Tile/laminate paint

Has anyone used tile/laminate paint to renew their kitchen/bathroom? Successful? Pros and cons, thanks


  • I haven't used it myself (I normally re-tile myself) but if I had to I would use the white knight stuff. Cherie Barber (an experienced renovator) uses the stuff in a lot of her reno's and says it's great.


  • I had a technician do this to my bathroom with a spray gun. The vanity doors came up quite well and the bench top is OK on the large expanses but the area behind the basin is rough & not properly covered. If you could take out your basin it would probably be a better job.

    As for the tiles, I had a dodgy technician who didn't spray enough layers, so it started coming off where it was touched.

    The smell is appalling and I didn't stay in the house while it was being done. If you did it yourself, you'd need a respirator mask and lots of ventilation.

    At first it looked good from a distance, but close up it looks painted. Then when the peeling starts, it no longer looks good even from a distance.

    All up, I'd stay it is successful for doors & vanity benchtops (but not kitchen benchtops, as it gets rougher use). Unless you a just wanting to tart up a bathroom to sell, I'd steer clear of it for showers & splashbacks, but OK in areas with no action (like around an unused bath).

    Make sure you get an honest technician that has been verbally recommended (as online recommendations are not reliable). And make sure you see the technician's work before contracting him for your job.

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