You'd reckon Gibson, makers of the famous Les Paul, would know a thing or two about guitars. Their lessons can help you go from guitar zero to guitar hero. With exclusive video lessons from Gibson’s Skills House and 'King of All Guitar Teachers', Arlen Roth, is here to help you achieve your riffing potential, no matter your talent level. Watch and Learn!
FREE Online Guitar Lessons by Gibson
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closed Comments
Excellent! I've passed this onto some guitar teachers I know.
I'm glad you appreciate the post…
You beauty!!! Thanks for this- a nicely timed motivator for me :-)
Good stuff! Might actually learn how to play the guitar now…
Thanks for this. For absolute newbie guitarists id also reccommend: . Probably the best free online lessons when starting out.
Do ukuleles work the sane as guitar? Interested in learning guitar but don't want to commit so quickly :)
Ukuleles probably don't do powerchords or metalcore chugs.
Good time to dust off my electric and get back into it!
Might go well with this (free today for iPhone/iPad):
Learn Guitar in 21 Days…Regards
Daniel"..from guitar zero to guitar hero.." Love the line. Might be a good campaign ad tag line. :)
thanks guys this is great
ive being threating doing these!