This was posted 15 years 9 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Wars 12" Lightsaber USB Lamp


Star Wars 12" Lightsaber USB Lamp. $34.95 with free shipping within AU.

Standing roughly 30cm tall, the lightsaber can be removed from the base and handled as a miniature lightsaber.

This is a very cool desktop accessory.

Webpage has short video showing the item in use.

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closed Comments

  • good luck with the site mate. may the force be with you (sorry couldn't help myself)

    old stuff prices aren't that fab, but that's not bad for a 12" rechargeable light saber, paid nearly double for one like that for a mates birthday from a local gadget shop.

  • +1


    It's unbelievably tough starting with the number of bargain site around these days. All gotta start somewhere though.

  • That's a pretty nifty gadget! Does the saber actually come off the base?

    Also noticed the Masterpiece Voltron, very awesome and very hard to find locally. The premium may well be worth it for those uncomfortable with importing themselves.

  • +1

    good luck :)

    it'd be nice if you had real pictures as opposed to standard product thumbnails

  • Hey Random Ninja,

    It does come off the base… so its kinda like a mini lightsaber. Not sure its such a good idea to use them as lightsaber though.

    Some of the stuff on my site I can only get on import at this stage, but I am finding more and more local suppliers everyday.

    The site definitely isn't for everyone… but the people are into it will hopefully appreciate it.

    • I'm a collector of Transformers so I can definitely appreciate the difficulty in sourcing products that have no local suppliers. I have the Masterpiece Voltron myself and I wasn't able to track it down at a price I was happy with until a trip to HK.

      If you're able to source other collectable products with no local suppliers (and much less competition), I'm sure you'll build a customer base in no time! Good luck with the site!

  • Hi Walugi,

    Not quite sure what you mean.

    Do you think I should do a little photoshop as to put my company logo as a watermark, or would you say, a pic of one detatched from the base as well as the supplier image?

    I do appreciate the comments, I am just hoping for clarification.


    • mate i think he means in addition to the supplier images, take a few pics of the item yourself eg one of it detached from the base etc so that people can see it can be removed. also some more info like how long the saber holds charge after being removed from the base, how long it takes to charge up etc would also be good.

      Just a quick note on product pics, try and emulate a studio environment - eg good lighting and uniform background (white works best and can be done by pinning a bedsheet taught against a wall and floor). This will help you present the item nicely. See and who often take pics in addition to the supplier images that look nice.

  • +1

    I think people would be more attracted to it if there was a real picture of it.

    E.g. On a desk, next to a computer, and a person using it, so viewers get the idea of how big it is, how bright it is, and what it does

  • Thanks JashJash,

    Staring at the site for 16 hours a day, you sometimes can overlook the simplest things.

    Will see what I can do.

  • Also maybe add a feature where customers can upload their own pic/vid of the item. eg. I were to buy the item, take a couple photos of it in use, then upload them for others to see. Check dealextreme to see this in practice.

  • Thanks ccrap.

    Guess I should go buy a new digital camera.

    Mine died about a year ago and I haven't bothered to get a new one. Phone probably not ideal for the quality of pics I would want to take.

    • no worries mate, just noticed your abn is registered as a sole trader… make sure you get a good accountant who shows you how to claim most if not all expenses that you have in relation to your business.. you can then claim the amount you spend on the accountant in your tax return.. definitely worth it for the first couple of years till you learn what you can and can't do with your tax..

      oh yes… and congrats… 17 +ve votes… been a long time since a new site owner posted a deal which was received this well by ozbargainers! must be more star wars nerds here than i thought hehe

  • Awesome suggestion BOC14.

    I really do appreciate the feedback from everybody.

    Not sure I really have the webspace to allow users to upload stuff at this stage, but inserting some vids is a simple and easy solution.

    Ironically, I have a video camera but not a digital camera.


    • No worries mate. While I'm not really looking to buy anything at this stage, I gave you the +1 to help your site get recognition, I wish you the best of luck and will no doubt visit every now and then.

  • Is it actually Star Wars branded?

  • It certainly is.

    It is made by Wesco who is a licensed producer of selected Star Wars products.…

  • Very nice site. I was planning to buy a Lightsaber FX from Thinkgeek:

    But after seeing yours I might ordered yours instead. Yours is much cheaper and its rechargeable!

    Are you going to add a "Geek Toys / Gadgets" category? I'd love to see more toys and gizmos sold on your site.

  • Hi Scrimshaw,

    I will have to look into that one.

    Good suggestion for a category.

    I will see what items I have available from my suppliers that might suit that sort of category.


  • Hi Scrimshaw

    Was just looking at thinkgeek.

    The one they have advertised ranges between 33" and 44", this is only 12" and is designed as a USB lamp basically which can be taken off the base.

    Just wanted to make sure that you knew the sizing difference as the one from thinkgeek is basically a toy by the looks of it, while this is a computer accessory.

  • Well good luck with the business, and my parents seem to want me to get a desk lamp because it's dark in my room. Maybe I can persuade them?

  • I have bought one for my brother's birthday a few weeks ago from ToysRUs. It's really nice, all Star Wars fans will love it. Probably not bright enough to be a desk lamp though, but really awesome declaration.

  • Will show my brother your site, I am sure he will be ordering from you soon! Good Luck

  • Thanks Gerrard.

    Glad to see that people are finding it to their liking.

    Very open to suggestions for themes or even certain products.

    Once again, thanks for your positive comments.

  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just ranked #1 in "Top Nerd Site of the Century". Well done mate, well done!

  • oh and will it function as a dildo?

    • +1

      only if you want it to epicwin ;) though make sure you detach it from the base first… unless of course you are into usb 5v shock therapy.. :P

  • +1

    Bwahahaha. Buying one of these and put it on my desk at work — and no one will want to come up to ask me to do something for them :)

  • haha, LOLs

  • What happened to the site?, gone already?

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