Looks good to me in comparison with others, especially as all types of 'extras' are optional - not mandatory & therefore with costs unavoidably included in the premium, as with most.
To potentially reduce the premium even further, does anyone know of a current promo code??
NIB health insurance. Is there any promo code known?

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Discount codes for health insurance and car rego (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/128104); what will they think of next?
Thanks, existing NIB member so will give this a go.
never confuse private health insurance with health/extras, they are two seperate products and you can mix and match not only from a single provider but between providers for the two (or just one) or more than 2… For example you can have 2 extras from two different providers (both qualify for the gov 30% or whatever rebate you qualify for)… Ive done it, its legal… BUT YOU CANT GET THE SAME BILL REBATED FROM BOTH, YOU CAN USE UP ONE, THEN THE OTHER
for extras i recomend AHM LIFESTYLE @$33 A MONTH or even cheaper BUPA YOUNG EXTRAS at $16, if you need more then Medibank Top 85 or GMHBA GOLD but your looking at over $60PM
for hispital i think CUA 65% or HCIL at about $65 per month with $1000 gap, 100% coverage (after 12 months preexisiting)
*** all prices inc gov 30% ***
Thank you Sharma - made brief visit to Your Share website via your link; it looks very rewarding - and not only in terms of health insurance! Who knew!
Doofus, I was prompted to ask by NIB get-a-quote process including a dialogue box labelled "promo code". See Sharma's info above for many more potential savings, you old cynic, you!
shardy thanks for lots of additional info - & where to source it.
u can try asking for corporate plan discount ( if not sure employer has any agreement)? or check below link to get NIB quote then compare..
hope this helps..
NOTE: I came across above when was shopping for PHI for myself. Am not currently with NIB but heard they are good for esp EXTRA's