After buying a dodgy one from Gumtree (Leichardt, NSW), I've noticed that the frame is starting to bend. Clearly the quoted 250kg limit was bullshit (since I've only got about 80kg on it so far) but I guess that's what I deserve for buying brandless junk.
I'm looking for a new one instead of waiting for that death trap to spring. I plan to use it for benchpresses as well as squats so the bar holders should be able to go quite low.
These two are around the price range (<~$250) I'm looking at and they seem quite sturdy:……
Does anyone have any recommendations, advice or feedback on squat racks?
That second one looks a bit nicer because it has longer arms = safer if you can't take another rep out of the hole. Might also see IronEdge's range, though I have a feeling they would be way above your price range.