I'm in a pickle. My old HP pavillion from 2010 screwed on me last month and now I don't have a computer to work with. I'm a uni student but I am interning this semester and going back to uni next semester. For the sake of entertainment, I got myself a Nexus 7 2012 and I salvaged my S-ATA hdd from my old HP notebook for network file sharing/streaming from the desktop in the study.
The pickle is that I am not sure whether i should get a tablet computer/laptop/desktop pc now or later (before Spring semester starts)in July.
Also any pointers on what I should potentially get now/in the future which would be primarily for uni and personal use. My budget is ideally <500, but if that's unreasonable, I can go higher.
Whether to get a PC/Laptop/Tablet Computer now or later this year

Hopefully the rate of technology getting cheaper and more advanced is parallel or greater than the depreciation of our dollar. Thanks for your input, pal.
You never want to wait with technology because just when you're about to buy, you'll find a host of new reasons to wait again.
I also need new laptop and I was thinking maybe around april for easter sale or EOFYS?
You can pick one from here: http://www.msy.com.au/Parts/notebook.pdf
get one 3-4 weeks into semester i guess, they dont come with microsoft office but Open Office is great, opens and saves microsoft file types and its free
depends on what type of laptop you want, performance doesn't seem to be a need of yours? Go for a laptop with decent battery, from now until when you feel you need it look for deals :)
3rd gens… 3rd gens everywhere :'(
Always a tough one.
Pros: instant gratification, can do stuff with new machine now, Aussie dollar will fall if predictions are to be believed.
Cons: delayed gratification, save money, get more value for money if you wait for later technology, these things keep getting cheaper.
Take your pick.