Have been reading a lot around the Wii U and it's low sales. There seems to be a lot of retailers pushing Nintendo for a Mariokart 8 bundle with Nintendoland with an average $25 price drop. They are saying and I tend to agree that Mariokart 8 is the last chance Nintendo has to move some consoles and gain interest in the Wii U. It would definitely be a smart move to bundle it with a console as it's a game every Nintendo fan loves to play and with the version finally coming in HD there is a lot of interest in it, plus the gameplay looks incredible. We can have our fingers crossed they do this with a price drop. Meant to come out in spring 2014 so not long to go :)Most places are taking pre orders for the game now so I wouldn't pre order it just in case they do this.
Talk Retailers pushing Nintendo for a Mariokart 8 Bundle

I doubt it as it sold over 30m copies for the Wii alone and wasn't bundled, that's a massive injection of cash into the company. But now they have very little choices left to move consoles.
Mario Kart was bundled for the Wii.
Not for the first few years of MKWii
Yeah I just looked at my Wii box and it says bundled with Mariokart lol. MY BAD. I just hope they do this because I love Nintendo.
I'm pretty sure it was within the year.
Super Smash Bros. is coming out at around the same time - I wouldn't be surprised if they bundled one of the games, and had the other available as a premium release - for the last couple of years of the Wii's life, they bundled it with Mario Kart, while Super Smash Bros. stayed at $100…
As one of those rare Wii U owners, I've got to say I'm ridiculously excited for both.
I can't say I'm too excited for either but I'll wait it out and if either/both look good on release I'll give them a whirl. I still haven't picked up 3D World yet, waiting on a bargain. I've picked up pretty much everything for our WiiU at bargain prices including the console and we have a pile of games we haven't played yet.
Omg your not excited about Mario kart or Super smash! That's crazy lol. By far the 2 best Nintendo games around.
Has anyone else noticed Rumours about Nintendo's next console called Fusion?
Too much silly stuff in the rumors, fingerprint stuff, :\
Althought it is Nintendo…Yeah but I see no reason to believe its anything different than what all the companies do. They are simply planning for the future. Sony done the same with the PS4 after the PS3 released.
i wouldn't be surprised if there was a bundle, but either way, I'm looking forward to both, just wish Nintendo would release them already, Wii U needs more big games!
Yeah we are all sick of waiting and the lack of information is ridiculous on both games.
Not to mention the lack of info on Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors and Monolith's X. Release dates for those games would be awesome, I'm okay with out more footage, but would love release dates.
Also Miyomoto's new IP, would like info on that.
And no trailers for Yoshi Yarn or SMTxFE for around a year as well. And Iwata said that there are unnanounced third party exclusives for Wii U this year and we haven't heard anything about them, though I am most pumped for X.
I'm sure they were going to do a mario kart bundle anyway.