Free Eating Durian Competition @Crown Entertainment, Melbourne CBD during Lunar New Year Festival
Friday 31 January 2014 @9pm
Free Eating Durian @Crown Entertainment, Melbourne CBD during Lunar New Year Festival

Last edited 30/01/2014 - 21:51 by 1 other user
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Yum! But I suspect they have the participants already and the rest just watch and drool. So free to watch that is.
Can anyone confirm who can enter?
I'm guessing it would be frozen durian, although it is 'Visit Malaysia' pavilion so there is some hope it would be better quality Malaysian durian.
LoL. Mountain Top King?
FREE to watch for sure, not to eat
BYOGM (Bring Your Own Gas Mask)
It's banned on Singapore public transport:
HAHAHA My friend had a lot before we arrived at the airport and he burped while we were getting security checked and no joke it was smellable within a 5m radius. They thought he was smuggling Durian
The smelliest of bargains; the Vegemite of Asians.
So you haven't tried natto yet?
Is that worst than Smelly Tofu?
I was disappointed by how non-stinky natto was when I first tried it :(
Its like Satan farting in your face.You've met him? Wow.
Well maybe a tincy eeny-weeny bit of poetic license…
I recall it was really stinky when my homestay mother offered it to me. However, recently I finally tried it on two occasions and it didn't really have much of a smell at all… Maybe some are more potent than others?
I've only had it once, and it was a little single serving from a 'fast food' style Japanese rice bowl joint in Sydney (Menya Oiden). It barely had any smell at all. Perhaps I should give it another go… and source some uber fresh, uber stinky natto. Judging by what everyone says about it, I doubt mine was a great example :/
I agree.. never thought it had a very strong aroma.. The mucus-like texture is probably more off-putting.
Can anyone enter or is it like the pancake one for celebrities?
I don't think any celebrity would see this as a positive self-promotion.
like I said free to watch, not to eat. good luck for anyone wish to enter the comp
I live close to the tip, so not a bargain…
Here is what I think is a funny story.
My ex and I visited Singapore about 12 years ago. Our first trip to asia. We looked at realestate because that is what we did.
We were shocked at the size of quarters for maids. Absolutely shocked. But even more shocked that they were paid based on the country they were from, not their qualification. It was a deep shock and when we kept seeing signs prohibiting Durian on transport, lifts hotels, etc. etc., we really and truly believed that Duriam was a race that was considered so completely untouchable by Singaporeans.
If we had not been so deeply shocked and very nearly traumatised by the value of labour based merely on country of origin, perhaps we might have been more in tune.
Later in out visit we discovered an ice cream shop with a friendly owner who was thrilled when we wanted to try Durian flavoured ice cream.
If I had been expecting carmelised garlic ice cream, I would have enjoyed it more. It was a shock, not as much as smoked dried tomato gelato was years later, but a shock none the less.
Apparently it's illegal to urinate in lifts in Singapore too, I was given a magnet for what I thought was a joke, turns out it's quite serious…
Dont forget chewing bubblegum as well.
My ex girlfriend from years ago visisted Singapore and got a real hoot from the sign in the hotel bathroom and I quote:
"Dont sh!t in shower, dirty boy"
Presumably shower-sh!tting was a recurring problem in budget hotels at the time…
In Paris the lift and urinal is the same place.
Hello Sir, number 1 or number 2?
haha, i see what you did there! :p
Isn't peeing in any lift illegal?
perhaps diff country has diff tradition. I remember when in Singapore it was normal to spit anywhere you like. then the govt prohibited it (don't know about shitting in shower n urinating in lift)
They even installed camera in lifts to catch offenders.
Long ago I had a T-shirt with outlines of various stamps: Jaywalking $100, Pissing in lift $200, Spitting $50, and so on, and then the slogan: Singapore, a fine country. I bet selling that T-shirt in Singapore attracts a fine too. :)
the people who frequent the lift in the car park I use don't seem to have an issue with it ;)…
Apparently some lifts have urine detections devices, which will lock the doors shut until the police come to arrest you. Nice. I wish we had those here!!
i don't like this but the smell ain't that bad. C'mon, there are far more insidious odours such as some of the Asian fermented stuff
From the title I thought that Crown was freeing its durian eating monster.
Entertainment…it sure is lol
If you're in singapore atm, there's all you can eat durian somewhere in toa payoh for $15, forgot lor what though.
This is a public service announcement, don't mix durian and hard liquor. Otherwise it's heart attack city baby!
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit
This is the best air freshener for a car.
Any good offers happening with Star City?
you wish! :-D
Durian is heaty
That's why people always eat mangosteen afterwards, to balance out the heatiness
Try explaining heaty to non-Asians and you'll get weird looks… LOL.
non-Asian: "Would you like some durian?"
Asian: "no thanks, I shouldn't have any hot food right now"
non-Asian: "What? It's straight from the fridge"
Asian: "but it's not cold food, it's hot"
non-Asian: "no, you eat it cold, no need to heat it up first"
Asian: "I know. You eat it cold but it's hot food"
non-Asian: "what the f***k are you talking about?!"
Asian: "sigh…"Actually it's usually translated as "heaty" or "cooling".
gold :)
You must be fun at parties. lol :P
Try telling me a joke I don't know first. :P
Will eating durians make my skin flare up?
Similar offer anywhere in Sydney?
ill be having some later
free to watch me eat though i would look at you funny like you trying to steal it from me =)
Can I have some?
you will need to pry it from the wife and she loves the stuff
You should be able to sniff one out…
its actually on for the next couple of days
one at 1pm and another at 9
unsure why only 9pm is highlighted
also nowhere is it mentioned that it is free to enter…
that's what I said before, n I got negged for some reason. free to watch, not to eat.
i did see that also
rather bemused why you got negged for iti can just imagine the amount of asian families calling all the relo's to go and "enter"
wouldn't be much of a competition going on
just have one or two (or well as much as they can eat really) and bugger off
I happen to walk past as they were setting up for the durian eating contest.
You have to enter before hand, in pairs. They draw your name and call you onto the stage. All contestants get blindfold. The aim is for one to feed the other.
It's not a "see who can eat the most" contest.
thanks OP. i see if i can make it tonight :)
OMG I wish I could be in this …. too bad for anyone who hates the smell!