Co-location for My Own Server Gear in Sydney

Hey All,

I'm currently running my own gear at home initially as a lab and it's coming to a time where I'm ready to start having it hosted on a 24/7 basis.

Does anyone know of any good (and relatively cheap) places around Sydney (preferably) to house it?

Maybe half rack (20RU) would be enough.


  • Sorry no experience with co-location. We host with Crucial Cloud Hosting which co-locates with Equinix SY3 in Mascot. Previous work place co-located in Globalswitch in Ultimo. Had a tour in both places and neither look cheap…

    Maybe look at some budget hosting companies and see where they are hosted? Vocus? TPG?

  • +1

    20RU is going to be anything but budget..

  • 20RU :-0

    Might be time to buy some new servers running vmware and get down to 4RU.

    This link might give you some idea of costing. (I am not affiliated with them)

    Why not vps???

  • I got a quote, any thoughts if it's okay?

    • 15RU half rack with 1.2kw power $1200
    • 15RU half rack with 3kw power $1590
    • 44RU full rack 3kw power $2000

    I'd prefer my own equipment because I can get more value for money instead. E.g. One of my servers is a DL585G7 with 48 Cores and 128GB RAM, I can push out more value out of that than getting VMs.

    I've seen quotes from people who resell space and $200/RU is such a rip. If anyone's tempted to share space, maybe we can get more buying power instead?

    • So you are saying you currently have multiple rack-mount servers like this HP ProLiant monster box sitting somewhere at "home"? Wow. Would love to know what you are running.

      • Yes. It's running in an elevated 42RU rack at my home, along with another DL585 and some smaller Dell servers.

  • you might also push the 3kw limit.

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