Club Telco referal?

anyone with an active clubtelco memebership who wants a A$25 referal bonus? PM me ur details! any comments on usage? reliability?

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Club Telco
Club Telco


  • Turn on your PM option first.

    • turned on thanks!

  • Check out - very recently they've been TERRIBLE. After a month of them telling me the problem was with my system… it suddenly began working again - even though I'd changed nothing!

    The only reason I would go with them if I were making that choice today, is if I needed to move address again soon - because they have no contracts - and free relocation.

    • Speaking as someone who is with them, they are terrible. They do not care about the quality of the network itself and allow it to deteriorate without maintenance.

      Unless there is a law that says Telcos are not required to maintain the service they provide. I wonder if there is such a law….

      (I am aware they do not own the lines but lease it, it doesn't mean they shouldn't case up issues on behalf the consumer, heck, its their job to do that).

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