This was posted 11 years 2 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Casio FX82AU PLUS II Scientific Calculator $17.74 @ OW (Limit 3 Per Customer)


NEW Casio FX82AUPLUSII Scientific Calculator - Approved by the Board of Studies and approved for NCEA external exams.


Functions: memory, percentage and square root, profit margin calculations

Ideal for any student study years 7 through to 12 or University students

Natural Text book Display

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closed Comments

  • i was looking for engineering student, is there any for them or this can be used for engineering as well, any ideas.

    • No idea. I posted this because it appears on many school book lists. Don't buy it from Campion books if you are in VIC because they are charging $30.95 and I thinks that's for the older model too.

        • -6

          At the time I responded, before he changed the listing, I had every right to remind him that what he said was patently wrong.

          I'm glad he's realised the legal minefield he opened for himself.

        • +2

          You can remind people they're wrong without being a dick.

          And what legal minefield? He has no responsibility to you to be correct. He made a mistake, I think it's time to get over it.

        • +3

          If you care to look closely at the link, these are the words OW have used in their description. If you want to be a man about this and flex your pectoral muscles I advise you to take the issue up with OW. I'd love to see how far you get.

        • geezus chillax man.. what twisted your twat so much?

      • +1

        Campion's usually a rip off in general. Avoid them unless you can't find the product anywhere else.

    • I would assume so. For exams as a Pharmacy/chemistry student I have 2-3 of these (thanks to leaving them home on exam day) and use them as we can't take in graphic calculators.

    • +2

      Check with your faculty, they should have a list of approved calculators for use in exams and stuff. I'll recommend mine - the Casio fx-991es plus. It's very similar but with more functionality - the main bonuses being great imaginary number support and the ability to solve definite integrals. You can get them on ebay for ~$30 and the extra bit of functionality is totally worth it IMO.

      • +1 I have this FX 991-ES and find it really useful for first year statistics. It's a very powerful all-rounder at a very cheap price.

        Later years though may still find a Ti 84+ Silver series more useful.

  • +1

    not bad, i got this the other week for $17.89 @ costco though

    • Which Costco?

      • auburn

  • Thanks unity1. I was looking to buy it from Campion but saw this.

  • -8


    You have absolutely no right to say that the BOARD of STUDIES approved this device NATIONALLY.

    The Board of Studies is germane to NSW only. The BoS only approves for NSW.

    You are overstepping the mark to say or imply otherwise.

    Please retract that part of your claim/notification.


    • +3

      Dude, what shit are you on?

    • You have absolutely no right to say that the BOARD of STUDIES approved this device NATIONALLY.

      Cool story bro. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure their calculator is allowed by the examining entity, not some member on OzBargain. If a student is taking an OzBargain member's word as "official", they need to learn things the hard way.

      Ideal for any student study years 7 through to 12 or University students

      If someone is at uni, check the approved calc list and pick something more powerful than this PoS Australian-Edition calculator. Get the ES version (international) if you can.

  • Got my fx-100AU still growing strong after 8 years of solid use, but been looking at getting this for the display. Can't say no at this price.

  • +1

    Matches a Big W price starting tomorrow …..back page (page 24)…

    officeworks originally had them for $21.74 (see catalogue below)…

    • Get OW to beat the Big W price by 5% so…$16.90.

      • not going to work since Big W is 1c more expensive

  • I don't care about no fancy sciencific jibber-jabber, allz I needz to know is can I use it to spell "boobless" & "shelloil" upside-down? :P

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