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$69.00 - BenQ 3rd Gen 3D Glasses (Normally $129!)


These Benq 3G Glasses are on sale again at Warcom!

We only have 10 sets available of each and there is a limit of one per person, so get in fast!


Use the coupon code 'OZBSHIP' to get FREE shipping on most products on the Warcom website for this evening only!

Big and bulky items are excluded, like chairs, desks, printers!

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closed Comments

  • Didn't you have them discounted to $50 previously?

    • Yerp. Still a bargain at double the price … apparently.

      • +1

        and last time the RRP was $149. Now the RRP $129.

    • Hiya Kwokask,

      We previously purchased them at $45 sold for $50.

      These ones are $60 selling for $69 — still much cheaper than anyone else online!

  • any benq projector on sale?

    • Good point.

      OP any FullHD 3D Benq projector on sale?

      • More than happy to take a look for you guys - what are you after?

        Have a browse around this section:


        I'm happy to do free delivery on all projectors!

        Use the redemption code: 'OZBSHIP'

    • More than happy to take a look for you guys - what are you after?

      Have a browse around this section:


      I'm happy to do free delivery on all projectors!

      Use the redemption code: OZBSHIP

      • Hi Rep,

        Do you stock Benq W1070 projectors? (Search returned 0 results)


        • Hi Cart,

          I don't think they are actually available at all any more mate.

          I have just contacted benq though to double check this.

  • are these any good with hoyts cinemas? i hate the cheap cinema glasses, 3d glasses usually ruin the picture, why do people spend so much $$$ on the brightest tv screens and projects just to darken the picture with a pair of sunglasses???

    • -6

      hahaha, I don't see why not!

      Buy some, give them a crack and let us know.

      • +4

        ermmm the cinemas use polarised glasses, these would be shutter… (battery powered)
        IE the cinema projects two images onto the screen shutter glasses would be useless. (shutter glasses block every second frame, polarised glasses block one of the projections.)

  • +1

    What is the difference between 3rd gen and 4th gen? 144hz i guess?

    • wondering the same thing, not sure if it's worth the extra $10 for my w1070

      The support guy said they are the same just a different design

  • Good price for genuine BenQ glasses OP.

    If there are any BenQ (or indeed DLP 3D PJ users out there) and need extra pairs of glasses, have a look at the Sainsonic branded sets, typically on the bay. They work great.

    • I just got a W1070. How good are they compared to the genuine ones in terms of picture quality?

    • They work great if you don't mind a red tinge in your blacks!

      • Sounds alright for the $$ I'd save. Can always be downgraded as kid's pair should I decide to get a pair genuine ones in the future.

        • I bought a pair of the Sainsonics to hand to kids/relatives whenever they're around, otherwise I use the BenQ ones. There is buggerall difference in technological quality, however, there is a slight comfort difference.

  • +2

    I wear these 3D glasses outside everyday and see the world in 3D.. Awesome!

    • +2

      Graphics any good?

    • -1

      So that's the damage 3d glasses have done to your brain.

      • +1

        uncalled for comment wtf… perhaps you just can't see what's in front of you.

  • Dollar sign in front of price please

  • Well for what its worth my glasses arrived yesterday and I got to test them yesterday evening. I ended up getting the 3d Glasses II ($10 more expensive rechargable)..

    These benq perform much worse than my truedepth 3d glasses and probably even worse than the sainsonics that I bought as well.. I'll be emailing warcom today once at work to find out if I can swap them over or ask for a refund because they seem to block maybe half of the red pulse sync making them unusable for dark scenes….

    Not impressed at all….

    • Got mine, I got the cheaper ones, they seem better to me than my cheap chinese ones, though the rep told me both models were exactly the same just different shape. Would of preferred the rechargeable ones.

      I guess they may actually be different tech in them as well?

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