Just saw an ad on tv NSW with coke varieties 1/2 price on special for $15.80 only.
Available today only (Jan 31)
Just saw an ad on tv NSW with coke varieties 1/2 price on special for $15.80 only.
Available today only (Jan 31)
That price is relative…
i fill soft drink on friday nights at woolies. god help me
Took me at least a couple of months to get through my last 30 pack of Coke. Hopefully, sale is in VIC as well.
Yup. Sale is a town in VIC.
It's been a while since I lived in sale, but this question never gets old lol
Hopefully WA also.. I am down to less than 2 cartons in the cupboard
Confirmed in Vic, saw it a few times during news time
Shepparton's SPC workers can stock up, that way they'll have plenty to mix with bourbon when Coke sacks them all
Someone confirm for WA please , Down to 1 carton here :(.
Must be Chinese New Year special. My Chinese friend said that Fanta will run out first. Something to do with oranges I think.
Does it include Fanta, or just the "Coke" varieties ?
exposing jv junior to all that extra sugar is not healthy!
How do you know it's for junior? Maybe it's for jv?
But that link says nothing about impotence.. ???
According to the Woolies website (not homeshop, just locating my local store and looking at current specials) they are offering 2x 30 packs for $40 which is the exact same price Coles was selling them for last week, except you only had to buy 1 carton for $20. (Dog Swamp, WA)
My local Coles had run out of Coke Zero in the 30 packs, and I asked a staff member and he happily gave me a 24 pack + a 6 pack for $20 - price matched the stock they had run out of.
Also we seem to have a bit of an egg shortage here in WA at the moment, it might be nation wide, not sure… but Coles had run out of their normal 700g caged eggs ($3.80) a few days ago and I picked up an 800g carton of free range and took it to the register, then asked if they had any of the usual caged eggs left. She gave me the $6 free range eggs for $3.80 and said sorry we've run out of the caged eggs.
My local Coles had run out of Coke Zero in the 30 packs, and I asked a staff member and he happily gave me a 24 pack + a 6 pack for $20 - price matched the stock they had run out of.
So you paid $4.20 more than this deal then ?
the reason eggs have a shortage is there was an outbreak of birdblue so thousands of chickens had to be killed.
I say that on the news the other day…
Are you a news presenter?
Just saw the same ad here in Adelaide but it was for a couple of bucks more…$17.59 or thereabouts. Still apparently half price so a good deal.
Maybe cus they pay you 10c a can to recycle.
Just got it from Mentone Vic, was not advertising the price but it scanned correct :)
Thanks OP!
dammit… if it was the other way around, you'd have got it for free
they don't have Fanta on special online…
Its only Coke, Diet Coke, and Coke Zero
I would have had no idea this was happening if it wasn't for you. Thanks, Ozbargainer!
Cheers OP, off to my local :D
Thanks OP. Got 2x30 for $35 with a $5 voucher a few days ago and thought that was the best but glad to be proved wrong and stock up some more.
Confirmed for WA too, Page 10 of the West Australian
Confirmed in ACT…Grabbed 10boxes for BBQ party.Thanks OP.
You guys actually have soft drinks in your homes? It's just junk, wouldn't drink it for free.
I'm happy to charge you if you don't want to drink it for free. :P
bought a carton last night (12am+ AEST) and keep them for guests (if I can resist)
Nice.. Just bought 4 cartons with free home delivery!!
Bought 3 with free home delivery. Also made use of the $20 masters gift card i received through the make a pledge offer.
How do you get free delivery?? as I am after 10 cartons.
You need to be a first time user of woolworths online
Did you manage to use a masters card at Woolworths?
yup online
Why is this listed in Fashion and Apparel.
I've updated the category - well spotted
What about Adelaide?
Yes available for $17.49.
That's a better deal than we usually get (compared with the other states) $17.49 - $15.80 = $1.69 and we get $3.00 deposit refund.
Was at my local store (Alexandra Hills, QLD) and they were promoting Coke 30 packs for 1/2 price over the PA.
Good one! Scanned at $15, even better :-)
I didn't buy any, i come home and 4 cases of coke, nieces and nephews sorted for next few days,..,,,,.
I ordered 2 packs of Coke Zero online yesterday afternoon for free delivery this afternoon, and just received an out-of-stock email, saying the amount will be refunded to my credit card. Bummer. It was the second free delivery of three I was promised when I signed up. I hope they don't count it towards that.
Oh, well. I prefer Pepsi Max anyway.
I just noticed the "Track My Order" function of Woolies Online is still showing delivery for this afternoon. Confusing.
That's .52 a can.