• expired

BioShock Infinite Season Pass DLC 75% off on Steam - $7.49 (USD) Expires 5AM 2/1/2014


Bioshock Infinite Season Pass is 75% off on Steam for the next 8 hours only. Deal expires at 5 AM 2/1/2014. Previously the Season Pass DLC was excluded from the sale. I've never seen it at this price before.

Note: if you can purchase from US account it's only $4.99 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/214933/?cc=us). I think you need a vpn to do that and is not recommended since it is in breach of Steam terms and could get you banned.

If you need the base game it is also on sale 75% off for $19.99 on Steam. However it's cheaper at Amazon.com(amazon.com). You can buy the triple pack (Bioshock 1,2 & Infinite) for $14.99 (offer end 3/1/2014). Amazon purchase requires a US billing address but does not require a vpn to purchase.

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closed Comments

  • Oooh, nice find.

  • Thank you kindly, I've been waiting for a sale on this!

  • wont you get banned from steam if you use VPN to purchase? read that steam is quite strict with VPN…

    • Maybe. I don't condone such action but was just pointing it out for those that know how to. I don't bother.

      Alternatively you can trade with US players, if you have US Steam friends.

    • or I just waiting for Amazon to put it on sale, if steam can do it, they will do it sooner or later.

  • The BioShock Triple Pack is available on Steam for $25 USD (75% off ) - http://store.steampowered.com/sub/36223/ - if you don't want to bother with a VPN.

    • +1

      You don't need a VPN for purchases off Amazon.. Just a US billing address.

      • +1

        I sit corrected.

  • +2

    Excellent, thanks. $7.50 U.S is still a great price. I see the game Contrast is $3.74 at GMG, I bought it for $7 on Steam yesterday, dam!

    • +3

      Just $3 with the GMG 20% voucher code ;-)

      • +1

        $2.90 is you count the $0.10 credit you get ;-)

    • Thanks for the heads up on Contrast! I was going to buy it on Steam but added it to my wish list instead. Purchased now for $3 :)

      • +3

        I got it on PS4 through PS+, but have only played a frw minutes. What's peoples opinions of it? It kinda seems like the current trend in games reviews is if it's simple, has 8/16-bit graphics and was made by an indie house it's "mind blowing" and "eternally replayable".

        • Tend to agree with you. I just finished Brothers A Tale of 2 Sons. Consider it to be extremely overrated.

        • I agree, 2 color indie games getting great reviews, not sure where gaming is headed

    • Thanks for the side note telby. Anyone else looking for Contrast can apply the code: GMG20-ZB5D1-93X49 to get the price down to $3.

  • Thanks for this. Purchased and +1!

  • Also the DLC Columbia's Finest is 75% off for $1.99, http://store.steampowered.com/app/2028850/ . It comes up $19.99 when i directly use steam APP, so get it before they see the price error.

    • Columbia's Finest is just starting bonuses (cheat?) and 2 new weapons right? Normal price is $7.99 and a total rip off imho.

      • oops sorry, your right, my mistake. Must of been looking at price for Bio finite, lol. Amazon UK has price matched steams $4.99. Amazon U.S may do the same for the people still thinking of buying.

  • Must have been a mess up by Steam. Normal price now

    • Yes. It showed 41 minutes remaining on the deal right when I tried to place an order, but was $29 by the time it was in my cart.

      Purchased it from Amazon UK instead with an address from ukaddress.com

  • got this emailed to me this morning, and got a bit of a shock. i kind of felt a bit angry since i'd bought it for $20.

    so, when i was able to log in to check the catalog/front page,it wasn't showing up as discounted.

    for the general AU/US/UK/RU/EU pricing, steamprices.com is still a good option.

    but if you have strong preferences, there's also http://isthereanydeal.com/ which can import a steam wishlist and price compare a variety of sources for game vendors, like GMG, desura, amazon uk/us, etc.

    kind of saves a bit of effort, i still have a copy of xcom enemy within and civ 5 gold upgrade because i forgot i already had it. silly steam discounts…

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