Use coupon code FREESHIP14 during checkout. Not valid in conjunction with other offers.
Please consider using my referral link:
Use coupon code FREESHIP14 during checkout. Not valid in conjunction with other offers.
Please consider using my referral link:
Members of the Kitchenware Direct rewards program earn points for purchases, referrals etc. If you join up to the rewards program and earn enough points, you get a voucher to use at Kitchenware Direct.
I'm not sure whether the referral link will allow any further discount (or allow me to earn any points) if you are using the free shipping code. According to the T&C's, the free shipping code "can not be used in conjunction with any other offer".
If you are able to enter two coupon codes, this is the referral offer:
"Save $5 off when your order is over $100, just choose what you want and the discount will be applied at checkout using the code FRIENDFIVE"
Pretty sure, when you sign up to their newsleters, you get a $5 voucher to use.
What does the referral link do? Any further discount?