Have anyone seen the new LC rapid plans? long story short, they are not so much of a bargain anymore. Vaya have killed them for good. I was thinking about moving from telstra to LC but now Vaya seems to be the only option below 20 bucks and I have serious doubt about the ethics of that company given the numerous complains in the whirlpool pages. Another option would have been telechoice but i dont want to enter a contract albeit it be for 12 months. Can anyone recommend anything else? how about yatango? Thanks
Live Connected new rapid plan sucks
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how is the data charging with vaya? have they fixed the 1mb per session billing?
They're doing this to discourage people signing up with LC and going with Vaya.
Speaking of telechoice, they advertise as using 'part of Telstra's 3G network'. What does that mean? Boost (which is owned by Telstra) advertise as using Telstra's 3G network. I can't find anything that shines some light on what 'part of' means in this case.
Have a read of the flyer in their store. AFAIK, it means whenever the Telstra 3G network is not available, it will switch back to using Optus 3G network.
google 'telechoice" + "kogan" and you will find the link to the 'special deal' of only 12 month contract. I love the $20 of $500/1gb & yes they use the telstra 3G network for coverage.
cheap telechoice, then Aldi mobile and then BOOST.
TC website is a mess but will improve im told FYI
No Free Telstra calls after 6pm on plan above and 10KB min of data…but it is Telstra network
Yeah, I saw the LC plans and they really do suck but LC is owned by Vaya anyways so it's the same thing. I think vaya is currently the best 4g plan at the moment, and woolies is cheap but you can't sign up to them anymore.