Kobo Glo deal?

Well I procrastinated and missed the $98 Kobo Glo deal from The Good Guys and Officeworks. Was planning to get it today and it went UP in price in some weird response to a boxing day "sale".

Anyone know where I can get one for around $98 again or wait it out?


  • Some people speculated that it was a pricing error before; if that's true you're unlikely to see it at that price again for a long time.

    • I would be surprised if it was a pricing error. The Good Guys ran it for over a week and Officeworks matched it.

      • +1

        Well to be fair, the Good Guy are seriously good guys; they gave us all a $40 voucher last time they stuffed up one of their orders. Pretty good business practice I'd say. So I wouldn't be surprised if they saw the pricing error and just rolled with it.

  • I've just put mine on eBay

    • I saw that already! At least your in Brisbane as well. Good luck with the auction. I'll be watching :)

      • I bought it when it very first came out for about $180 :(

        • Got $119.50 which is pretty good for a second hand one. Could have bought some for $98 and made profit

  • I also want one for $99. When is this going to happen.

  • Did the price match with Officeworks based on the JB deal. It was a bit of a hassle, but they stuffed up and gave me 10% off which I didn't realise until I got home. $116. Not as good as $98 but you can't go back in time.

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