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Rivers - New Management Shock Clearance


I got this in an email from Rivers:

"New Management Shock Clearance Sale begins Wednesday 8th Jan

As you are a loyal customer, we wanted to let you know that over 1.5 million items are being marked down to as low as $1, $3 and $5 on Wednesday 8th Jan. So hurry in-store as they won’t last long."

The current 50% off sale is pretty good, I imagine this will be even better. I can't find any further info on it yet but the above implies it's instore only.

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Rivers Australia
Rivers Australia

closed Comments

  • Tried their seam free undies. For $4 they are pretty good.

    • Since when do I need to worry about seam free undies? the seams never bothered me before…

      • +3

        Since Pat rafter told Australia.

        • -1

          Or do you mean Pat Shafter from Attack of the Seams?

  • +4

    Rivers is awesome, because no matter how fat you are, you'll only ever be an "M" or even "S" there.
    I love how exaggerated the sizes are.

    • I don't get anything out of the whole vanity sizing thing. I bought 2 pairs of pants in the sales - size 8 from Jeanswest, and size 12 from Dotti. I would classify myself as a size 10. Go figure.

      • +1

        I find vanity sizing is much more prominent in brands with an older market. Supre, dotti etc are marketed at teens so they are more honest with sizes. Sportscraft, country road (especially) and witchery are ridiculously big. It's to feed the delusion that people are magically the same size they were as teenagers even though they let themselves go.

        Jeans sizes are meaningless especially because it depends where they sit on you - hips or waist. You need to buy jeans with an inch measurement.

      • Wait hang on are you saying that Dotti is even harsher on the sizing than Jeanswest?
        I used to go to Jeanswest years ago and that stuff was always harsh on mens chests, even at my skinniest (which was fairly "normal") XL was difficult. Jeanswest mens shirts, at least 8 or 9 years ago were super aggressively skinny :{

        • I was talking about women's sizes.
          Also, I have no idea about Jeanswest since I don't shop there. I mentioned the jeans sizes at the bottom to show they may just be totally different jeans - hips vs waist top (not whether it was vanity sized or not).

  • +1

    Got 4 pairs of chinos today for $ 7.49 each!

    Stock up on undies - I also love the Rivers undies range.

    • i was looking for chinos i coudnt find any … any one knows in melbourne.

  • What's the quality like?

    Their bargain basement ads have always put me off…

    I remember the old rivers everything was super expensive… What happened?!?

    • +9

      They moved production to Bangladesh.

    • +4

      Their ads are terrible, the voice over is so depressing it makes me want to kill myself.

      Quality is fine - comparable to Target. Some of their shoes are even better.

  • Placed my order when there was $2 shipping . Code is "SORRY" . not sure if it still works

  • New Management Shock Clearance

    Sounds like they are all of a sudden firing all the new managers!

      • +1

        I used to model and it's getting worse not better. We used to have separate change rooms even at shows and now you are expected to just strip down and be naked in front of so many people. It is such an unregulated industry. People care more about the treatment of animals in exporting than they do about models.

        • +2

          I think you are going to be hard pushed to find people who are going to give much sympathy to people born beautiful being paid to be photographed.

        • +1

          Equal pay, equal conditions. If the men can do it, why can't you?

        • +4

          People care more about the treatment of animals in exporting than they do about models.

          Perhaps it's because animals can't voluntarily abstain from an industry which exploits them?

        • If you are so pro-femmo why be involved in an industry that guarantees near complete objectification of you as a model?

        • So you deserve to be treated like crap, stolen from and rarely paid? How is that fair? You could equally say people born ugly deserve to be treated poorly. Now does that sound fair? No.

        • So back when women were not paid equally, fired when they got married and had no recourse for sexual harassment they shouldn't have complained because they were not forced to work either right? Your point is absurd. It is so selective. Yes no one has to model but no one has to clean toilets either. So they shouldn't complain about toilet cleaning either right?

        • +1

          Yes no one has to model but no one has to clean toilets either. So they shouldn't complain about toilet cleaning either right?

          I don't see anyone complaining about toilet cleaning, do you? ;)

          So back when women were not paid equally, fired when they got married and had no recourse for sexual harassment they shouldn't have complained because they were not forced to work either right?


          Who is saying that exactly?

          You can complain about whatever you choose, but I think it's expected that you'll find it more difficult to drum up sympathy when there's a greater degree of complicity on the part of the 'victims' than in other areas where people (or animals, for that matter!) are exploited. Certainly that doesn't make it right and perhaps it's even sadder that such standards have become accepted, but this is a minuscule industry; you're not being deprived of your right to work wholesale. And even within the industry I'd be very surprised if there were't at least some employers with proper ethical guidelines to prevent such a thing, whom it'd be proper to support if you want to help address the issue.

          On that note, I find it somewhat ironic that the exploitation of models and not third-world garment workers has arisen as the major ethical issue on this deal - since the latter may well and truly have no choice.

          P.S. I hope negging me makes you feel better :)

        • Your analogy is a little odd. If you hate cleaning toilets, dont take a job cleaning toilets.

          If you don't want jobs where people see you in various stages of undress, dont take the jobs that require that.

          If you dont like being exported as a living animal, then take up a differnt job. Oh…

  • I bought some shoes there 2 days ago and I've never seen the shelves soooooo empty. There seems to be plenty of regular stuff (shirts, undies and the likes) but I couldn't believe how many shoes were gone.

  • -1

    Rivers $1 socks FTW! When they have them @ $1, I buy 15 pair in black and 15 pair white. For $30 you get socks for the year. :)

    • +2

      30 pairs of socks should last you longer than 1 year…

      • +1

        Unless people use socks as gloves.

    • yeh its great except they dont have any

      ordered shoes the other weeek and i could only get 1 pair of white socks

      just tried to order again now and max of 12

  • +2

    I don't care but as long as with the new management they get someone who is willing to ditch those godawful ads.

  • +1

    Was just in at my local store. They had 15 or more boxes of stuff ready to go out for tomorrow. Most looked to be filled with shoes, had $3 and $5 written on the top of some of the boxes. Might be worth checking out in the morning.

  • +1

    Went in today..this sale was an absolute scam. Very few items at $5 and $8, rest items at full price. Please dont waste your time!

    • Store was probably just slow setting it up. I went past 2 stores, had hundred of shoes for $3 and $5 on shelves at the front at both.

      On the normal shelves there were heaps marked down to $8 - $15. The 2nd store i was at were scanning the shelves and removing a heap more to mark down.

      $15 kids school bags were good. $1 belts as well.

  • Ringwood store had a stand of $1 shoes (mostly kids), 3 stands of $3 shoes (mostly womens), a few $1 and $3 clothes left and most other sale stock was in the $8-15 category … not really worth the effort unless you are close.

  • I think all the mark downs are visible on the online store: http://www.rivers.com.au/index.asp#specials
    Mostly ugly leftovers - nothing to crack a fat about.

    • Just checked some of the kids ones we got today. 1499bkjog is $10 now on the website but was $3 in store.

  • Complete waste of time for me, essentially just crap mostly at $15 or full price.

  • Went to two stores one was setting up and 2nd was junk, the 50% off sale had better sales. Mostly womens shoes on sale

  • Obviously their management in shock to find that they sold things too cheaply, so they doubled the price. The boys T-shirt and ladies shoe I was interested are doubled in price.

  • Very disappointing at Maitland. Not much ladies' wear at these prices and absolutely no menswear (yes, I know what the adverts always say).

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