really have been said to have undertaken due diligence, or you have nobody to turn to.
        That is part of what you pay for when you pay for a St John course, liability insurance and the knowledge their lawyers will be on your side if you do what you are taught.

      • I think perhaps there may be a public liability issue, but prob not so much here, but be careful in the USA!

  • Thanks OP. You may like to explain why and how this is free - is it a public good? What credentials do you have that says we would be given the best info for first aid?

  • If there's anyone who doesn't want to register, a quick Google will reveal everything you need to know.

  • +3

    Rep, how do you expect us to trust your courses and 'certificates' when you are not an RTO (Registered Training Organisation)?

    If you in fact are an RTO, neither that or your ABN are displayed anywhere on your website so currently it seems you are just promoting your personal page where people can download a random PDF with their name on it after giving you their personal details.

    While I agree that first aid skills and knowledge are important for everyone to know, I wouldn't trust anyone but a qualified professional to deliver this content.

    • Description updated.

    • Hmmm… one of the uodate courses I took for my (non-medical) rego was given by such a qualified professionals, offered by a well-known RTO, at their training center.

      The person spent a lot of the contact time telling stories of past jobs (unrelated to training topics).

      Don't judge books by their covers, I always say. ;-)

  • I'll have a look. I went on a 2 day first aid course a few years ago- so much padding- could have got the stuff you are likely to remember over and done with in 2 hours.

  • +5

    In Australia the latest guidelines (http://www.resus.org.au/) now describe the mnemonic as DRSABCD

    D = Dangers?
    R = Responsive?
    S = Send for help
    A = Airway (Clear/Open)
    B = Breathing?
    C = CPR - 30 compressions : 2 breaths (if unwilling/unable to perform rescue breaths continue chest compressions)
    D = Defibrillator (AED) - Attach it as soon as available and follow its prompts

    More local resources are available free from St John.
    Keep in mind: "Any attempt at resuscitation is better than no attempt"

  • Good advice for heart attacks. What does the course say about say a motor bike rider w' a leg hanging off, or a person choking and going blue, snake bite, poisoning etc - all need to have appropriate training so as to not waste time or do the entirely wrong thing and kill someone. If the OP can prove up to date approved info, all well and good. RTO accreditation proves it.

  • dont worry about being sued its never happen in austrlias history and probably never will. also no one is obliged to perform cpr by law either, but if its a family member needing your help i guess you would do your best. always call 000

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