This was posted 11 years 2 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

*FREE* Windows 8.1/Windows 7 & Adobe Software for NSW Students


All NSW Department of Education and Communities students are eligible to download and licence Adobe and Microsoft software from this website.

Students will need to use their student email address to register on their first visit. They will receive a verification email before they can proceed. Individual students are eligible for one download per application only.

I'm guessing this is for the new BYOD (Bring your own device) policy starting for this year 9.
Great if you want to jump on the new windows 8

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closed Comments

  • +5

    not eligible for uni student?

    • i guess not =(
      what kind of students are provided with email address?

      • K-12 Students

        • +17

          the people that are less likely to need it

        • K-12 students enrolled in public schools.

          Private schools not eligible for this deal.

    • is there a way for uni students to get a similar deal?

      • +17

        Go back to high school

        • +6

          Beauty school dropout

        • +2

          Nah, if you drop out of beauty school, the only way to get a deal is to smuggle a boogie board full of weed into bali.

      • +1

        Yes there is.. I got one from ECU a while ago.. Will post as soon as I find the link..

    • -6

      Its a joke, us uni students get nothing :(

      • +23

        Except a subsidised education.

      • -3

        Hahahahaha… Good joke there.

        • +3

          Ever paid International costs for tertiary education? Keep laughing

        • -3

          Are we talking about that? No. You choose to come to Australia for higher education, you pay for it. It's not rocket science.

        • +2

          No, I actually choose to be a science lecturer to both foreign and Australian students.

          Clearly joke lost.

        • -2

          Cool story.

          Again, where was I talking about that? Oh that's right, I'll go to another country and expect subsidised education…

      • -6

        LOL i got negged. Righto.

        • -8

          haha negged again. This site is turning into a bunch of tools thinking they are king sh*t

        • +9

          Maybe it's you? See if this comment gets negged.

        • +1

          nah dw people get angry really quickly if you put you opinion out there, best way to not get negged is to put a general comment and make sure it doesn't offend anyone ie don't show any thought or individualism

    • You can take th softwear you want from uni, most unis provide that for students

      • +3

        "You can take the softwear you want from uni, most unis provide that for students"

        Are you referring to comfortable clothing?

        • If you do computing in UNSW, you get access to all windows and others

        • Yes, I understand that. That would be software, not softwear :)

        • +2

          obvious UNSW computing graduate =)

        • yeah but we don't get a free personal copy

    • I tried it with my son’s school email address and have started up the download page. Found:

      You can only download the Microsoft Windows 8.1 professional upgrade (it is a web-setup exe 4.7MB).

      But from the bottom of download page – section <<Recommended For You>>: you will “Receive genuine Backup DVD of” “Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional 32/64-bit (English)” if you are willing to pay $13.95.

      Q: why do not they provide the Win 8.1 full version download on line if they have the full version on DVD?

      • DIY vs provided on disc
        My advice, unless you are on restricted or slow internet connection - just download and burn to a dvd yourself
        Win 8.1 is about 3gb from memory
        If you aren't comfortable with doing so - fork out the $ :)

        • they do not provide the win 8.1 pro full version for internet downloading. but they do sell the full version on DVD for $13.95.

          what you can download is a win 8.1 upgrade web-setup executable file.(4.7MB, not 47MB shown on the download page)

          Could anyone show me how to download the full version of win 8.1 (3gb) from if you have done it successfully. many thanks in advance.

        • You have downloaded a MS tool they use for all Windows 8+ downloads.

          If you run it, it will download the full version and offer the opportunity to create a file for you to burn to DVD.

        • +1

          for a person who doesn't follow the initial instructions you want us to write further instructions for you to not follow?

  • Looks like the student portal is down for me, any other way to access my school email?

    • +5

      The Department of education uses GMAIL so go to and sign in using the and the password and it should let you in

      • Separate domain within gmail. Access is only available via the DET student portal, not

  • +1

    How would I find out what my year 1 son's school email/PW is, in the middle of the holidays?

    • I would like to know this too. My daughter just finished kindy and moving to year 1 in feb.

    • +1

      It's likely that you can't, as no one will be there until at least the end of the month to answer your question, as per the school holiday system. That said, it's possible that your young son may not have a school created email account until his school incorporates Email and Web IT into his year level curriculum.

      I had to wait until year 3 or 4 to receive a school email address, despite learning IT since year 2. I wonder how the times have changed…

      • Also, the DEC has a couple of different systems for Internet access. My understanding is all/most of the High Schools have done so (possibly for the laptop program when it was rolled out), but Primary Schools are only just beginning to do so (they previously had a different system). So primary school students may be out of luck (my year 4 going into year 5 student will be trying it out - I'll post an update how he goes). Will also post how my high school student sons will go, as I know previously the student accounts had to be updated with capability and in previous years it was for students with laptops from the program (not BYOD).

      • I didn't have a school email till yr11

    • Call 1800 338 483.

    • +3

      Your Year 1 will know his password as will his parent or carer. These were advised last February by almost all schools. As IT supervisor at my own school, I spoke about it at parent-teacher evenings for all grades in February then advised parents in the school newsletter and school iPhone/smartphone app.

      ALL NSW public school-children have a DET address, i.e [email protected] , within three days of them starting kindergarten or moving from a private school to a public school.

      In practice, only about five of our sixty-seven kindergarten kids used their email accounts. Probably about a fifth of our Year 1s and almost half our Year 2s. Once they get to Year 3 and beyond, it is 100%. I actually send their work out via email each week and about one-third of our teachers send and receive homework by email.

      You son should be able to tell you his log on name and his simple password. For Yr 1, we encourage three or four characters in a password. So it your boy is Abdullah Yerbouti, his log in will be adulllah.yerbouti or adulllah.yerbouti3 or adulllah.yerbouti14 … depending how many other kids in NSW education have the same name. Ask him. If he's awake and alert, he'll know. He has to log on at least twice per week in most public schools. (I refuse to log Kindergarten Kids in after June and Year 1 kids after March … so his IT teacher or class teacher will probably insist on him knowing how to log on independently.)

      If he has no idea, you'd better go to the Year 2 information night and keep abreast of school newsletters in 2014. There's probably an IT teacher hoping you'll show a bigger interest than in the past.

      • what is your kid got middle name? and who is the best person that we can contact to get the password reset?

      • +2

        Holy cow. Things have changed since I was a kid.

      • There's 120 primary schools in one of the 10 nsw school regions alone. In the state I'm sure not all schools operate the same way your school does in terms of IT. It really depends on the computer coordinators stance and the students teacher. I've seen a teacher with a list of passwords logging in for students

        • I'm pretty sure my daughter's school uses just one password for all kids in the same year level. From memory it was 'blue' for yr 1.

      • Wow. My son says he has never used a PC at school. He says the teacher uses a laptop with smart board but she can't use it well so it's not often…
        I'll ask him again tomorrow and when he gets his new teacher in Feb I'll ask them too.
        I did search the school website and newsletter archive and it's not mentioned (regular Sydney public primary).

        • Maybe one of the kids could show the teacher how to use the smart board? ;-)

      • That's a fair number of accounts sitting ready to be hacked/misused before users/parents are even aware what's going on. Sounds like an Education Dept (non practical) decision alright. Seems like some like to learn lessons the hard way sadly.

        What's the likelihood of kids hacking into others accounts (esp if easy/fixed passwords are used). You can predict the results, talk back radio calls and TT/ACA segments already.

  • +2

    TAFE not eligible???

    • Yes, FT TAFE students in fee-paying courses had access in 2012 and AFAIK should still have it under another Microsoft sharing program.

      • +1

        Only to Dreamspark. Not Dreamspark Premium, which is what has the OS availible.

        VICTafe student here. On the upside, I did get Visual Basic and Windows Server.

  • Wow seriously ACT not eligible even though we're inside NSW.


    • +13

      You may be inside NSW geographically but you are a separate political entity, a territory.

      • -6

        It was a comment made in jest dude.

        • +2

          Damn, you fooled me. Slow day? :P

    • +5

      ACTually, you are not part of NSW!

  • +1

    thank worked for me

    • Worked for us too. In the attempts to get absolutely everything, was unable to get both Win 8 AND Win 8.1. Choose carefully :-)

  • my email is, so it's not gonna work even though my uni is in Sydney?
    (which school has the email "" anyway? public high schools?)

    • high schools and primary schools i think

      • these kids probably using mac

        • the school probably prefer Android, free!! :-P

  • +3

    Thank you for this, just grabbed some keys. Year 12 paying off, haha.

  • +2

    Thanks for the link. Just got it through my sons email.

    • +12

      Nice parenting :-)

    • Make sure that you only instal it on the computer your son is using for home access or BYOD. You don't want a nasty shock if you're misusing a program intended for a learning-only category program.

      • +1


  • +4

    Interesting selection of software. Why would they give a student an operating system (presumably their PC has one already) but not an Office product? Maybe Microsoft needs to get their licence numbers up for marketing purposes.

    • +1

      Windows XP going out of support in April, this may or may not be coincidental.

    • +3

      Or someone's job in the DEC relies on having enough seats deployed for them to support?

      I loved the software they licensed for the laptops when they were rolled out. Awesome software, but way beyond what could reasonably run on the underpowered netbooks they passed off as laptops.

    • Maybe that's exactly it: Office is the cash cow now.

    • Oh and Office can be bought reasonably cheap if you work for an organisation with Software Assurance in place. Look up Home Use Program.

    • Why would they give a student an operating system (presumably their PC has one already) but not an Office product?

      Presumably so that if they are using Mac, they have the option of using Windows and run MS office software.

    • I suspect it's not available now as Office 365 is currently being trailed and will be rolled out to all students soon.

  • +3

    are private school students eligible for this ?

    • +4

      Lol, nope.

    • +14

      you're joking right?

    • Hahah nice one

  • -5

    Someone give me their educationnsw email.
    My photoshop is about 15 years old.

    • Yeah right.. we'll give you access to our email.

    • +14

      Dude, you're MacGyver! I'm sure you could find a way to upgrade your Photoshop using a paper clip and a used toilet paper roll without having to resort to asking for someone's email.

    • Do you have the free Adobe CS2 for Windows XP? If you have something older than that, firstly you can still upgrade, and secondly well done on joining the interwebs :-)

    • (requires Flash)

    • Donate your copy of CS1 to the Smithsonian Institute and hopefully they'll reimburse you for your priceless artifact.

      Maybe even Antiques Roadshow would be interested. "And how much do you think this is worth today? $350? No that much, in fact… it's completely worthless. Have a nice day."

  • Fantastic initiative!

  • +3

    Or you know, you could just torrent it

  • 31 days of access only, or so it seems.

    • +2

      That's for the download only. The keys given out are permanent.

  • +4

    I guess a big part of learning is still about making mistakes and not repeating them. Giving out Windows 8 is a great way to teach students a valuable lesson!

  • The price is right.

  • Which one should I choose Windows 8.1 Professional or Windows 8 Professional? I am confused on why they have both. Would someone shed some light on this please?
    EDIT: I'm pretty sure it is just a newer version.

    • +1

      Yeah 8.1 is just the update. Get that :)

    • +2

      Windows 8.1 is a reworked version of Windows 8 which patches several issues found in Win 8.0. You can think of it as an service pack, although MS would prefer to call it as an 'update'.

    • +3

      Windows 8.1 will let you almost completely remove the start screen and leave your PC's desktop a more familiar Windows 7 feel.

  • On a side note, i happen to have access to windows 8, but im still running 7. Should i upgrade or am i better off staying with windows 7?

    • +3

      Win 8 provides several benefits over 7, namely a better filesystem, better file copy dialogs, better security, etc. but if you happen to like the classic Start Menu then it's a matter of finding a classic start bar replacement like Classic Shell or StartisBack to replace the Modern UI.

      You also won't get Windows Media Center, as it has now become an optional paid addon, but why use WMC when XBMC is free…

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