This was posted 11 years 1 month 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Bundle - Bohemia Interactive Weekly Bundle - Pay What You Want ($6 USD for All)


All games are Steam redeemable. Seems like a good way to get Day:Z mod if you aren't already onboard.

Take On Helicopters
UFO: Afterlight
Alpha Prime
ARMA: Gold Edition
ARMA Tactics

Over $6USD
ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
ARMA II: DayZ Mod (Free content which requires ARMAII:OA. Listed to ensure no confussion as base pack does not allow access)

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Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +2

    Already have arma 2, arrowhead . But a great dev team and willing to support. Will purchase

    • sad its doesn't include a gog-style drm free copy :( still bought it tho. :)

      • You can get the no-steam version from Amazon if anyone really dislikes DRM that much.

        • I have no steam version but would prefer Steam

  • +1

    fantastic bundle, already have most of it though

  • +11

    Just be aware that the DayZ mode for Arma 2 arrowhead is free anyway.. to make it sound like it's an added extra is a bit shady..

    • +3

      It does point out it is free if you click on it. And it's not as bad as when they kept using the word "games" during their zen pinball bundle.

    • -4

      To make it a BTA game is even bloody shadier in my book. Do they even own the rights to it? I thought that Kiwi guy still owned the rights to DayZ.

      • +4

        It is not a BTA game

        Pay $6 or more to unlock two more games!
        Carrier Command: Gaea Mission + ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead

        they are simply pointing out that to play the DayZ mod you need to buy ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead. It's a carrot on a stick to get people to BTA.

  • +3

    Already own ARMA 2 and Arrowhead as well.. But buying anyway to support a great DEV =)

    ARMA 2 is an awesome game.. But be prepared to spend a lot of time learning ;)

    • ArmA 2's harder to get into than ArmA 1 IMHO and the campaign's worse, but the standalone missions and the controls are much nicer.

  • Awesome

  • +5

    Thanks! More games to add to my collection of unfinished games.

    Wonder how well it would work if they initially set the price at $10, and offer a $4 discount for finishing all games in the bundle

    • +12

      Finishing?!? How about just actually downloading and starting!

      • +1

        tell me about it

    • +4

      Should be the other way round, game cost $6 and then you pay the extra $4 if/when you actually play it.

  • Good deal! I've been looking out for Operation Arrowhead. But I don't want Steam.

    If you buy this bundle but already have Operation Arrowhead, I'll trade it with you for Silent Hunter 4, NecroVision, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl or GT Legends. Send me a PM.

    • Operation Arrowhead from humble bundle activates on Steam. Guess you could view CD key and note it down to use with the nonsteam version?

      • How would I go about doing that?

        I have someone trading it with me now.

  • +1

    How is Australian traffic on the DayZ mod servers, and how much life does this have left with the new standalone?

    • +2

      I found the standalone game to be very buggy and limited as it is still pre alpha

    • I think DayZ time has passed and population is dwindling, the standalone is nowhere near the state of the mod yet as it is still pre-alpha. Check out the mod version of you haven't played it already but most people have stopped playing as you get burnt out on it and there's not much point in the game.

  • This is the best Bundle since the Fatman one 2 months ago. Get it.

    I guess the purpose behind this bundle is to increase sales of Arma 3 and the threee Arma 2 DLCs.

    • +2

      Humble Origin bundle was the best of all time.

  • +4

    It's $6 USD, through paypal conversion it comes up to $7.07 AUD.

    • Thanks, I sort of forgot/naturally assumed USD.

  • they've changed the pricing policy ?
    its used to be pay above the average but a flat 6 (or above now)

    • +3

      for weekly it is a flat $6 but the normal bundles are above the average.

      • arrr ic
        keep getting newsletters on every new bundle i thought they were all the same

  • +3

    This is a topnotch bundle. Never seen ARMA ever get this sort of treatment. Great games for such a low price.

  • Thanks OP, this is one of the better Humble sales compared the last few ones.

    If anyone doesn't want Operation Arrowhead I'd be happy to trade it for Zombie Driver, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Warhammer 40K or Mirrors Edge. Send me a PM if interested.

  • I find it strange the bundle having 6 great titles in its first level in bundle. Especially that Tactics is kinda new game on PC. Should have make more sense putting more to BTA, making them better income.

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