This was posted 11 years 2 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Origin] Command and Conquer The Ultimate Collection - $4.99US - Amazon

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Same as the one published on the 28th November but with cheaper price. :)

Description from Amazon below:

From the Best Selling Real-Time Strategy franchise of all time, rediscover the groundbreaking, action-packed strategy game-play that changed PC gaming forever with Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection. Fight as the Global Defense Initiative or the Brotherhood of Nod as they clash over the rare mineral Tiberium in the classic original series. Challenge the red menace in an alternate universe in Red Alert, then step into the near future with Generals as China and the United States battle the Global Liberation Army, a terrorist organization hell-bent on bringing the world to its knees! Rule all three Command & Conquer universes and more with this incredible value – including 17 games and more!

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closed Comments

  • -3

    Game Downloads are only available to US customers
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please continue shopping on the home page.

    • +9

      Purchased it no problems on Amazon… just make sure you live in Las Vegas at some hotel there.

    • +6

      Use any US address as your shipping address and your billing address as normal.

      • Works Great! $5.64 Well spent :)

      • Thanks buddy

    • +2

      Sweet, thanks guys.
      Picked Oregon, for no sales tax :-)

  • Is it worth getting Origin just for this game collection?

    I use Steam, and GOG so far quite happily, fwiw.

    • Origin is terrible and if it wasn't for the Battlefield series and the C&C series I would uninstall it.

      But I would put up with anything to reminisce about Red Alert as a child :).

      • Don't forget Sims! GOTY 2009 :)

      • +1

        No where near as good as Steam (or GoG), but it is still a 1000 times better than uplay

      • +6

        I think a Origin is terrible in terms of catalogue but in terms of execution is excellent. Great servers which download fast every time, unlike Steam which is crippled by server load during sales or when a new game comes out.

    • +2

      I have it. No problems so far. Not as good as steam, but you need it for battlefield and all these other bargain games.

      I've not had a problem with Uplay (Far Cry 3 in Steam) but it does seem more clunky, and it's a pain needing to use both to play it.

    • +4

      Hrmmm did a search and that deal didn't come up. Only the previous one. In my defense that is one big ass list.

      • I'm with you, the other ones an sub-standard post. I've already got a lot of negs for saying so though. :)

      • Understandable mate, it's a huge list! Just thought I'd point out that this deal is in that list. :)

    • +3

      It could be, but that other post was so long, hard to find a real bargain.

      I have no problem with people extracting the gems from such a list.

  • is CNC RA CS FPS like CNC Renegade?

    edit: NVM it's actually older than CS lol.. Renegade was the only FPS CNC to come out.. and it was the only one i played lol

    • Any server to play renegade in co op?

  • +3

    Wish they would make a new Dune, loved playing Dune + Dune 2 as a kid. what happened to Westwoods

    • Dune 2 was the first game that I have bought over 2 decades ago. I am waiting for Dune reincarnation.

      • There was Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle for Dune, only played Dune 2000 and it was OK, pretty much just a reskinned tiberian sun though

    • +1

      Westwood got EA'ed… you can fill in the blanks. Dune 2 was awesome.

  • Thanks OP.

  • If I change my billing address to a US address, will it still go through?

    Only way I can buy it is if I change by billing address to a US one. added a US shipping address and still didn't let me…

    using 28 degrees card

    • My 28 degrees card was accepted for a new Amazon account with a random Oregon address entered during purchase. Account has no ties to my actual address.

    • +1

      Change your shipping address, not your billing address.

    • If you still can't get it to work you can purchase a gift card with your credit card then pay for the game with the giftcard.

  • Can I play this on a mac lol?

    • Bootcamp?

    • Not natively. Aside from Bootcamp as suggested, some of the older games might work ok in a Virtual Machine with VMWare or Parallels

  • +1

    Forgot to mention… Red Alert FTW :P

  • -1

    Mac OS compitable? (Hopefully not)

  • +1

    Thanks Guys, bought the heck outta this. Although i had some issues with the address generator, it kept failing Amazon validation, ended up looking the place up on google maps instead lol.

    • +3

      True OzBargainer… Never give up until the deal is yours. :P

  • -6

    Doesn't have sole survivor.

    Guess that's why it's not called the complete collection

    Good price

  • From the Amazon review, seems you need to be online all the Time and you won't be able to copy the installation files to be able to play it in LAN with your mates?

    • +2

      You don't need to be online all the time, just tick remember password when you login to Origin and it will prompt you to login offline, works perfect every time unlike Steams spotty offline mode which is always hit and miss.

      You can make the games not require origin too, just upload the par file from each game folder and replace with the one the site gives you and will no longer require origin to launch the games :) works for the free battlefield 1942 they have on Origin too

      • +1

        Now I didn't know that thanks!!!!!

  • Hopefully it can be played under windows 8.1

  • I remember reading that EA released this game for free.

    Googled it and it says so too in Wikipedia.

    Well, the original one anyways.

    I remember downloading it as well and from memory, it was free upto the third one.


    Anyways, was info only.

    • +2

      Googled a little bit more and yes, the first 3 are free.

      I guess $4.99 for the other 14(?) is pretty good.

      • +1

        yeah, got them a whie back for free

    • From memory they were the original DOS and Win95? versions and they were in iso format as well.

  • +1

    $4.99 for memory~ Nice price…

  • +1

    Thanks poster, worked a treat.

  • +1

    Can you still play red alert online?

    • +5

      You'll probably only find us in there ;-P

  • +2

    Thanks OP, I remember playing C&C way back in 1995 on my Pentium 90 with 1.08 Gb hard drive.
    I am pretty sure it was the first PC game I bought.
    Worked great for me by changing my billing address to a vacant field in Aloha, Oregon.
    Thanks also to Google maps for making it possible!

  • Is the origin website down?

  • +1

    Got it to work eventually, but I had trouble with the US credit card thing. It took me a little while to find a workaround, but this is how I did it:

    1) Bought a $5 Amazon US gift voucher (using my normal Amazon account, paying with my Aussie card in Aussie dollars) and emailed it to my own email address
    2) Clicked the gift voucher link in my email and redeemed it on my normal Amazon account
    3) Went on and found a fake US address
    4) Added the fake US address to my Amazon account. Took me a few goes to get it to accept the address.
    5) Went to buy the game. At checkout changed my billing address to the fake US address. I couldn't change my Australian credit card number, so I kept it as it was (I figured it was billing me "$0.00" anyway with the gift voucher in place)
    6) Pushed "confirm and buy" and voila! It worked!

    • +2

      What do you mean 'US credit card thing'? Your card can be Australian, the only thing that needs to be US is the billing address.

  • +1

    Wow, I was nearly going to buy this for $40 on Origin last week. Luckily I didn't! Thanks OP :)

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