• expired

Sony KDL40R450A 40" Full HD LED LCD TV for $499 Shipped @ Sony Online


NOTE: Product page says "Excludes delivery costs" but after adding TV to Shopping Cart it says "Boxing Day Special. Free shipping on all online purchases".

"Offer available between 10pm 24 Dec, 2013 and 11:59pm 31 Dec, 2013 or while stocks last. End of line offer is strictly limited to 200 units only. Backorders will be refunded and cancelled. Real time check during checkout will determine availability of inventory. Promotional offers not applicable unless advertised."

2nd cheapest price is $558 at Dick Smith (Sale price: 20% OFF - Offer ends 30-Dec-13). Regular price was $698…

3rd cheapest price is $777 at MegaBuy (via staticICE)…

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Sony Australia

closed Comments

  • Great deal OP.

  • I'm looking for a small tv for the bedroom and came across that one. I'm leaning towards this one though as I think it gives you more features for a bit more $


    Let me know your thoughts

    • +1

      Flip a coin

    • +17

      I love living in a world where we call 42 inch TVs small!

      • +2

        My family of 7 share a 32" TV that runs at 1360x768. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, *cries.

        • +1

          My family of 4 shares two CRT TVs *cries.more

        • +9

          My family of 3 doesn't watch tv…happy.

        • Smart family ;-)

  • +1

    ▶ Sony KDL-40R450 Review - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8jasuDX2l4
    I am glad I don't have to listen to this guy for too long, but there is some info on this TV.


  • Good deal the sony-x/partner price is $575.28

    • LOL, I went to check the Sony X price too, hoping that somehow we could get an additional 30% off. ;)

  • +1

    According to this review (http://www.digitaltrends.com/tv-reviews/sony-bravia-kdl-40r4…) the viewing angles for this TV is extremely poor. Fine for some setups, but won't suit everyone.

  • Bought 2 - thanks!

  • Good deal. This TV is highly rated with the public. It has an average rating of 8.9 according to test freaks. It is rated 21 out of 626 Sony TVs.


    There are only two expert reviews with an average of 7.5.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, bought one.

    Kind of regret buying it though considering it has only 2 HDMI ports…

    Thinking about getting an HDMI switch but then the prospect of getting one more gadget and power cable puts me off :(

    • +1

      You can get HDMI mini switchers that don't require external power, like this one… http://www.macfixit.com.au/3x1-mini-hdmi-switch.html?gclid=C…

      I got mine a few years back for my Bravia from Jamell Cables… same sorta device but it also came with an IR remote (even though i've never had to use it because the switcher automatically switches to whatever HDMI device is powered on).

    • -3

      I'll buy it off you for $250? :)

  • +1

    Any good deals for LED 3D TV's 47" and over for under a grand?

  • The unfortunate dealbreaker for me is that apparently with this set you're not able to turn their "Motionflow" setting off, which will cause any movement on screen to appear overly fluid. That being said, if you can stand the appearance of Motionflow then it's a pretty good deal!

  • My credit card company contacted me today to verify some charges and I discovered that Sony had charged me twice when I ordered this TV. I'm sure it's just an error with their system, and that I will get the money back though they are not contactable right now.

  • End of line offer is strictly limited to 200 units only.

    This may result in many disappointed people! The response here has been high.

    • +2

      They also claim "Real time check during checkout will determine availability of inventory". Let's hope their real time check works.

      • Real time check during checkout they should of used it in the last game sale.

  • I don't wyy people won't like motion flow, it gives it zero judder frame skips.

    • The motion doesnt look natural.

  • don't bother, Tried a few times but & site is down when you try & pay for it..

  • It looks like Sony are sending these out with DHL.

  • +1

    All I can say is I hope I get mine today. DHL tracking site shows a pic of a truck halfway between Melbourne and Sydney.

    On the Transport Details tab it shows:
    Estimated Delivery Date 30/12/13

    I hope it's accurate. I don't want to wait til next year to get it.
    (sorry, I had to fit in my 'next year' joke somehow)

  • Delivered. Sony done good.
    Remote is a bit too square-ish for my tastes and screen is a bit reflective but otherwise can't complain. This is a big upgrade from what came before it.

  • +1

    For anyone else planning on buying - remember to go via qwibble for $20 cash back, bringing the price down to $480 :)

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