I have a wall mounted AC in my bedroom and was hoping to buy something like http://www.bunnings.com.au/agi-pipe-slotted-ppi-100mm-10m-bl… or two of http://www.bunnings.com.au/revelair-150mm-x-5m-pvc-fan-exhau… to tunnel it into my living room. the plan would be to join the AC output and hose with a big garbage bag stuck on with a strong duct tape .
Anyone good with physics knowledge or just plain common sense that has an idea if it will work or not? It seems such an awesome idea in my head but my head has let me down in the past!…
LOL this is exactly the kind of thing that comes to my mind every summer. Looking forward to the discussion.
Maybe you could put lots of little PC fans inside the tube to help carry the cool air.