modem router

Hey guys just moved into a new place. Sadly the internet is a bit of a step down in terms of speed. I can live with the 7mbps but my router is constantly starting to disconnect. The net is fine as Ethernet from the modem. So I need suggestions for a new router or modem/router. Given my fairly scrappy speed I don't really want to spend over $100ish.

Thoughts or recommendations?


  • My thoughts are you need to spend more than $100 to get a better quality modem, but I'm sure someone else will chime in with models under $100 that are OK.

    • For what reason do you suggest I pay more? At my old house I got 16mbps, here I get 7mbps. It's not the modem it's just what my line quality is. Both houses were similar distances to their respective exchanges (just over 1km).

      My background is not in IT, but I fail to see why I should pay 250 for a snazzy dazzy AC/N/G modem router when my line speed just can't back it up.

      Any further insights appreciated

      • +2

        Whether you have ADLS1 or 2+ has NOTHING to do with anything, especially if you're saying the line quality is bad and you're experiencing drop-outs. I only have ADSL1 here, but download at UP TO 840kBps - which is awesome speed, and reliable as anything, after upgrading to the Fritz!Box, which I replaced with after I got sick of problems with my cheap Netgear.

        It will make a big difference what quality the modem/router you buy as to how it will stay connected and at what speed, regardless of what your line supports.

        I frequently get 1-2Mbps extra using the higher quality modem/router (yes on both ADSL1 OR ADSL2+). I also do not have any WiFi dropouts or tragically slow WiFi connections, and I never have to reset the modem because it's frozen. I do not have devices that simply will not connect or stay connected to my WiFi.

        Something I frequently see with the cheap sub-$100 modem/routers.

        I've been dealing with these things since 1997 as a retailer. I hear your exact question every day. There's a reason one modem/router will cost you $60, and another $260. There's a reason companies do not use TP-Link, but Cisco. They can't afford to buggerize around keeping things working.

        Doesn't have to be a Fritz!Box, that is just the best I've dealt with , but Billion has always done me well, as has Draytek, and although you'll find a lot of Netgear/D-Link supporters here, the most problems I've had have actually been with these modem/routers. To be fair, 7/10 modem routers I come across are one of those two, but I cannot deny I always seem to be replacing them.

        I'm going to cop a hell of a lot of flak over this post, hence I tried to keep things really simple in my original post. Last time I gave my opinion on these forums, based on facts over the last 17 years of my experience, I got negged. I don't like writing here any more, but when I saw your post, I just wanted to genuinely help and tell you to spend a little more than $100 to truly sort out the problems you are having and not swapping one problematic modem/router for another.

        Whirlpool is also a great source to do your own research by the way.

        Look, here it is take it or leave it. I'm not selling you anything, but in this case it is painfully true that you get what you pay for….Really. Been there done that for almost two decades……

        • +1

          Will preface this by saying i didn't disregard your advice… I happened to just swing by MSY and buy a modem/router before I saw this response.

          To clarify: I have ADSL 2+ on adam internet in SA. The line has no drop outs when connected to the modem via an ethernet cable. I can watch movies/download for as long as I like. However, when watching HD youtube for 5 mins using wifi through the router, my internet will stop, requiring me to disconnect from my wifi, then reconnect. Sometimes i have to do this multiple times per hour. The line is stable - but a speed decrease from what I had experienced previously.

          I have just purchased a billion 7700n. The set up was relatively easy and it is working so far so good. Speed on wifi is 7.02mbps compared to 7.05mpbs via ethernet cable. For comparison the old modem (netcomm nb6) also put out 7mbps - so there is no discernible difference there. Hopefully though, the wifi will remain stable.

          Plus points for the billion 7700n: it is a well known brand with plenty of forum support, it is a small single unit, it contains ALL necessary components [including ethernet cable, phone cable, splitter (if wanting to use voip)]

          Positive or negative: it cost $50
          At this price point, I was happy to pull the trigger on this without any further thought. My usage is fairly minimal - the most important thing is to maintain an even ping while i play dota 2 (and hopefully keep enough speed if the missus happens to jump online at the same time too). If it isn't fit for my purpose, at this price, i'm happy to pull the trigger on something around $150. I did consider the billion 7800 at $99 - but in my basic knowledge the biggest selling point i can see is IPv6 compared to IPv4 and i dont think that will affect me personally that much.

          I do not doubt your experience - which has led you to the brands you trust. From all accounts the Fritzbox is fantastic. It is hard to say though, for me, how much improvement something of that standard would do for my internet connection. I'm hesitant to pay that much because I see an extra 1Mbps as a really small gain, but even that is not guaranteed. I cannot imagine that even a $350 modem router would take my 7mpbs line speed to 24mpbs. Maybe if the political clowns in Canberra finally roll out the NBN proper i'll join you in Fritz heaven ;)

          Thank you for taking the time to reply - all thoughts and suggestions are very much valued. I dont know why anyone would neg you for trying to help, that's just rude.

        • +2

          LOL! :

          "Maybe if the political clowns in Canberra finally roll out the NBN proper i'll join you in Fritz heaven ;)"

          PLEASE don't get me started! :)

          Unfortunately I doubt Malcolm has the balls to admit he is wrong officially. Most of the NBN board + the individual assessors have said he should progress with FttP.

          After brandishing the FttN for so long before and after the election, he'll be too proud and push this $42b junk on to us and call it "progress" when now only 23% of the population will get speeds "up to 25Mbps", after the latest investigations.

          So $41b for what we really essentially have already got.

          I was all for the FttP NBN, bugger initial cost of investment! But now he wants to bring this in at $41b, I'd be happier to stop the project altogether because this is just pissing money up a wall.

          Whoops - just got myself started!

          Anyway back to your issue. I've never had problems with Billion modem/routers. I will admit I usually use more expensive ones than $50, but I have always had a soft spot for the brand. I hope it works out for you.

          All the best.

  • +1

    To make it easy on yourself, just check your local shops (Officeworks, TGG, DS, BigW, etc). When you see something in your price range, Google it on your phone & check the reviews at both & I find that those two sites have the most chance for finding a review on most items. Then buy the one that looks best!

    RE: modem vs. modem/router- having the combo makes it easier to get manufacturer help later if there's a connection issue (you don't have the modem maker pointing fingers at the router maker & vice-versa).

    All that being said, I tend to like Netgear products, for the money.


    • Good advice. I do read amazon reviews. Can take a while in-store though since sadly those reviews can be clouded by two distinct types of reviews the "i bought it, I love it, it's the best", or "i can't use it, it's too hard, 1 star"

      Will look into newegg. Thanks!

  • The line has no drop outs when connected to the modem via an ethernet cable. I can watch movies/download for as long as I like. However, when watching HD youtube for 5 mins using wifi through the router, my internet will stop, requiring me to disconnect from my wifi, then reconnect. Sometimes i have to do this multiple times per hour.

    Don't throw your old netcomm nb6 modem/router out. Chances are its wireless will work again if you update it to the latest firmware, and also update the wifi drivers on your computers.

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