Should I have received a FIFA 14 Code with my Xbox One?

Hey guys,

Got an Xbox One for Christmas from my partner. Was pretty excited except for one thing. No games. :)

Was I supposed to get a FIFA code with this? I'm still trying to find out where she bought it. All I know is that she bought it about a week before Christmas.

So was the FIFA code only for preorders?


  • +1

    "So was the FIFA code only for preorders?"

    IIRC yeah it was mainly pre-orders only. Some people that got them early also got Fifa but I don't know of many beyond that getting it.

    Havery Norman here had them with Fifa after launch but I believe that was "Day One" stock.

    • Cool. Thanks for that man. There was so much confusion around this. I preordered an xbox awhile ago that wasn't a day one edition but it still came with FIFA. Then I cancelled it because I didn't have the money. then got the surprise as Xmas so I thought it would still come with FIFA.

      Cheers for the info!

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