This was posted 11 years 2 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[FREE/STEAM] Left 4 Dead 2


This deal ends today (Boxing Day, 10:00AM US PST), so get it while you can

Steam's dropped a Christmas present for us, and it's Left 4 Dead 2!
To claim it simply login to your account on the Steam client, click "play" and it should be all yours.

05:54PM EDIT User AussieLFD2 has found that this link works without the use of any VPN for anyone who wishes to unlock the full-violence version for their account. Enjoy!

For those who do not wish to claim the full violence version, or have unfortunately already claimed the low-violence and wish to modify it to full violence, here's how to manually alter the Australian low-violence version to better suit your gory needs

Here's the write-up from the official Left 4 Dead Blog where you can read up on some basic tips for startup and additional mods to customise your gameplay

How do you know if you've successfully unlocked the full-violence version?
Watch this. See how the uncut version has bits and pieces flying everywhere? You need to recreate this event in-game. The easiest and fastest way would be to do the following:

  1. Right click Left 4 Dead 2 on the Steam Client and select Properties
  2. Click "Set Launch Options" on the bottom left side of the screen and type in "-console". Press enter.
  3. Click Play Game. Press ~, it's the top left key on your keyboard and type in the following prompts, in order
  • sv_cheats 1
  • map c1m1_hotel (allow the game to load)
  • god 1
  • give pipe_bomb

Once done, scroll down to the pipe bomb, walk downstairs and throw the bomb. Wait and see if you've successfully unlocked the uncut version of the game.

For those who wish to claim the full violence version instead, please refer to my guide on how to use FlyVPN to connect to an American server.. I would suggest doing it this way as if you go through via Australian IP you'll only receive a low violence version instead.

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closed Comments

  • just for xmas/boxing day? and does this have something to do with the xmas dlc ( with the new achievement "GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: spread cheer by helping a free player"?

    • sounds like it must be going F2P like TF2 or something similar

    • +5

      Its till 10AM pacific time in the US 26/12 guys! So don't stress if the server is dead right now , we got plenty of time to claim + valve tend to be good guys.

  • What if I've already bought the low violence version years ago? Is there any way to somehow change it to a normal version by doing this?

  • +2

    Wow, have never seen them run out of steam before :-)

    "The Steam Store is experiencing some heavy load right now. Please try again later.

    Error 503 Service Unavailable

    XID: 1755179647"

    • +4

      Achievement unlocked!

    • +3

      Used to happen a lot more frequently years ago.

      • +1

        Almost forgot about that, but yeah almost every sale had a period like this

        • +1

          I think Steam sales have gotten less popular with Amazon beating them the majority of the year. Steam rarely has better deals now.

    • Error code 118 here.

    • Yep, still doa

    • Yep, still doa

      • Error Code: -101

        Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline or you may not be connected to the internet

    • Anyone else getting error code 102? I'm getting that when attempting to access my Account Profile (wanna check if I have the censored/uncensored version of L4D2 - I was gifted it).

      • It happened yesterday at random moments too. Steam hasn't been all that stable throughout the sale.

    • I see what you did there. ;)

  • Steam web site is down. I use as my VPN for Netflix. Maybe it works for Steam too.

    • +3

      No it doesn't work on Steam.
      I use Unblock Us as well, and they definitely don't support steam.

      It's also not a VPN, it works based on DNS.

  • A freebie crashed Steam - they won't do that again…

  • -1

    so, Left 4 ALL SERVERS Dead?

    • -6

      spiritek, imo.. leave out the strikethrough, the bold, the capslock.
      Underplay your joke.. and you'll win..

      serving suggestion:

      left all servers for dead..


  • Seems to be back up.

    Edit: Or maybe not… I brought the store page up and it seemed fairly responsive, but now it's down again.

  • Why don't they just give us a code so we don't all have to try an download it on the one day…

    • You don't have to download it. Once it's registered to your account you can download it any time.

      • +1

        I could only access the blog where I read this:

        "To claim your L4D2 gift, all you need to do is install it.
        If you don’t install, it goes back to its regular price and you miss out!"

        It would be good if they got their facts straight to avoid confusion/additional load on Steam.

        • +4

          You have to click the Install link, but after that you get:

          Left 4 Dead 2 is now registered to your account on Steam.

          This means it's now on your account and you can install it any time.

          Besides, downloads themselves wouldn't affect their store website. Downloads are done via local hosts, not their US store host.

        • If only I could log in to Steam ;-) Still having no luck with that

  • working for me now

  • +10

    I'd be pissed if I was a dev who had a game on a flash/daily sale when Steam pulled this stunt.

    • -1

      Left 4 Dead 2 is made by Valve, the same company that owns and operates Steam.

      • +5

        Yes, and Steam sells games from many other developers, most of which are likely to be very pissed off right now.

  • sweet! I'll get around to playing this in the next few years hopefully.

  • Got it just then. Clicked on the install link and got this message…

    Left 4 Dead 2 is now registered to your account on Steam.

    To access your new content, simply launch this game from your games list on Steam."


  • Not working for me

  • +5

    +1 if you went to get it and realised you already owned a copy in steam that you haven't played yet.

  • +6

    WHat a shitty deal for customers trying to access steam to buy stuff
    Havent been able to get the store page up for the last 5 fricking hours to buy a game on flash sale. sheesh

  • +2

    Can't even log into steam account to redeem this game. Authentication server has crashed. I guess the Steam store won't be selling many games for a while.

    The steam community server seems to be struggling under weight too.

    Edit: finally managed to login and finally got the Left 4 Dead 2 page and clicked the Install Game button then it timed out again. It's a major choir trying to redeem this game.

    Obviously the Steam servers just aren't up to the task.

    • Same problem. Had to force another verification email.
      No luck getting it to load for my 2nd account though.

  • +1

    +1 for deal, shame I purchased it last year :(

  • Finally managed to redeem the game on about the 10th attempt.

  • Tried for 15 minutes using the Steam in-game browser, finally worked… just had to keep pressing refresh.

  • Finally, I got it after too many clicks on the install button ……

  • The Steam Store isn't loading at all for me, can still download games to my library though. :/

  • Thanks for the deal. I finally made it through and claimed it!

  • Steam site = epic fail, but was easily obtained through Steam client. Thanks OP.

    • Wasn't easily obtained for me through the Steam client. Took about 5 attempts to login to Steam then about another 10 or so attempts just to load up search for Left 4 Dead 2 then several more attempts just to load the Left 4 Dead 2 page then about another 10 more attempts to actually redeem the game onto the account. It was a massive choir for some thing that should be simple. Steam servers are a fail.

  • And the freebie killed Steam, great work internet!

  • +1

    Finally got a copy via the Steam client.
    Tried the website also but it was just as bad as the steam client.
    Took 45 mins of mashing the refresh button but got there in the end.

  • Error Code: -118

    Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline or you may not be connected to the internet.


    • Works now yay!

  • cool added to steam account…. now to go buy another HHD for all the games i have got over teh last couple of months but no room to install them all! 1st world problem!

  • Woke up at 9am (after having slept at 4am) and been trying to get this to work since then. It's now 11:26am and I just got it to work. Woo hoo! Thanks OP!

  • Can't seem to get the Full Violence version even after connecting with FlyVPN

    • Me either. I think it's because my account has an Australian address and billing details. Is there a way around this?

      • temporarily change your address to some US address using —> or whatever

        then use the VPN trick outlined in the OP.. it may take you several goes before you can log into a US VPN

        • +1

          Thanks so much! This worked.

  • Finally got it added to steam after an hour of trying. Thanks :)

  • Got it, thanks OP!!!

  • Got it!!!

  • if client says bootstrapper failed.. restart client, and don't touch it, have patience, it will login eventually.

    I have got the game on my account.
    thanks OP.
    (i'll dl it later to give steam servers a break)

  • Thanks op!

  • Thanks OP, I managed to obtain the game via the Steam client :)

  • Cheers! Both browser and client are working for me.

  • Sweat deal :D I love it!

  • Quick question, I'm in Shanghai atm and not using a VPN. So will my download be the full violence version?

  • WOOT!
    THanks OP

  • +1

    Once downloaded, how can I check if I have the overseas uncensored version or the Australian version?

    • +3

      I've updated the post for those who are interested in seeing whether or not their game has been successfully activated with an uncut version.

    • If there is dismemberment and corpses you have full violence. If zombies inexplicitly fade out of existence rather than falling over when you kill them you have low violence.

  • +1

    Awesome, already had it but got for the mrs and my cousin. ptrcao if there no blood and limbs don't come off zombies when shot you have the Aus censored version. However you can get a patch.

    For others buy it using a vpn first so they think you are in USA, then you get the uncensored one.

    • i just made 4 new accounts (3 of them are uncensored using the VPN in the OP) :D

      • so we enable vpn then buy it through browser

        or steam client?

        • Your safest bet would be to activate the VPN then use the Steam client to purchase L4D2. That way, no passwords or credentials are exchanged.

        • yeah steam client

  • thanks for the game, got the uncut verson, not sure why, i dont think ill ever actuall download it to play it ;-)

    merry xmas

  • how big is this game to download?

    • approx. 13 gig. To check go to you games list and then choose L4D2 and then "install". It will indicate how big the game is.

      • woops sorry, when I download it, it says 8 gig :P

        • thanks

          that's quite a big download

  • +16

    Just a PSA from anyone that has yet to pick this one up:

    I've verified that it's possible for an Australian to obtain the low violence (not censored) version if you visit the store via an international URL, eg: (so appending ?cc=uk or ?cc=us etc to the end of the store link) and clicking install from there while logged into your Steam account in your webrowser of choice.

    Ordinarily there would also be another geolocation check that Steam performs on your payment source (credit card billing address etc), but as L4D2 is currently free, you don't have to worry about that at the moment. There doesn't seem to be any GeoIP checks used in deciding whether you get delivered the censored or uncensored version.

    If you already have the Australian/German low violence version of L4D2 linked to your steam account, then you unfortunately can't just overwrite it with the uncensored free one (I can't personally verify this, but I suspect it might be possible to contact Steam support and have the L4D2 license expunged from your account, then perform the above method to nab the liberated version while it's still free).

    has anyone tried this?

    from :…

    • +2

      I'm spewing I just saw that this can be done but I'm d/loading the Aus version already. Doubt Steam would remove it from my account in time for me to still nab the uncensored version.

      Am going to be left stuck using the Left 4 Gore hack instead.

    • Amazing thanks, yet to verify its the uncensored though

    • +2

      I can confirm this 100% works. I did it with a friends account and with my brothers.

      • +1

        yeah i just tested and the bodies were everywhere…

    • +4

      I can verify the above method works via a browser.. No VPN Required

    • Damn, wish I read this before getting it. Oh well, I'll likely never play it as my back-catalogue of games is too large.

    • Legend.

      This needs to be in the O.P.

      • +1

        And so it shall! Updated with full credits.

    • Thanks for registering to tell us this. I am not a big fan of lots of gore but it should be my choice if i want to tone it down or not. Only in Australia …. (and Germany ;)

      • We have the R18+ rating now, so this BS shouldn't ever happen again.

        • +1

          Has happened at least twice since the R18+ rating.

        • Games that were previously being rated MA are now rated R. Games that were previously denied and censored are still being censored. Sure we got an R rating but all it has served to accomplish is making it harder for high schoolers to buy games. I don't know of any titles that would previously get RC that have been allowed with the R rating now.

        • I don't agree with this at all. Yes some games that did get MA now get R, but they should have always been R and were pushed into MA because we didn't have R.

          The big issue with our R rating remains drug use. Here Australia is much more conservative than other places and it would be good to see these rules changed.

    • +2

      I think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective.

      If you paid for it you obviously thought it was worth what you paid - just enjoy it and try not to worry.

      I personally would never have paid for it (not that it's bad just not normally my type of game) but now it's free I'll give it a try.

    • If they put it on sale for $5 and you paid $10 would you demand $5 back? Would you pirate another $5 game? The game is 4 years old, TF2 went permanently free in less time.

      • +1

        I paid for TF2 at release and still play today, I'm glad it went F2P as the game it self was dying off. Now its still huge :)

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