While at Officeworks yesterday, I picked the SONY BT wireless speaker for $68. Its their normal price so it may not be a bargain as such, but just thought of posting it here because its almost half of the price as compared to JB-HIFI($127) and Dicksmith ($129). Its a pretty good piece and much better than lots of other similar devices out there atleast for under $70!
SONY Wireless Speakers SRS BTM8 for $68 @ Officeworks, $127@JBHIFI and $129@DS

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You are right. That is what they did next day HN offered 50% price reduction.
dlink repeater? Bluetooth?
Do these work with TV's? (specifically the AKAI TV bought from OfficeWorks with the previous deal)
Are there any Bluetooth speakers which comes with audio out socket to connect to an earphone? This one doesn't have any audio out according to the specifications.
Be interesting to see if GG come through with their 120% difference refund if anyone's just bought one recently there.
I bought one of these at HN last week for $68 - very happy with it so far for the price, sound quality is good and battery life on my rechargeable AA's has been great - used it for a few hours each day and havent had to charge the batteries yet. There are louder speakers out there with better bass etc but you would be paying $200+ for anything better IMO.
I got one of these for my wife for Christmas and it's great. So easy to use and sounds reasonably good. No app needed to pair with nfc - all I needed to do was make sure nfc was active, which it was on my n4 and my wife's sgs3 4g, then tap and hold on the handle and it asked if I wanted to pair.
It would be great if car makers did pairing like this when it comes to rental cars…
may get one for my sister.
I don't understand about the NFC (Near Field Comms.)?
Will this work with an iPhone?
sorry mate, iPhone doesn't support NFC
iPhone doesn't have NFC (just give it a Google), but it will work with this product via Bluetooth
iPhone doesn't have NFC (just give it a Google), but it will work with this product via Bluetooth
iPhones are notorious (or were) for being 'picky' with their Bluetooth. That is, it would work in some brands of car but not others. Lexus, BMW, for example.
Has anyone had this working over Bluetooth with an iPhone 5 and/or 4S ?
I bought the Sony BTM8 for my wife a month or two back. It's been a very good unit, with nice sound and surprising battery life. The speakerphone function is also quite useful at times.
My friends with iPhones (4S, 5S) have had no trouble pairing it for music playback - but feel free to test it in the store before buying.
I have paired iPhone4 with a Toyota and works great.
Give it a year or two, and it might.
it will be given some fancy names like iPair.. and we'll start to see a string of new law suits from our dear friends at apple.
For wireless playback using an iPhone, you're better off finding speakers that support AirPlay. I don't know if AirPlay-compatible speakers have come down to the $68 mark yet, but there might be some around $100.
The speaker works fine for pairing with an iPhone for music playback and speakerphone functions, which is what you're actually buying it for.
iPhones just won't be able to use the NFC feature, which is more of a convenience thing - it just speeds up and simplifies the connection process.
The one I saw at bigw comes with a free speaker ball but I don't remember how much was it for sure more than $68 though. If bigw does price match OW and you still get the speaker ball for free it will be awesome.
I dont think its as good as the previous deal
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/127458But still a good price for a nice speaker.
Does this use NFC just to activate bluetooth? If you were streaming via NFC, wouldn't you have to leave the device with the speaker?
The NFC is used to activate the bluetooth connection as you suspect - instead of fiddling around with menus, you simply tap near the icon on the speaker and hey presto you are listening to music, using it to talk on the phone handsfree, etc…
I have tried it with numerous Android and Windows phones and it works a treat :-)
(even non-techy old folks were able to get it working within seconds)NFC is NOT used for streaming the music ;-)
Just initiates the connection. Saves you a couple of button presses.
In my case it saves me dealing with endless phone calls from people telling me it's not working :p
I think the white and blue coloured models may be released soon. If you look on sony's website there is a pic of a white one…
Already released and yes they look good :-)
Anyone know how this compares sound-wise with the Creative D100?
I got it with the bonus ball speaker with TGG ($88 + $2 P&H) just before Xmas.
The sound quality and loudness is good for personal use only. It's OK at $68 though, if you are curious.I have got D100 and a co-worker is using this Sony unit at office. I have to say that the Sony sounds a bit more clear and crisp than the Creative unit. To really enjoy your music, I don't think either would do the trick. Creative D100's bass sounds too hollow and the Sony is really just for taking phone calls.
$68 at Harvey Norman too if your nearby Officeworks does not have any stock left.
bought it from goodguys, going to see if i can get an 120% guarantee
You got bonus speakers as well, which are missing in this case.
Please post here if you get any luck with that and I'll do the same. Though might be hard with the bonus mini speaker before.
Bought it for $88 before christmas with a bonus speaker but returned back after comparing sound with my JBL Flip which I got for only $96 from Myers last week.
Sony has decent sound and batteries last for more than 12 hours and uses generic AA, so you can carry extra if you want to get fun without interruption. I have not used JBL Flip, but Sony is definitely better than the others in the market. Will recommend them at this price.
Got the white one priced matched at JB. Thanks Op
I checked with JB and the guy said they don't stock the white one? Where'd you get yours?
Hoxton park nsw had the price tag be both a written tag of $109 and printed tag for $68.
Scanned for $68 though.
More than 6 left.Office works in the city only had displays.
Had to go to JB to get price matched (Dick Smith wouldn't do it because its below cost)
Grabbed the display model…last avail at officeworks QV. Got a further 5% off! Thanks OP
Easy. Got JB HiFi Adelaide st Brisbane to price match. They had a bunch in stock. No fuss
I just bought it from OW. very happy with sound quality. Thanks :)
are the batteries rechargeable?
i am after a sound sustem that is poryable, rechargeable, bluetooth, has a dock to charge phone. basically a sustem i can use in the house to charge my phone and listen to music but compactosh enough to take out. bonus if can be rechargeable by mains and usb.
i have been looking at Bose but i can't find anything… it's eitber one or the other.
alternative is to buy bose iphone charger and music player… has to look nice for the home and a sepatate portable bluetooth speaker to take out. camping etc….
would prefer dual function bit ii cant see us taking it out a lot, maybe more like moving around the house. still will be useful.
price up to $600
sound quality has to be really good.
Got mine from Harvey Norman Martin Place. 68 bucks which comes with the extra little Sony SRS-BTV5 speakers. Bargain!
WTh ! I though its $68 and the free SRS-BTV5 Promo expired on 24-Dec. Can you please post your receipt. Please don't run away without helping us score a bargain :P
I'll do it tonight :)… Just at work atm and don't have it with me right now.
FYI - At HN Martin Place, the speaker ball is attached to the SRS BTM8 box.
QLD - the bundle looks to be $129.
This speaker are great, got it for free when signing up with vodafone darlington.
They still have around 20 left
Think they may have dropped their price to match HN sale price….I found the same with a dlink repeater…normally 70 odd bucks but dropped to 28 during HN sale. Regardless it is a good price…bought unit for $1 more from HN click n collect…runs off mains or aa batteries…NFC pairing via an app. Sound pretty good…Still $120 at GG