Hey I was thinking ozbargain is way more crowded then it use to be with so many deals and I sometimes miss out on good deals. Is it possible to create some options where you have your main location saved (Or more then one) so that when you log in you can see only your states deals + nation wide deals? Maybe its costly though :D
Updates options?? Location deals only + nation wide

Splashtash on 21/01/2014 - 13:27
Poll Options
- 3I would like to see some new settings like this.
- 1I would not like ozbargain to change.
- 3It wouldnt bother me either way.
Location based options are in the queue. We are trialing location tags (e.g. Wynyard Station) which are linked to coordinates.
I'm not sure location is a key driver for a lot of the deals. I know there are grocery deals and people taking photos of receipts from time to time but most of the deals seem to be internet based nation wide, sometimes even international deals.