Wholesale Mobile Phones

I have a business in a regional location where many customers have asked if I could supply them with mobile phones. I am not looking to take on a mobile phone franchise, but would like to still be able to offer product.

Does anyone know how I can find someone who can sell me mobile phones at wholesale prices, so I can offer a good deal to those clients who come looking for one.

Many thanks for your constructive thoughts and suggestions.


  • Mobile Phones are a hard market to get into… Synnex Australia does Sony Phones and Ingram Micro purchased brightpoint who supply phones also.. However i have found that Phones are a highly protected market because of all the major Telcos, so you will find it hard to be competitive even if you do try sell them unlocked etc.

    Better to become a telstra or optus dealer and make some money off contracts etc and get access to phones.

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