Lawnmower and WipperSnipper

I need to get a lawnmower and wippersnipper as the place I rent now has a yard.
I have no idea what I need but nothing over the top. It is all flat and about small\average in size. I would prefer somewhere that delivers but could hire a ute if really needed.

Anyone know where to get something cheap or maybe where I can get a deal for buying both?


  • You do not need a UTE this things can fit a car. Wait for a bunnings sale or such. Ozito brand should be fine for a small flat yard.

  • Sorry should have been clearer. I don't own a car, only have a little 125cc bike.
    Also would probably help if I said where I am. I'm in Canterbury, Sydney 2193

    I can't wait for a sale as I will need to get something in the next few weeks. We have our first inspection the month after so need the grass to be cut and green.

  • Masters do delivery, but quick check was $50 for a lawnmower+snipper.

    Probably cheaper to bus/train to your local Big W (campsie?) or Bunnings/Masters, buy cheap products, then grab a taxi home.

    • DO you have a source for that price? Cant be throwing those figures out on ozbargain!!!


      Also, to the OP, bunnings and i think masters have a free ute hire (maybe a refundable deposit)

      • I just hired a ute from bunnings to move but it was def not free.
        I think battler2 has the right idea with a taxi. I assume that even a mower comes in a box these days so is most likely the easiest way..

        Just got to find something cheap…

      • The $50 was the delivery figure. Read my comment again with emphasis on delivery.
        In the context of then talking about the taxi, bus, train I thought it was clear enough.

  • -1

    $50 for a lawnmower+snipper.
    is that with masters? Never heard of them I assume it is these people -
    but can't see anything that cheap..

  • I think "buttler" about might have made a mistake while typing. He might be suggesting 50$ for delivery.

    Why don't you look for someone who can do the moving for you? I have seen many doing it for $30 PH and usually finish it within hour. This at least will get you through your inspection time and you can later on look for a decent one on a decent price.

    If you are planning for long term solution, many a times garage sales have some of these going on a very reasonable rates. Provided you know what to look for. You can also try your luck on gumtree.

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