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Australian Flag & Cape 2 in 1 (150cm X 90cm) $4 (Save $5) Delivered from Kogan


Perfect for Australia Day, Cricket, Rugby, Footy, the Big Day Out, a day at the beach or any other patriotic occasion, you can wave or wear your 'true blue’ colours with pride — thanks to the sewn in sleeves on the reverse of the flag, it can easily go from flag to cape whenever you want!

Length 150cm
Sleeve Size 40 x 30cm
Width 90cm
Weight 72g

Ships in 1-2 days (free delivery)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    For when you need to be a patriot and a superhero on the same day.

    Here's to you Captain Australia!

    • Do you need 5 rings to be combined to make him/her appear?

      Like you know captain planet

      • +1

        Bundy! Pluggers! Flanno! Winfield! Holden! Gooooo Aussie!

        With your powers combined, I am Captain Aussie!

        Captain Aussie, he's a derro
        His old ladies name is Sheryl.

      • I was thinking Captain America, but sure why not! :P

  • +11

    Ruslan 'Bogan'

  • +1

    C'mon where are the stubby holders to go with the cape … superheroing is thirsty work

  • +21

    As a 100% owned and operated Australian company, we are proud to offer the Australian Flag and Cape for 2014!

    .. "MADE IN CHINA"

  • +6

    it can easily go from flag to cape whenever you want!


  • +3

    Throw in a stick on Southern Cross tattoo and i'm sold

  • +16

    Fantastic during the next Cronulla riot

    • +5

      One of the proudest days of my life. tear

    • You got in before me!!!!

  • Fantastic if someone in another country draws a cartoon that you don't like or makes a movie that you've never seen and you need to burn something while rioting in the street.

  • +2

    Exclusively for bogans and instigators.

    The end.

  • Comes with free 1 year warranty….

  • +8

    Oh the irony of racist bogans running around in a chinese made Aussie flag cape.

    • I think everyone should buy this, especially migrants — we all love Australia and what is better then an Australian flag as a cape. Let's take this beautiful tradition away from the ignorant and make it into a tradition for all Australians. Then who knows bogan's may realise the Australia flag cannot be used as an cover for hate and stop trying to tarnish our loved flag.

  • My idea of a cape is that it should be lengthways down your back and hence the flag would've been draped sideways down your back.. so I was interested to see how the sewn-in sleeves were done along the short-side. But the way it's down now looks more like an Evil Kneivel wingsuit than a cape.

  • No thanks. The blue in the flag is meant to represent the night sky. It should be dark blue. Colour on this flag is inaccurate.

  • I only hope no one is offended by it… ?

  • +2

    Time to reclaim the flag from the racists. What happened in the last 10 years that makes normal Australians think twice about flying our own flag?

    • I recall some social commentators(engineers?) were saying that people displaying the flag can be very confronting for new migrants and even offensive and we need to think carefully about what situations we bring it out.

      • +2

        what? WHAT? Are you freaking serious? I can't even comprehend this

        • Yes I am serious, it was on TV, and yes I managed to restrain myself from kicking and punching my TV in a fit of rage.

          These idiots only need to plant the seed once and the terror and shame of waving a flag quickly spreads.

        • +1

          I agree with you, but if you were a migrant sitting on a beach enjoying yourself, and you saw a bunch of guys walking along with Australia flags as capes, what's the first thing you'd think? I know I'd be incredibly wary.

        • +2

          It's the context. I doubt anyone would be worried around Aust Day or at a sporting event for example. Driving around drunk in the back of a ute on a Fri night might be different. It's not embarrassment or anything else, it's just that most Australians are proud of the country they live in without feeling the need to state the obvious.

          As for the number of people with these extreme views around flags, the media tend to feed off them and create emotion/provide visibility (to serve their own commercial needs) rather than there actually be much of an issue in society. It only requires two people to create a news story and the media is desperate for content to get viewers emotionally engaged (worked up).

      • err for everyone… kiss the flag… no… get bashed…

        This whole patriotism lark by the young, is just a rebellious(against political correctness) fad…

        Since when has throwing the flag around mean your more Australian than those who don't.

        We are not insecure Americans

  • Australian Flag: 'Made in China' on the back.

  • +3

    Thanks OP ordered.

    I love our flag I think it really has a true beauty about it.


  • As Australians we could always be a little bit more patriotic, but is this the way to do it?

    • +1


    • +1

      What better way than to show your patriotism ! Clear for all to see .

      • +1

        You do know that the whole flag thing that kicked off around 15 years ago, was by the businesses selling the flags.

        I'm pretty sure people were patriotic, before this whole yanky flag fad started

  • +2

    I bought one..!!!!! Great deal !!!!

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